
George wanted to put the papers back in the drawer but he saw that the drawer somehow looked strange. The bottom had another wood color than the rest. He took the whole drawer out and inspected it. The bottom was too thick. There must be a double bottom in it.

There was in the left bottom corner on the inside of the drawer a small hole. He put a pencil in it and lifted the bottom out. It worked.

When the real bottom of the drawer was revealed he could see two notebooks placed on it. They were old and looked like they were used a lot.

George scrunched his brows and took one of the notebooks. He opened it carefully. Inside in messy handwriting was written countless recipes. He assumed that these notebooks must belong to Old Morgan. Who else would put it in his own desk? He looked around and saw that no one paid attention to him. He took the other notebook out too and then put the fake bottom in the drawer back and put it back to its old place. He started to sit down and look through the first notebook. In the end. At the end of it was an old picture of a young Mr. Morgan George assumed and another woman like a younger version of Elsa, Eiras´s mother. Right next to it was just a blank paper with the headline: Her favorite recipe.

George closed the recipe notebook and opened the other one. The other notebook was clearly a diary. There were entries when old Morgan himself was the same age as him right now. And on the last page was an entry about Eira. That was the last one before he died.

Knowing that he shouldn´t read it he closed the dairy. He had read more than enough of it. This must be something old Morgan would want to give to his daughter.

George took the two notebooks and walked to the elevator to go up to Eira´s office.

When he arrived he already saw Helen sitting at her desk. She was typing in incredible speed on her keyboards.

Looks like Eira gave her a ton of work. He knew that from his own secretary. He quickly strode past her and opened the door to Eira´s office. Before Helen could register what had happened he had already closed the door behind her quietly and was now standing inside the office.

Before him was the huge desk of Eira. On the left side was a lounge where guests could sit on. It basically looks like his own office. He looked around for a bit but couldn´t find Eira anywhere.

The TV was on and a news reporter was talking about him working for Morgan Noodles.

On her desk was also a newspaper about the same theme. But the CEO herself was nowhere to be seen. At the back of the room was a door. George slowly approached it and peeked behind the door. There was a small room with a bed and a small bathroom.

He could hear noises out of the bathroom. Then water running.

The bathroom was opened. He quickly went out and ran to the lounge to sit down before he could get caught peeping on her.

Heels clicked on the floor a few times and the door was opened by Eira. She walked inside not noticing that he was sitting there a few meters away and she just let herself slump into her chair. She placed her head on the table and groaned.

George couldn´t hold his laugh in anymore and chuckle.

The sudden noise startled Eira and she looked up to finally notice him sitting across from her.

"You- what are you doing here?" She exclaimed.

"I´ve found something and thought you would want to see it. Your people didn´t clean your dad´s desk that thoroughly." He immediately cut to the chase.

Eira frowned.

"I did clean his desk. What did I miss?" She asked.

"Here." He took out the two notebooks and handed them to her.

She took it and opened them. She gasped and quickly closed it again.

Her lips quivered and she bit down on it to stop it. She stared at the notebooks.

"Thank you. You can go back to work now." She dismissed him still looking at the notebooks.

"Alright. I´ll go." George walked out. Before he went out of the door he looked back at her where she still stared at the notebooks like she had seen a ghost.

He shrugged and went out.

Meanwhile, Eira tried to hold her emotions in. The notebooks with the familiar handwriting were something she had looked for the whole time. She didn´t have a lot of mementos from her father. They seldom took pictures. Now she regretted not spending that much time with him. They both were so busy getting the whole company to work. Now it´s too late.

This lesson is something she will remember her whole life. Be grateful for the people who are alive and treasure them as much as possible. Whining and regretting after they are dead doesn´t help them and just make you feel bad.

Tears started to stream down her cheek. She opened the diary. On some pages were little pictures pasted in it. There was a baby photo from her when she was born. Another one showed her with two pigtails and a flower dress on her first day of school. She looked at it sadly. That was the time when her mother had left her. The young girl looked with determination at the camera not to let others see what she was feeling. Her dad was so proud of her. He did everything to be there for her.

First day of high school. She had put on her uniform. On that day dad was too tired to go to the opening ceremony with her so she had taken a photo of herself in her uniform and left it on the table for him to see. Her graduation day. A picture of her and a group of friends taken by the mother of one of her friends. She had matured a lot and she looked tired but also relieve to finally be done with school.

She also aced university and started on the side Morgan Noodles with dad.

Another picture was the first picture of herself and her father together. They stood holding the ribbon proudly together on the day they first opened their company Morgan Noodles.

Tears didn´t want to stop flowing the more she read the diary.

Before she reached the last entry she stopped herself. She couldn´t take it anymore. She closed it. Locked both notebooks away and went to wash her face.

Like nothing happened she attended meetings and continued with her work.