Welcome to the company

On a Monday morning, Liam came to Morgan Noodles to sign his work contract.

Eira greeted him with a grin.

"Good morning! Thank you for coming. Helen was really excited when she heard you agreed to work with me. She prepared some cookies and coffee for you." Eira pointed at the coffee table full of different kinds of cookies.

"That´s my dear sister-in-law. Why is she working today? Doesn´t she get some leave for her honeymoon?" Liam grinned back.

"I have suggested that but she refused. She wanted to go on her honeymoon in a few months. I don´t know what I would do without her." Eira chuckled.

"That´s good that I am here then."

"Well, I thought I assign you as a supervisor for the beginning. When everything is going well I will give you something better." Eira said.

"A supervisor? For what?"

"Let´s have a seat first. I´ll explain it to you." They both took a seat and Eira continued to explain. "Right now we need to focus to finish two things. One is finishing the cooking school and finding all the suitable teachers. Then I also want to successfully launch the new product. Because I want to see how capable you are I want you to supervise the new product."

"Okay sure. Where is the contract? I´ll sign it." Liam answered without hesitation.

"Confident much?" Eira laughed.

"Why not? I´ve got two masters with twenty-two." Liam laughed.

"Good. I´ll trust you. Here is the contract. Sign down below please." Eira placed the contract and a copy before him.

Liam took the copy and signed the original one. Eira took it back and placed it in a folder.

"Very well. Welcome by Morgan Noodles." Eira put out her hand to shake his hand.

Liam took it and smiled.

"Thank you. I will work hard."

They both laughed and stood up.

"I suggest I show you around and you get to know your colleagues."

They both walked out of her office. Helen looked up at them and immediately stood up.

"How was it? Did everything go well?" She asked.

"Of course it did. He is working here now." Eira answered.

Helen let out a loud shriek and ran to Liam to hug him.

"This is so exciting. Our little Liam is working with me." She cooed and ruffled Liam´s hair.

"Woah woah slow down. You are destroying my perfect hair." Liam lightly pushed her away.

"What are you talking about? You always look like you got out of bed." Helen huffed.

"It takes a lot of time to look like this." Liam retorted and tried to fix his hair.

Eira stopped their quarrel.

"Enough. Helen, get back to work. I handle him." Helen nodded and went back to her desk.

Eira and Liam went to the elevator.

"Let´s go to see George first. You have to work with him after all." Eira suggested.

"Ah, the famous Mr. Henning. I am curious to meet him." Liam smirked.

The elevator door opened and they exited it. The once quiet and neat twelfth floor looked like a bomb had smashed right into it. People were running around. Boards were scattered all around with different ideas scribbled on it. Different smells were wafting through the air.

Liam turned to Eira.

"Is it always like this?"

"No, this is a sighed I didn´t see for a while." Eira smiled lightly. She carefully walked through the room to the kitchen.

George wore an apron while cooking something on different stoves while scribbling something in his notebook. He was so focused on his work that he didn´t notice the two people coming in.

Eira cleared her throat. He then finally looked up and notice her.

"Oh, you´re here. What´s the matter?" George asked her.

"I am here to introduce my new supervisor to you. Liam Scott, meet George Henning." Eira introduced Liam who was looking around the kitchen. He looked up at the mention of his name and walked to George.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. Don´t be formal to me. Just call me Liam." He stretched out his hand and shook them with George.

"Nice to meet you too. Call me George then."

"So in the future, everything concerning this project is going to be Liam´s task. Get to know each other and brief him on the current situation. I will go back to my office." Eira talked to George.

"If there is something you need, go to Helen. She will help you." Eira said to Liam. "Have a good day you two." Then she left them in the kitchen and went back to her office.

When Eira was gone Liam and George looked at each other in silence until the fire alarm suddenly went off.

"Oh shoot. Not again." George called out and hurriedly switched off one of the stoves. Then he quickly took a broom and switched off the alarm. Sighing he looked inside the pot to the remains of it.

"You are my supervisor now?" George looked at Liam judgingly.

"Yes, I am." He answered leisurely.

"How old are you? What are your qualifications?" George asked him.

"If you want to know however I am qualified to do my job then ask your boss. She had hired me herself. I don´t need to prove myself to you."

"You seem to be too young to be experienced enough for this," George said challenging.

"We have to wait and see whether I am qualified enough or not. I suggest you do your job and I do mine and everyone is happy." Liam countered.

"Good. Then get out. I have to finish this. Tommy over there will update you." George pointed at a mid-forty man who was sleeping on a chair in the room next to the kitchen. Liam nodded and left George be.

While the day went by without another hitch for Liam and George, Eira was ruffling her hair in frustration. Mr. Henning had acquired 5% percent of her company shares and he didn´t seem to want to stop with just that.

It was almost midnight but Eira still stayed behind to have a talk with one of her international shareholders.

"Mr. Wakasaki, I am just calling you to tell you about my new projects." Eira talked to her Japanese shareholder in perfect Japanese. "Also, I want to invite you to the new opening of the cooking school when it´s ready." She told the man on the other end.

"Yes, it´s for the charity aspect but it will also advertise our company... You are asking if there are any profits? There are. We will let them hold a banquet every month. ... Yes... they have to pay for the food. .... Yes, the other project is starting as well. ... Yes... yes... alright. Also now that our company is going so well I think there are a lot of people going after the shares... Yes... Alright, have a nice day, Mr. Wakasaki." With that, she ended the call.