The story revolves around a village guy Madhav who reaches Pune for doing MBA against the will of his family. He with his three mates then turns out to be the paying guest of Mr Patil.
Since then a series of incidents took place which blew their mind and forced them to rollback 25 years in the past.
To bring their PRESENT back to normalcy, they decided to uncover the PAST.
Some horrifying history is about to be unveiled.
Join Madhav & Co. in their mysterious journey and help them finding the truth and witness the moments happened #25_years_back
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The story is full of emotional content and genuinely arises curiosity in the reader's mind!!!....and that's the best part of the novel.... 😇..."ARISE AWAKE.... STOP NOT TILL THE GOAL IS REACHED😁😂"... waiting for the next chapter sir😇🙏
I was Intrigued after reading the first paragraph of the plot only. I can relate the relationship between the son and the father personified in the story to myself which made me enthralled to the story.