
I'm Madhav, a little studious guy, I've topped college at graduation in commerce from the village college near district Satara (Maharashtra) now I'm preparing to get admission into the prestigious colleges for doing MBA.

My father is a farmer and a reputed person among the villagers, everyone calls him "Subhash Bhau". I'm the only child of my father and his wife Kavita. My mum being an Indian mom loves and pampers me a lot and is worried about "how will I survive without her for two years of my MBA." On the other hand, I feel the same concern towards her, that "how will she be able to live without me as we never lived apart since childhood."

I've appeared for the entrance exam and now just waiting for the results to come. I'm all set to move to a metro city, to build my career, but life has different plans ready for me.

Let's find out.

Chapter 1 - Fight for Pune

It was a lazy afternoon, me and my mum was recollecting some old memories looking at old photo albums. My childhood photographs, those photos turned me nostalgic and made me realised that nothing is better than childhood. I noticed a person in the family photographs of my first and second birthday, but he was missing from the third one, out of curiosity I asked mum "Aai, who is this guy, and why is he not there from my third birthday" (Pointing at the photograph) mum took a deep breath and replied "he was your uncle, and was as intelligent as you, Do you know he topped the state board exam in both 10th and 12th standard...

My father came in and interrupted her, he said in a loud but firm voice "he was your uncle and he died in a bike accident when you were three, do you wanna ask anything else?" I nodded in reply because he wasn't expecting a 'yes' from my side, my father warned me by saying "keep focusing on your studies, I don't think that you are going to crack the entrance in this very attempt" "My exams were good baba, I will get some good college for sure" I replied in protest, baba replied "I don't think so, the way you played cricket all summer and gave no time to studies, It's quite impossible for you to get a good college, better you start studying again!"

"the result will be out next week let's see who's right, you should start arranging money for my fees.. I know I will get it" I said challengingly with a wicked smile Baba laughed at me and left for farm..

I instantly asked mum "why is he so angry all the time" mum replied "he is not angry, he's a bit concerned about you and your career, your father has struggled a lot in his life, what ever he has today whether it be farm or cattles it's all because of his own struggle. he was not born with a silver spoon, he don't want you to work in that farm under the sun. that's why he asks you to study harder and get a decent job in an AC cabin" my mother said with great concern,

"One day I will make him proud" I promised her, she smiled with a belief in her eyes and entered the kitchen.

I always wonder, how my father puts all his effort in his work, mum also told me once that "grandpa was a wealthy person, owning a number of farms and cattle, but one night he sold almost everything except this house and gave all the money to an unknown person, without telling anyone, anything. Being an obedient son my father never asked him about the reason, behind his weird decision. Since then my grandpa started living as a hermit (Sannyasi) and he hardly visits us once in a year.

My father started working hard from that incident and created his own wealth, I should learn from my father" she advised me. Apart from creating wealth for the family he has also earned a huge respect from people across the village everyone calls him "Subhash Bhau", he was also elected as the Sarpanch (head Administrator of the village) for 2 terms until he resigned himself.

As the result day was coming near, I was in discussion with my childhood friend Shyam whom I found in the examination hall of the entrance exam, almost after ten years. He was my classmate till fifth standard, thereafter he moved to Aurangabad with his family for further studies, now we are again reunited for MBA. Few days back we were just discussing about the best colleges for MBA, Shyam told me about some colleges in Pune, Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai, I preferred Pune the most as it was was just few hours away from my place and the college is also a renowned one, but its cut-off was a little high.

As the results was about to be announced, butterflies were tickling my stomach for last few days, but now these butterflies were on "active mode". I was pretty much sure that I'll make it, while my father was thinking the other way round but I'm all set to shock him.

He'll not be much affected if I had to leave home for MBA, the person who will be affected the most will be my mum, being the only child and that too "son" in an Indian family means a lot to the parents and specially to the mother. In our society If a woman gives birth to a baby boy in the first time, it turns into a matter of joy & pride, It's something like a certificate issued by the society which the in -laws can put forward their relatives and neighbors, that their daughter in-law has succeeded in giving birth to a baby boy in her first attempt and this certificate is also used to taunt other couples who failed to do so, but for me it was 'stupidity at its best'.

My main concern was mum, I was so attached to her, that It was quite hard for me to be separated from her. She used to tell me that when I was a kid, and my granny was a little sick, she left me asleep to visit her, after returning home, she found that I haven't ate anything for the whole day and was crying like hell, even the babysitter couldn't help it, all this made me fell sick, my mom felt guilt and she promised me that she'll never leave me alone and nor do I. Reason why I completed my graduation from nearby college was to be with them. I always wished that I could have a younger brother or sister to take care of her when I am not there, but It will remain a wish I think. I don't know how she's gonna react after knowing that I will be leaving soon. One of the reason why I preferred the city Pune (locals call it Poona) was that its not much far from our place, it just takes half an hour from my village to Satara and then two and half hours from Satara to Pune. shorter distance makes it possible for me to visit home once in a week or twice in a month which will make her happy and me too.

The result was going to be announced within half an hour, Shyam and I was going curious rather anxious, because this result is going to decide which college we'll be heading to, although I had challenged dad, but deep within I am afraid losing the bet.

Everything was running so fast just like our heartbeats, but the only thing going slow in the room was the internet speed and the website. We were all set with roll numbers in our hands and eyes focusing on Shyam's laptop screen. I asked Shyam to see his result first and he asked me to do the same, we then tossed a coin and I won, it meant that Shyam's result will be opened first.

‌At 2:05 p.m. Shyam entered his roll number and clicked on the button which read 'Search Results'..... and guess what, he scored 171, it was a good score and it seems that he will get any college he wants, now it was my turn, I was drowning in an emotional pool to which people call as 'Peer Pressure', he entered my roll number number and pressed the 'Enter' button, screen showed a loading icon, this very moment I experienced what a microsecond is, as if everything was going in ultra slow motion. Finally the loading stopped and my result flashed on the screen.... there was a pin-drop silence in the room for almost 10 seconds.

I jumped out of the bed as I have made it, and made it well, I scored 177. We both hugged each other and then moved to our parents for sharing this good news.

Dad was out of town, I immediately called him, he was delighted to hear this, his happiness doubled, when I told him that I've scored 6 marks extra than Shyam. After talking to Dad, I ran into the kitchen to share my results with mum, she was so happy after hearing it from me, she thanked God immediately and then asked "have you called baba" I replied "yes I did, and he was extremely happy" my mother smiled with pride in her eyes.

It was celebration time now, mum was cooking my favourite dishes back to back after the results. Every person in the village was aware that Shyam and I has been selected in a good college in a big city and will be leaving soon.

It was time to choose a college now, I preferred 'IBM (Institute of Business Management) Pune' while Shyam was a little confused between 'IBM Pune' and :IBM Mumbai', but I convinced him to choose Pune by explaining the benefits. Mum was also asking me to go for Mumbai or Delhi instead of Pune but I convinced her too.

After two days of celebration we both applied in the Institute by filling the online application, we easily got admission due to the good score, our session was to be started from 10th of the next month.

Mom and I was just discussing about the luggage which I would be taking to Pune and suddenly Baba entered the room, mum asked him while handing him a glass of water "how was your visit to Nagpur", "Good" Baba replied

"Which college have you decided?" Baba pointed a question at me, "IBM Pune" I replied while touching his feet. "Poona?" Baba asked me again, "Yes Poona" I replied politely, "why not any other college in Mumbai or Delhi" he asked again, just like mom did "It's one of the highly reputed college baba, I had done all the research and then chosen it. It's just few hours away from our village, and the fees is also reasonable"

"Find some other college in a different city, and you need not worry about the fees, your baba is still alive" Baba said in an authoritative voice "But baba what's the problem with Pune? What's the logic behind" "You're not going Pune, find some college elsewhere in India, I won't refuse" Baba almost ordered. I was completely blank about what he was saying, I found it much easier to convince Shyam and mom for going to Pune, I just wanted to know the exact reason behind his denial, I gathered some courage and asked him politely "baba, I will do whatever you say, but at least tell me the reason."

He didn't replied and I asked him again "why baba, why not Pune?"

He then stood up and yelled "you are my son and not father, I am not supposed to answer your stupid questions, do as I say otherwise..."

after hearing the loud voice mum came out of kitchen to look what's happening, as the heat in the room was getting higher, and I further raised it by asking "otherwise what?"

Baba replied "otherwise, you can leave from my house"

His reply made me numb and i just stood silent, how could a father can ask his son to leave home, just because he wants to do higher studies from some other city.. Suddenly I heard mom crying, she was broken after hearing those words from dad, she didn't said anything to baba, but started crying.

I again gathered some strength and urged him with almost tears in my eyes "baba, I can't apply in any college now, the last date for application was 25th and it's 27th today, Except Pune, I don't have any other option left" I thought that this move will convince him, but I was proved wrong "Do it from some private college in Satara or Aurangabad, I have contacts there" He surprised me again, how can he destroy my career just because of his stubbornness. "I am going to Pune, my classes will be starting from 10th and will leave for Pune on 9th" I said it without any hesitation, almost announced it.

Baba replied sarcastically with a glass of water in his hand "then be prepared to pay your fees, don't expect anything from me"

It was his masterstroke just like any other Indian father, but I was prepared for it and replied "I will apply for Education Loan and scholarship programmes, you don't need to bother about my fees" after hearing my response, he lost his temper and threw the glass splashing the water on the floor and left for farm, mom slapped me and asked to apologize (while crying), but I also left home and headed to Shyam's home.

While going to Shyam's place, I was thinking about the argument that I just had, "I don't know whether I was right or not, but what I feel is I didn't found Baba's point a valid one. Even I felt guilty for my behaviour in that argument, but I can't help it. Either I will hear the reason from him or I am leaving for Pune and I mean it. I don't know what's gonna happen, I will not step-back for sure"