Broke and debating how to best go about not starving to death, Reed Fraught suddenly finds himself with a system to call his own.
However...what’s all this about him not being the only one with a system? What’s this about a battle-royal of system holders taking place on the entire earth itself? What? His newly earned system could be stripped away from him if he loses? Wait...a minute here...he received his system two years late!?!
This is definitely not how the story should go...his road to reach the apex of the world seems fraught with troubles now.
Am I making a shameless review? Yes. Am I calling myself out? Yes. Does calling myself out make it any less shameless? No. This review is like a bad joke, say it enough and someone's bound to chuckle. Read this book though, I'll give it 5/5 because I'm the author. Don't agree? Read it yourself then review it.