2/ Birthday (1)

After I found the Hydra's egg, I tried a few method described in a book about the hatching of magical beast's egg but all my attempt ended up in a failure so I decided to postpone the hatching and hide the egg in my wardrobe because it's the only private thing I have as a 5 years old child, I hope Angelica won't unlock it during this time.

2 years passed without the egg hatched, at the beginning I was worried but after I thought that maybe it is not the time which is the trigger of the hatching but something more "magical" so I ended up waiting to awaken my magic at the age of 7.

During these two year I focused on magic knowledge, can't practice magic doesn't prevent me to acquire knowledge about magic.

I asked Angelica to buy more books about magic because there were just a few school books about Potions, Ancient Runes or Herbology and she agreed after I swore to her that I won't try something dangerous before going to Hogwarts and learn magic properly.

Two weeks before my birthday, in the middle of April, my father came to the manor. Since my birth I've seen him 6 times, each time at my birthday for three hours.

I think it's because Angelica harassed him each April to come to see me for my birthday, but I don't care about him, we can't be loved by everyone that's what I said to myself each time I see him even though it hurt me a little bit.

So my father being here before my birthday is very unusual and a tight atmosphere filled the air of manor.

" Why is he here ? It's not my birthday today maybe he forgot when his child is born after all these year " I asked when I joined Angelica

" I don't know and don't say such thing Alexander ! I didn't raise you like this. " replied Angelica

"Sorry" I apologized even though I wasn't.

Angelica went to my father as I stayed at the same place and they discussed for 2-3 minutes after what she waved a hand to me saying to join them where they are.

" You will be introduced to other pure-blood families at your birthday, the 28th of April, I invited around twenty families, this manor is big enough for that and there will be children of your age too so be happy about it and behave during this time, I will be there as well so goodbye and see you soon " my father said when I joined them

Just when he was about to leave he remembered himself of something, turned back and give me two pieces of paper.

" I also came to give this to you the first one is a VIP pass for the familial zoo and the other one is a letter from one of the children who will be at your birthday" he said before he left for good.

I neglected the pass and directly opened the letter, very excited about the idea of making friends but when I read the first line of the letter my smile fade away.

"" Dear Alexander Langold

My name is Draco Malfoy, it will be a pleasure to meet you at your seventh birthday I am sure we will be able to be friendly toward each other as fellow pure-blood comrade .... ""

I didn't read it after that, I wanted to vomit, I started to think if I was cursed or something. Filled with anger and despair I threw the letter in the fire and kept the VIP pass in my pocket and went to my room to read and forget about this bad day.

Two week passed while I was busy learning the minimum of etiquette in order to not be embarrassed in front of my father, I didn't want to be a subject of laughter and let him enjoy it.

Today is the D-day and I feel like the most nervous child in the world, I'm not used to be the center of the attention and I don't think I will in the future, I'm about to wet my pants right now !

Just thinking about all the people waiting for me in the living room made me want to escape of this situation and go straight to the toilet before it was too late for my clothes.

I calmed myself thinking that my life is not at sake and all will be just fine and just when I happened to go out to meet my guests I bumped into a little boy with brown hair around my age.

" Neville !? Why are you here ? " I exclaimed

" How do you know me ? I don't know you, I was just lost... " he replied obviously scared

" I forgot he is scared of everything and he has no confidence in him and a low self-esteem and has a huge path in order to be the hero he is destined to be in 10 years " I thought

" It's my duty as a host to know my guests now come with me i will lead you to your grandmother " I said coming up with the first excuse I found.

After we arrived to the living room Neville's grandmother cam to me to pick up the boy

" thank you Young Mr. Langold for bringing this hopeless child here " she said with her habitual strict tone

" Don't worry about it Mrs. Longbottom " I said and waved my hand to Neville with a great smile on my face

Then I came to see Angelica and my father in the center of the room waiting with a strict look for my father and with a gentle for my mother of heart. My father started his speech as soon as I arrived next to him

" Dear guests it's a pleasure to have all of you gathered here for the seventh birthday of my son... "

He has spoken for 10 minutes while I just gazed at my guests trying to notice people I know the face thanks to my knowledge.

I noticed the Weasley family even though only the parents, Ron, Ginny and the twins were present, the Malfoy with Draco and his father only and next to him his lackey Crabbe and Goyle, there is few kids around Draco and I believe it will be his Slytherin fan-club in Hogwarts

" I'm surrounded by blood racist here ! My only hope is to greet them at the very beginning and perhaps they will let me alone if I have a little bit of luck " I thought

When the party started I was allowed by my father to take care of the children so I led them to another room as big as the former.

I made a little speech of one minute to let them know to feel free to come to me if someone want anything in particular and let them do what they want during all the evening.

When I finish i was surrounded by kids and greeted them one by one, such a hard time for me I thought I was in hell for true !

After one hour I could sit alone to breathe and enjoy this moment to the fullest and sighed of relief

" you had a hard time don't you ? " said a girl with blonde curly hair and blue eyes

" yeah " was all I can say but she didn't seem to mind my lack of manners and continue to speak

" Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Emilie Rosière, a french wizard, my mother and your father happened to work together in the past so he invited us at your birthday during our holidays in England. " she said very enthusiastically

I looked at her for ten second and it began to be awkward so I replied to her a little bit reluctantly because I was fed up of speaking I just wanted to rest and even though the lady next to me was very pretty she seems to be a blabbermouth as well and I heard enough I am not used to talks and I'm not proficient at either.

" Nice to meet you Emilie, I hope you enjoy your holiday in England " I said without much motivation but she succeeded to reply to me and I knew I won't be able to escape if I didn't find a good reason for leaving her.

When I was about to lose my soul I noticed Neville alone in a chair and said to Emilie, interrupting her " Sorry Emilie but I just saw a guest I who seem very lonely I will talk to him, I'm sure the two ladies over there will keep you company as good as me. " and left without letting her the chance to say something anymore.

When I arrived towards Neville I saw his face light up and that made me smile as well because I was sorry for him, he didn't do anything wrong but it seems pretty difficult for him to make friends.

" Hello again buddy what's up ? Why are you alone like that ? It's a party you know so you can have fun it's not forbidden ! " I said trying to make a joke but it seems humor is not my strong point

" I know but it's always like that when I meet other children I end up being alone in a chair doing nothing and waiting the end in silence hoping nobody will mock me. " he said about to cry

" Okay, you know what ? I have a set of cards so I will play with you. Do you know about poker ? " I said showing him the cards in my right hand

" My grandmother explained the rules once but I'm not very good at " he replied hesitantly

" it doesn't matter the main goal of a game is to have fun ! " I said and began to mix up the cards

We played for 2 hours and some people like the Weasley twins came to play with us after 20 minutes, after one hour we have some girls who came to watch our game.

After 2 hours we were interrupted by some boys who began to fight very brutally and lots of insults were shouted mixed with screams of pain

" Shit I should have known it would happen with these two fools in the same room " I mumbled angrily