3/ Birthday (2)

" Two child fighting and cursing at a birthday party, what a pathetic sight they show us, these two are really just fools who only care about blood or glory " I thought while Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy were fighting for 2 minutes already.

Some boys around tried to stop them but the lackeys of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle stopped them and I have to say that even though they are very stupid they are very sturdy for seven years old children. I began to be very angry, I squeezed my fists very hard, tired of all of this shit.


Suddenly my eyes began to glow and I sense a kind of power, "Magic" I thought, and the two child who stopped fighting crossed over the two side of the room like two soccer balls shoot by players at the same time.

Everyone were dumbstruck after what I did and i was as well, wow it was so powerful I didn't expect that to happen but Ron and Draco weren't injured they just collapsed on the floor due to the shock and the fight they had.

All of the adults who heard the scream and the noise of the fight came here and handled the situation.

All of the children stared at me with a look of respect and a little fear and it's understandable because I scared myself this time.

My father and Angelica came towards me knowing the major part of the story and I was lectured by Angelica while my father was lost in thought and just stared at me with an intensity that made me feel very awkward.

He turned his gaze to something else after Angelica ended her scolding toward me and he left to tell to our guests that the party is at its end.

For my part I had to answer to all the questions the others asked, even though I didn't have one for them. Some boys were impressed by my performance and teased me saying I did it to get a girl.

After some time all my guests were gone, my father left the manor as well and the house returned to its habitual atmosphere even though the party was not that bad in the end, remembering my poker game with Neville.

" I will send him a owl tomorrow I want him to trust me so I can help him becoming the great wizard he was in the books " I thought before being interrupted by Angelica who give me a little gift most likely for my birthday

" Happy birthday Alexander here is my gift for you, you can open it now " she said very happily waiting for me

I wondered what could it be, last year I received a complete set for potions. I opened the gift and discovered a necklace with a golden chain and a core setting with a bright blue gem.

" It belonged to your mother it was her wish to give it to you when you would awaken your magic, she let a letter for you as well in case something would happen to her in the meantime " she said giving me the paper

"Thank you I'll go to my room now I'm very tired after the events of today, goodnight Angel " I said and left to my room to read the letter :

"" My dear little boy, if you read this it mean I'm no longer by your side and I'm sorry, I charged Angelica to give this letter to you, she is trustful and even though she is a maid here I treated her more as a friend or a little sister.

Enough with all this chitchat, this necklace is very special, it has three functions :

- it enable you to talk to all kind of animals, magical or non magical and they will be friendly towards you and will protect you if you are in danger

- it can protect you from threats, like the three forbidden spell for example or magic attack against your mind ( it won't work with non lethal spell like stunners ) and nobody can touch your nechlace if you didn't give your approval before.

- the last function is very aggressive I don't recommend you to use it except if you have no choice because you will collapse just after using it or maybe you can even die.

This necklace can erase all forms of life 500 meters around you for sure and it's unavoidable.

I'm sure you will use it very carefully you are my son after all

This necklace can only be used by you because you are the only descendant of my family, only your future children will be able to use it.

Good luck my son, your mother will watch you from where she is, I'm proud of you ""

After reading the letter I felt tears flowing down my face, I felt happy to have something from my mother. It wasn't just a necklace it was one of the most powerful magic tool ever created.

I wore it and just after that I heard a voice in my head " Master I want to come out "

I was shocked for a few second before remembering the functions of the necklace

" It come from a creature nearby I heard her voice just after wearing this " I thought then tilted my head " Of course the egg ! " and then I heard the voice again " Master do you hear me ? "

I tried to reply to her but got no result so I brought the egg in my bed, touched it and said " I heard you, how can I hatch your egg ? " and it was a success.

" You finally answer me Master I'm so happy I tried for a week now I was desperate but I can speak to you right now it's so good " she said very excited about it and I could understand how hard this week was for her

" Okay that's good but I don't know how to break your egg " I said

" Oh you just have to touch the egg and say " Come out " and say the name you will grant me and I will come out Master " she said

"So simple !!" I thought a little embarrassed by myself this time but I focused again, touched the egg and said with conviction" Come out Letha "

After that the egg broke in pieces which disappeared soon after and a three headed creature with brown and golden scale with a size equal to one third of mine stood in front of me.

" Thank you Master for freeing me and granted me a name, I love it very much " she said in my head while looking at me with her magnificent red eyes glowing during the time she transmitted her thoughts to me.

" It's nothing Letha and I would have loved to speak more to you now but I'm tired and I'll go to sleep right now, do you want to sleep with me on the bed we will have all the next days to talk "

I said about to close my eyes

"Okay Master, I'll be glad to sleep with Master tonight " she said

"Don't call me Master, Letha my name is Alexander so call me Alex please " I replied

" Okay Master Alex " she said and I thought it would be a beginning and I won't have better for the moment.

" Goodnight Letha " I said and I succumb to sleep