5/ Finally at Hogwarts

Soon after she heard the whole story she took back the key and let me keep the dagger because I convinced her it'll be useless because of the sentence of the dagger.

She paid Ollivander with the money I took from the vault and we went back to the manors and as soon as I stepped in the house she ordered me " you will have to do housework for 3 hours a day for three weeks it's your punishment for stealing me and causing all this mess in the wand's shop. "

I knew it will lead nowhere to argue about the punishment, I told Neville that we will see each other on the train and I spent the weeks of punishment to be a good boy.

I trained my basic spell with my new wand and asked Angelica to be my teacher but she disagreed saying that just with my knowledge I could beat some of the four years students and maybe weak five years.

I was a little shocked by this because for my point of view in my past life, just knowing basic offensive and defensive magic and spells learned in the two first years didn't make me a competent wizard.

" You don't understand Alexander I didn't say you were the more knowledgeable among the students who didn't passed OWL exams (five years students and less) I just said that you could beat them because your spells are far more powerful than normal spells and you are able to shoot them very quickly and perfectly so you have mastered the dueling technique to a far more degree than them. "

" I see but it's not enough against adult wizards yet " I replied

" Indeed but you will at least be able to defend yourself and escape thanks to your necklace so don't worry about it and enjoy yourself at school " she concluded

" How did you know about the necklace ? I didn't tell you its functions. " I asked wondering how she discovered that piece of information

" You didn't have to tell me I've seen your mother rely on this necklace to beat a powerful wizard, it was the most frightening fight I've ever seen in my life. " she said with a face mixed with amazement, fear and pride, it was a very strange face she had.

So I spent my entire summer with a strict planning :

8h-9h : wake up and breakfast

9h-12h : exercise and running

12h-13h : lunch

13h-19h : make potions or practice magic

19h-20h : dinner

20h- midnight : Free time

The summer ended quickly, I am now at the station in front of a wall between platforms 9 and 10 waiting for Neville.

I saw the Weasley just after I arrived and they greeted me before going through the wall and a brown haired head tag along them quietly, the famous boy who lived, Harry Potter.

I didn't say anything in particular to him, there will be enough occasions to interacting with him during this year.

Neville arrived just ten minutes before the depart and hopefully we found by luck an empty compartment in the train and we spent half of the road without being joined when suddenly the door opened and a girl entered, her face filled with tears appeared suddenly in the cabin before realizing two guys were sitting here already.

"Sorry ! " she said and turned back to leave but I hold her arm tightly and said to her gently but firmly : " Do you really think I will let a girl cry without doing anything ? Sit down and explain to us why you are crying, okay ? "

She stopped to sob when she heard me and sit down, " okay I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger and you two what's your name ? " she said wiping his eyes

" I'm Alexander Langold and he is Neville Longbottom, so what happened to make you in this state, Hermione ? " I asked with a gentle smile

" I was in a cabin with three girl, all was good but just when I told her that I didn't know the wizard world and that my parents are muggles they started to mocking me even though I told her I read all the books ever possible about wizards and about magic in general and how this world works they didn't end even worse I have to say and they keep insulted me and called me a "mud-blood" I don't know what it means but I'm sure it's nothing good " She began but I interrupted her " It's an insult used against muggle born wizards "

" Thank you for the information but it'll not end with just this they started to open my wallet and destroyed some of my personal things so I became desperate and just left without my wallet "

she said with a terrified look on her face

" Okay Neville come with me and Hermione we'll take back her wallet to these stupid b*tches " I said standing up and took out my wand

Letha wanted to teach these girls a lesson but I couldn't use her this time because she could be forbidden to go to the school with me so she stayed hidden with her invisibility skill

Hermione led us to the cabin of the three girls and I unlocked the cabin with 'Alohomora' and kicked the door with so much force that the girl just behind ended up knocked out and the two other began to scream " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ? "

I didn't respond and said " Return her wallet right now if you don't want any problems "

"Who the hell do you think you are to order us like that ? this mud-blood behind your back promised you something or you fell for her at first sight ? " she said smirking

" So I supposed you won't hand us the wallet so don't blame me after what will happen " I said looking at the wallet in front of me at the center and said " Reparo" and all the things broken here and there where instantly restored to her original state then I said "Wingardium Leviosa" and all the things were packed again in the wallet who closed itself after that.

" What the f**k did you just do, who are you ? " one girl said fearfully while the other one burst out of anger and shouted taking out her wand "I WILL SHOW YOU TO NOT MESS WITH ME!! "

But the moment she took out her wand I launch 'Expelliarmus' at her and the wand ended up in my other hand

" You little bugs don't ever do this kind of things in the future because if I happen to know about that I would have to take some necessity you know what I mean don't you ? " I said while putting my wand away and took out my dagger and approach the blade near to her face and began to play with her hair with the dagger.

When she saw the dagger she wet her pants and began to cry and Hermione said "I think you should stop Alex she learned the lesson "

I ignored her and added to the crying girl " Look at me b*tch, you heard her she took your side even though little garbage like you three don't deserve her pity so I think I will end it with just look at your three wallet and choose whatever I want " and then I executed myself and empty all of my bag with her precious magical objects bought with their parent's money.

Then we left the three girls locking up the doors with a spell which I don't know if he will be deactivated before we arrived or not.

Hermione thanked me for my actions even though she spoke to me for close to 15 minutes about why my actions were to harsh and it annoyed me even though I knew she was right. I just couldn't stop my anger against them, I will try to control my feelings in the future.

The train stopped and we quickly left our compartment in order to admire the sight of Hogwarts from the station

"Finally, Finally at Hogwarts " I murmured for myself.