6/ Sorting Ceremony

All the first years started to follow Hagrid and we started to cross the lake with boats and Hermione chose this time to tell me something.

"I would like to talk to you about many things tomorrow find me in the main hall at lunch and don't even think of escape ! " she ordered me

" I'm not sure if I'm glad she is back to her usual self or not " I thought wondering how to bear her in the future

After 30 minutes of crossing we arrived inside the Hogwarts castle which look like just the Castle in the Middle Age in Europe where Minerva McGonagall, Vice-Headmaster of Hogwarts was waiting for us ready to lead the first year to the main hall.

When we entered we were stared at by many students, " We are exposed like objects about to be sold at an auction " I thought very displeased by this situation and I could see I wasn't the only one being uneasy when I looked at Harry who was just next to me.

"Don't you think it's this hard to treat us more as humans beings than objects of curiosity " I asked him and he nodded vigorously

" My name is Alexander Langold and you ? " I asked even though I knew the answer but it was to begin a conversation

" Harry Potter " he replied and I asked directly about which house he think he will be sorted out

" I don't know but I hope it won't be Slytherin I don't like this guy, Draco Malfoy " he said with resolution

" So you are not the only one to dislike this guy, I don't like him as well and don't worry you can choose your house you just have to want it very much, I suggest you Gryffindor it suits you well " I replied

" Why do you say that ?" he asked obviously curious

" Your parents were in Gryffindor too so it's just logic " I replied

" You know about my parents ? Can you tell me more about them ? " He asked loudly full of joy and everyone hear him and stared at us

We apologized and the sorting began so Harry will have to wait for my answer, there were no surprise for me about the sorting it happen as I predicted. It's my turn now and there are only three guys after me and all the presumed Gryffindor were sorted already

I sat down and McGonagall put the hat on my head and I started to talk to the old hat

" Can you put me in Gryffindor please I have friends there it will be fun in this house " I asked

" What an interesting guy ! it's been a while since a student talk to me moreover with your tone ! Are you sure about that ? " he replied obviously very pleased to have a talk for once

" Yeah yeah I'm sure hurry up I am hungry and you just postpone my dinner ! " I said lazily

" HAHAHAHA !!! Okay my friend you won, GRYFFINDOR ! " he announced to the whole room

The sorting ended and we began to eat this delicious food I was waiting for the entire day.

I sat next to Harry and Neville was in front of me, sat next to Hermione, as for Ron he was just next to Harry obviously not very pleased by the sudden attention of Harry for me

" So what can you tell me about my parents ? " he asked

" Harry, I'm sure he know nothing he just told you that to get your attention " Ron whispered to Harry before I could speak

" I can't stand Ron, it's just too much he is worse than I thought ! " I thought and take a look at Neville who didn't seem to hear Ron but it was not the case of Hermione who replied in my place

" I don't think you should speak about other behind their back, it's very impolite you know "

" I didn't speak about you, Miss Know-it-all, I talked to Harry so just leave me alone ! " he said angrily

" Don't worry Hermione I can handle that myself " I said to her and turned to Ron and Harry " I don't know much more than you do just one or two things I learned from my family but we'll talk about that just the two of us" and the discussion ended on that line. After the meal we were led by Percy to our dormitories.

I discovered my planning, I had DADA, Potions and Charms courses today and Herbology, History of magic, and Transfiguration on Tuesday and it's the same for Thursday and Friday.

We have a special day this Wednesday with a special guest who will organize a sort of conference with all the first year and the subject is magical beasts. I like this topic very much very much so I'll look forward to it.

The DADA course was kind of boring as expected of the puppet of Voldemort he is unable to speak properly and we couldn't keep our focus on what he said.

During Potions I didn't bother take notes as I knew already the subject of today and patiently waiting for the end of the course.

During lunch I was harassed by Hermione about how I could perform such powerful spell and I told her than it's a mix between talent and training but she keep asking questions and she asked " Where did you get this dagger you showed to Pansy and Daphne in the train ? "

"It's a family secret I can't say more sorry Hermione, how about you stop with questions for today I will have a headache at this rhythm " I replied and she stopped and pouted very cutely.

The Charms course after lunch was not less boring than the others because I knew already how to perform a 'Lumos' spell.

When the class ended Harry came to me to speak to me about his parents and i decided to tell him all I remember about them.

" Your father was a Quidditch seeker for the Gryffindor team during his school years and a good one it seems, he was a great wizard, his best friend was Sirius Black, he bullied Snape I heard but don't repeat that to anyone because if Snape discover that you know some of his past your are dead for sure. " I said and stopped for a few second and continue :

" Your mother spent his childhood with muggle parents and she discover the wizarding world when she receive her letter for Hogwarts she was great at potions and her best friend was my mother, Amelia Langold, she was a model student, designed Prefect then Head Girl during her last year.

That's all I know Harry i will let you meditate about what I just said " and I began to leave when he yelled at me " You said your mother was friend with mine, can she tell me more about my mother or even both my parents ? "

I looked at him deeply in the eyes and said one sentence " She can't, she died just after I was born "

I left when I realized one thing : my mother death could be related to the Dark Lord ?