8/ The Dark Forest

My father talked about many kind of beasts during these 3 hours and when there was only one hour left he said " Okay this afternoon I'll go to the dark forest to do a more practical lesson but even though I would love to take all of you, the headmaster told me I could only take 15 students with me so I decided to give you a test. I will take the students with the highest score and they will be announced during the afternoon.

I read all the test and it was relatively easy because all the answer were already told by my father during the lesson, only the bonus question was hard for those who are not expert in magical beasts.

I finished 15 minutes before everyone and left the Hall letting many students dumbstruck by my astonish speed.

Indeed the answer were easy but the test was very long in itself so finish before the time given was very hard.

Even Hermione couldn't believe it and ended up thinking that I just wanted to show off whereas I didn't finish completely.

We waited for 2 hours after our lunch before hearing the name of the lucky student who'll get the chance to participate to the practical lessons

" Langold, Granger, Potter, Longbottom, Malfoy, Greengrass, Parkinson, Brown, Thomas, Parvati and Padma Patil, Parker, Davidson, Callagan, Shermann. Please come to the hall quickly "

// The 4 unknown name come from my mind the two first belong to Ravenclaw and the other two belong to Hufflepuff //

When the announcement ended Hermione said dumbstruck " So you got full mark even though you finished way before everyone, how is it possible ? "

" My father was the teacher if it can comfort you " I said

" So you said it was purely favoritism ? " she replied hesitantly

" Of course not but it mean the subject he taught is related to his job and i happened to know a thing or two thanks to that " I explained and she seemed pleased by the fact that I was at an advantage

" I forgot being the first at school was her top priority, I hope she'll mature very soon " I thought

Thirty minutes later, we were in front of the dark forest, I already warned Letha about that and told her to stay around her but far enough to not be discovered by my father.

It's more convenient now to speak with Letha because our way of communicate has greatly improved along the years.

Now we are able to communicate even if we are far away but it has to be quick. With Letha around I'm not worried about anything because she is probably the most powerful being here and she has so much potential not exploited yet.

After ten minute walking through the forest we stopped and my father opened his suitcase and entered inside, some students were really surprised by this sight, it's not everyday you can see a man enter in a suitcase I think.

When my father came out with a huge beast following him, it was an Erumpent, a magical rhinoceros

" As some of you might already guess, it's an Erumpent, classified as a XXXX creature. His horn can produce a powerful poison and she can pierce more or less everything even iron. But you don't have to worry because he don't attack unless greatly provoked. you can touch his skin if you want, any volunteers " He said

" I will do it " I thought but far before I could react Hermione rose her hand and come nearer the beasts. " She surprised me, I didn't expect Hermione would love a rhinoceros " I thought

When she arrived next to the animal, he lower himself in order to enable Hermione to sit on his back making everyone here speechless.

Sensing something fishy I asked Letha " Did you do something to this beast ? " and the answer arrived quickly " We just have a friendly talk that's all, his name is Rupert by the way " she said while laughing in my head

"Letha won't stop to amaze me " I thought so when Hermione turned his gaze to me I give her a thumbs-up

She sat on the back of Rupert and he started to walk slowly in circle and Hermione had a great time during these 5 minute on the back of a huge and uncommon beast

My father, as for him was speechless because Rupert acted very differently and he didn't know why, he even turned his head in my direction in order to see if it was me the cause of this sudden change of behavior.

Hermione come back to my side after her ride and my father quickly led Rupert inside his suitcase and come back with a Graphorn in a cage due to his aggressive behavior.

" This beast is called a Graphorn, a very dangerous beast who can attack you just when she see you " he said and as if the beast understood him she roared loudly but she stopped immediately in the middle of her roar, but my father didn't mind and continue :

" Anyone want to feed her a piece of meat ? If you stay far away she won't bite you " he said with a wry smile obviously very amused by our face filled with hesitation

" I'll go, give me that steak " I said very confident and I walk to the cage until I was just one meter far from the Graphorn

Then I turned my head to my father and asked him " How about a bet, Dad ? If I can make this beast obey me I can keep him " and my father replied confidently " As if you could but okay we have a deal, son "

Then I opened the cage, everyone become scared but I didn't care and asked the animal " Do you want to follow my order ? " and then I whispered " I'm sure you had a little talk with my hydra don't you ? I won't treat you bad trust me " and then I stroked his head gently and he let me do what I wanted and follow my orders until my father was convinced.

He was clearly surprised but I showed him the necklace hidden in my pocket since this morning and he understood immediately his mistake, it look like Angelica hide this from him.

" Where are you going to keep him Alexander, be reasonable and let me take this beast back to the zoo " he asked very pissed by his own incompetence

" I will ask Hagrid to keep him during school and I will take him to the manor during the holidays and summer vacations. " I replied

My father stopped the lesson after showing us three little creatures, a Bowtruckle, a Puffskein and a Clabbert. During this time I remembered something about a unicorn who died because of Voldemort so I asked Letha to search for unicorns and warned us to keep her distance from the school and to go deeper in the forest for her safety maybe they'll survive thanks to this.

Neville kept the Bowtruckle and Hermione could keep the Puffskein as well because I was allowed to keep Richie (it's the name of the Graphorn) too. Nobody was interested in the Clabbert and I could understand them it's not the best companion you can have.

On the way back I told my father that I wanted to speak with him in the evening and to meet me during the dinner in front of the common room of Gryffindor.

Suddenly, we found the forest strangely quiet and Letha warned " There is a crowd of Acromentula who sensed you they are about twenty and are going to attack you soon ! "

" Okay Letha understood stay ready to act but wait for my approval I will try to distract them with Richie " I said jumping on the back of Richie and charge through the crowd of big spiders with my dagger in my main hand and my wand in the other.

I threw my dagger with my full power aiming at the head of one Acromentula on the left side when I cast a 'Incendio' spell on the right side who killed instantly one spider and injured another one, Richie just charge lowering his head to pierce some spiders with his huge horns.

" Turn to the right Richie ! " I shouted while ordering Letha to attack the spiders who followed me, letting the rest of the spiders to my father.

She spat a huge fire on all the spider and all of the spiders who followed me were burnt to ashes now.

"Letha it was awesome, what a very frightening beast you became " I said stroking her main head

" Thank you Alex it was nothing for me " she said even though I knew she gave all she had with this attack.

I let Letha and charged back to my father and the rest, they are in the middle of a fight, even though it was just my father who fight actually while the other students were just standing with a scared look toward the spiders.

I saw Hermione trying to cast some spells she learned in the book to one of the five remaining Acromentula while my father was fighting three at the same time casting 'Protego' and 'Icendio' here and there.

I decided to jump back to the ground and tell Richie to help my father and joined Hermione and Neville in their battle.

" You two are doing well for first year students ! " I joked

" It's not the right time for jokes Alex " said Neville and Hermione at the same time

" What a lovely couple you are, I feel like the third wheel of the carriage now " I added and cast 'Incendio' to the already severely injured spider and end his life instantly.

" I think that was the last one " I said after checking my father and Richie who killed the three spiders already. "We all deserve a great meal I think, let's go to the castle " I added

We somehow arrived at the castle one hour before dinner so I took a shower and chose new clothes and I had to go through the police questioning of Hermione who wanted to absolutely know how i could kill so many spiders and I succeed to stop her by telling her I would show her tomorrow.

" Now I have to talk to my father Hermione so good night " I concluded opening the door

" Hello Dad right on time as always come in Hermione is precisely going to leave " I said looking to Hermione.