
I read all your comments and some of you didn't understand what I wrote and I'm sorry for this.

All is my fault I wasn't very clear

first she didn't die with the necklace on the neck because she decided to die in order to give birth to the MC

I thought of something like this thanks to the prophecy of Harry in the 5th book

So basically if she decided to wear the necklace it was her baby who would die because the necklace wouldn't be able to cancel it, just redirected it

For those who have more questions about it feel free to comment here

The next chapter won't be released today sorry for that, I'll work hard to make it up to you

For those who didn't like all this backstory I'm sorry to disappoint you but I can please all the readers at the same time.

I'll try to improve with this story, I honestly thought it will be interesting to have a MC with a deep grudge toward Voldemort