Tiberius gave him a poisonous smile, and bit his lip looking down on him. "Now that makes for a pretty picture. You're a more handsome man than your father was, Wyndon."
That sent a fresh shiver down King Wyndon's back, for he knew just how far General Tiberius' appetites extended. None was off limits for him. King Wyndon kept his head bowed, so as to hide the beautiful face that he was so fond of flaunting.
The so-called Emperor giggled richly, seeing the gesture. "Now, now. Don't show such fear, dear Wyndon. You need not be afraid. I would not see you harmed without reason. You have wandered all this way, and you have waited such a time. Whatever do you want from little old me, after all these years? You never dared to show your face before. I'm sure you wouldn't shamelessly stroll in with a request, would you? You wouldn't be attempting to beg me for aid, when you have failed to offer tribute ever since the death of your father?"