The Hidden Mighty - Part 6

"Ha! Hahaha! Truly? Is that what you thought?" Tiberius howled. "You thought that, and you still thought you could win the war!? Oh false King of Wyndon! What a creature you are to behold! What does it look like, from down there, this strange world that you see? It must be ever so nice. To cling to hope, beyond the use of any intelligence. Did your teachers spit on you in the Academy, for all your dullness? Or did they suppose you to be competent enough to be called average, for they too lack the eyes that connect to a proper mind? Make no mistake, little Wyndon King, if Tavar were to join the enemy, you would do your best to surrender to him, with your tail between your legs. Become his whore, if that's what he asked of you – you would at least retain your life."

"…Tavar alone would cause that shift?"