"Why should I trust a word that you say?" Wyndon said. "Perhaps we are in a fine position. Perhaps we will win without you."
"Oh," Tiberius said, tapping a finger on King Wyndon's nose, and grinning at Wyndon's inability to do anything about it. "Oh, now that is almost it, dear King, almost. Try to be clever for me – push your mind to its very limits. You are quite right. I could be lying to you. But then, who are you to know? You have no way of seeing the truth from fiction, and you only have yourself to blame for that. Curse your own weakness, and the fact that you truly do not know."
"What do you want..?" King Wyndon asked.
"What do you want, Wyndon? Hm?" Tiberius said. "You wish for greater position, no? You want due accolades from the war. The expansion of your empire, the—"