Chapter 8

One stack after another... and another.

Melody soon found herself adjusting to her new job. A couple of customers would come in, destroy the books that she had just so carefully stacked, and then she'd stack them again. Melody really didn't expect many customers, but after a couple of minutes, she noticed a wide range of people began to flood in.

Some of them looked like they came out of a movie set, and others looked plain ordinary. In the end though, it was not her place to judge her customers. What she really kept an eye on was the man that was watching her. Her new boss. He surveyed her, and every time he peered at her, Melody felt something strange.

His eyes were slightly weird. As in, when he stared at a person, they would feel dizzy and slightly confused. Eh, enough about her boss.

Soon enough, she was assigned to the cash register, and all she had to do was scan the barcode of the books and it would automatically charge the book credit to her account. There was some pretty neat magic going on there.

Soon enough, the day ended and after a little observation in the slightly more quieter hours, she figured out the basic layout of the store. In the end, mission successful!

The old man nodded to Melody as she walked out, so she interpreted that as an agreement to her working there. As Melody walked out of the shop, she noticed that it seemed to shrink almost, and turn invisible. Looking around, she figured that it was probably some mechanism against thieves.

Melody walked home slowly, following the trail from her phone. She read through the days chat, and there really wasn't anything much. She noticed that Mango Milk Tea and someone were arguing about mangoes.

Melody wondered if they were really gods, because sometimes they seemed that they were just random kids on the street, arguing about the dumbest things.

For example.

MangoMilkTea: EHHH?? YumTea just gave 50% of coupons!!!

EternalNight: Nobody cares.

MangoMilkTea: But it's goooddd... and it sells mango tea

EternalNight: Mango tea isn't as good as pure green tea

MangoMilkTea: No

EternalNight: Mangoes are orange. I hate orange.

MangoMilkTea: Ehhh?? Orange is the best colour. They're yellow too, alright!!

EternalNight: Actually.. give me to coupon deal

MangoMilkTea: Okk suree...

EternalNight: I'm gonna get GREEN TEA, not that mango stuff of yours...

Melody sighed as she saw this conversation. Three year olds, she swore. She hoped that they looked that young if she ever met them in real life? Were immortals like old... were they born that way? How did they even manage to become immortals?

Melody was still pretty curious. After all, this was another world that she had been transported to after dying. She was pretending not to care right now but...

Ok, Fine. Melody was literally dying to find out what was happening. She just felt that if she stepped out of line, these immortals that literally could control the afterlife would try to murder her or something. Ok, that was a dumb thought. She changed her mind, she'd do anything she wanted starting from now.

3 minutes later...

(Melody may have been screaming down the street like a mad person to prove to herself that she could do whatever she wanted)

Ignore that...