Realm Spirit's Twisted Change

'Master, I beg you; please don't go to the central island! You can't go there!' Tak-si cried. 

'Why can't I go? What are you hiding there? Unless you explain it to me without any falsehood, I will go to the central island regardless. How do you expect me to trust you if you hide things from me?' Leon questioned it. 

'I cannot say, Master. Please understand that I have my own difficulties…!' Tak-si replied with difficulty as if it was at its wit's end while enduring something.

'Grrr! I can't take it anymore! Human or demon, I don't care what the f*ck you are; you listen here! If you dare to step a single foot on the central island, I will f*ck you up in the ass, you hear me?! Piss off!' 

The realm spirit suddenly snapped. 

However, its manner of speech completely changed, as if it underwent a personality switch—almost to the point that even its effeminate male voice sounded more womanly.