Fused Spirits

The lower half of the central floating island was missing, the central building was in ruins, the core component was gone, and the only thing keeping the island afloat were the power chains attached to its four corners.

Thus, in a sense, the central island was no longer floating; it was simply hanging.

Nevertheless, most of Leon's attention was drawn to the black coffin in the middle of the ruined building.

Dense dark energy continued to pour out of it, obscuring the vision of the naked eye, while black-purplish flowers of the unknown breed grew around it.

An eerie and gloomy vibe filled the black coffin's surroundings, but there was also a sort of holiness to it as if it was sacred.

'Stay away…' 

The realm spirit warned him again, but it had already lost its fierceness and even appeared fearful of him. 

Leon did not heed its words and continued to lead the group closer to the black coffin.