Leon's Declaration

Back at the northern outskirts of the Darkmoon Tribe, Chief Valencia, the other two chiefs, the Half-step Battle Kings, and the Venerable Shamans arrived one by one.

Not far from them, Leon, Aria, Darlene, and the six maids also arrived.

Chief Valencia and the others nodded at Leon before they faced the front and focused on the huge warrior, who shared a similar war god-like appearance to Lord Rholthos, Lord Razarkan.

Nevertheless, Chief Valencia and the other willingly took a step back and allowed Leon to stand in front. They acknowledged his leadership and gave him the reins over the matter.

Nevertheless, it was because they were aware that they were lacking. A single Extremity-rank Battle King was too much for them, let alone two.

"You waited out here for us instead of meeting us inside the tribe directly? My, how considerate of you, Lord Razarkan, I take it? I suppose you also came for the same reason as Lord Rholthos," Leon spoke.