A Cowardly Sneak Attack

"Do you still want to protect him now, First Brother? This fool didn't just disrespect me, but he also disrespected you!" Lord Razarkan said.

Naturally, Lord Reingard was aware of that.

However, this young man dared to disrespect both the palace lords of the Battle God Palace repeatedly. He was either a complete ignorant fool, or he had immeasurable confidence.

Considering his third brother, Lord Rholthos, left the southern region in failure, there had to be a reason. At the very least, there had to be someone powerful enough to make him leave in such a hurry.

Lord Reingard swept his gaze across Chief Valencia, Battle King One-Eye, and the others, but none of them seemed to be that person.

He knew their strengths.

They weren't half bad but still far from being a match for an Extremity-rank Battle King, let alone surpass one. Only Battle King One-Eye was relatively close to their level. Nevertheless. The person's strength still falls short.