Jace looked at them all shrugged his shoulders and told them the truth. Pitching had become boring for him half way threw his second year of high school.
All the pitchers secretly signed with relief. The rest of the players felt it was a shame to lose out on some easy wins.
After practice was over Evan asked Jace if he would do some more pitching practice with him.
They asked the coach and was told as long as they pick up all the balls the could stay for another hour.
Once Jace got his catcher glove on he asked Evan what he wanted to practice.
Evan told him he had been working on a screw ball but didnt want to waste regular practice time with it. He also told him that he worked on it at home but boting beat actually having a catcher so he hoped he didn't mind.
Knowing he could catch whatever is thrown at him Jace got behind the plate and told him throw to his hearts content.
At first all the pitches were coming up short. After about 15 minutes they started making it to his glove Jace waited for another 15 minutes before calling it quits.
Jace wanted to be home for when Analese arrived. Jace told Evan that they would practice every other day thay way his form and other pitches wouldnt suffer from adjusting to his new pitch.
On the way home Jace stopped by and got some flowers, candles, and a ring.
Once home Jace set up everything the way he thought it should be.
he made a path with the candles and flowers leading to kitchen.
He lit the candles and started cooking 2 New York strips and some mash potatoes.
A few minutes after he finished playing all the food and putting it Ll the table he heard the door opening just as he put on some slow music.
Jace rushed to the door and was a little disappointed to see his brother.
He quickly asked Theo what he needed. Theo being smart could tell Jace was setting up something special.
So he quickly handed Jace 2 tickets to his first game and told him he should be put in as the relief.
Jace told him that he would definitely be there. Theo left and a few minutes later Analese walked threw the door and started following the path of roses and candles.