Ramen God Nei!

Finishing up the last details in God mode, Nei could finally start playing the game from a players perspective.

He had been patiently waiting for too long already! He didn't want anything else but to see the charm of his game already. It was tiring enough to think about all the improvements and changes needed while in the omnipresent mode.

Right now he wanted nothing more than to finally play the real game! Being in full control—with cheats that gave him immortality, just wasn't existing after a long time.

"Change to player mode; disconnect from 'mind connect'—and register myself a new account!" Nei said, while stretching himself in the mainlands sky.


When Nei came back to conscious, he found himself still sitting in his seat at the table, in the exact same position he had entered 'God's wish'.

[Welcome back Host! Congratulations on finishing all necessary adjustments in god mode. The System has created a beginner level account for host, to start playing the game.]

"Good good System, I have underestimated you efficiency!" Looking at the new, somehow different looking login screen, Nei notice that he needed a password and username to play.

"System, you made an account right? What's the pw and user-id?"

[Host username is: Ramen God Nei. Passwort is: I like Ramen. System wishes host enjoyment in the game!]

Hearing about his username and password, Nei didn't know if he should cry or laugh. Why was the System so cruel to him? Weren't they buddy's on the same team? Shouldn't it encourage him? Did all Systems have to be so tsundere?

"Funny.." With a sad expression on his face, Nei typed the account details into the two boxes, and pushed enter.

A light flashed and far away thunder was heard. After which; a long corridor, only consisting of ever in size increasing pillars, appeared.

The deeper one looked into this tunnel, the less could be seen. It seemed as if all light was swallowed in the depth of its walls, almost appearing like the mouth of a beast.

Out of exactly this terrifying tunnel, quiet steps resounded, approaching ever closer. A big figure tall as a mountain, was walking out of the tunnel. Going to the point where it was only 5 meters away from the Nei's screen.

Looking at the mountain of a man, who had a dark skin tone covered in scars, Nei couldn't help but blur out. "Nice intro! Not too long, not too unorderly, it's really well done! Imposing!"

Suddenly the man's foot stopped, his black eyes scanning the surroundings, as if noticing something—when a line of text appeared.

Race: Human~Elf~Dwarf~Demon~Merfolk~Beast~Undead~Angel(Right now unlocked)

Alignment: Good~Bad~Chaotic~Neutral

Divinity: Earth~Decay~Knowledge~Craftsmanship~Murder~Justice~Shadow~Love~Greed (Right now unlocked)

Title: ____

Special ability: Future enlightened(can see the target political allies and other information for a minute)~Dream illusion(build an illusion of your army for free)~God's rage(Make your Tripp's become wild beast, not afraid of consequences and scare your enemies)~Loyal touch(Decide on one Angel or Demon, to make them your devoted follower)

Looking at the options before him, Nei started selecting his avatars settings. "First a human, I have no idea about the other races strengths and weaknesses yet. Humans on the other side are normally the most balanced race in games. Next to alignment, hmn..of course neutral! Can't do anything wrong with that.

After that, divinity? Some divinity's seem locked? Well then, I will take knowledge as my divinity. Can't have enough of that right? Isn't knowledges power?"

Using mouse and keyboard in creating his own character; the man on the screens appearance was slowly being changed, whenever Nei finished a section.

"Titel?.. Why can't I fill it in?"

[The gods title gets decided by the players username. Host is lucky!]

Taking his hands together in a praying position, Nei cried out to the sky. "Why do you do this to me System? How can I, a neutral human with the power of knowledge, have the title Ramen God Nei? How? Tell me, evil System! Tell me!..."

There was only quietness. No answer from the system was to be expected in situations like this.

Giving up his last hope for a beautiful future, were men and System can work together, hand in hand for a better future—he picked a special ability, 'Future enlightened'. Finished he clicked onto continue.


The next thing Nei saw on the laptop, was a tall man, wearing a white tuna. The men had eyes and aura of a scholar, muscle like that of a bull, and skin burned dark by the merciless sunlight.

The strong looking man was standing in the middle of the god's court. He was Nei's newly created character. Wit the name Ramen God Nei!

Out of the screens corner, Nei could already see old man Ageres floating to him. Not having the patience to go through the beginners tutorial once again, Nei lazily clicked the teleport button on his interface, that would bring him to his divine kingdom.

The last thing before the teleportation, was Ageres expression. That said something similar to 'Am I not worthy your time young god? Answer me!'


Arriving at his divine kingdoms tower once again. The first thing Nei did was, to enter his study, and open his quest log, where he could see his first quest alreadyY

[Quest: The church's beginning~Main questline]

[Description: My lord, unrest is sweeping through the world. We as the only church with a true god. We have the duty to bring the realm peace! By your command Ramen God, order us to do you bidding!

Goal: Search for a point on the mainland to build your first church and start your expansion.

Reward: One recruitment option]

After Nei read through the quest and understood everything. He didn't lose any time, switching instantly to the mainlands Eagle vision. Looking down on the world. "There are 5 continents.. South, East, North, West and Central. As the West is the continent of humans, I shall start my conquest there! In the most north lying town, Vasurgard."

With a click of his, a church appeared in the not to far distance of the town.

Nei's church wasn't the biggest or most beautiful yet, with only three poor priest living inside while praying.

"Hmn I can't let this go on! They're just wasting their time with all this praying! Let's make two stay at the church, and build some accommodations for future followers. While the last one will be sent into the town to preach. He will bring us more workers! What? How should he win them over? Spread rumors to attract the stupid?!"

With a few clicks, Nei saw the priests look up to him, with faces like they just met their long lost hope. Stopping their prayers, the three little priest split up into two teams. Two started hacking wood, and building log houses, while the last took the connecting dirt road to Vasurgard.

Nei became bored fast, looking at such uninteresting scenes. After some waiting he couldn't take any more of it, and clicked onto a interface button, that would make the game world advance at a faster speed.

1.5x, 2.0x...3.5x…...6.0x...….10.0x

10 times the normal time of the world, was the highest he could adjust time to. But Nei was happy, because things finally started becoming interesting.

On the human continent in the most northern city, Vasurgard. A rumour was spreading fast. Saying that demons arrived in a town not far away, killing and plundering everyone indiscriminately, and that they were on their way toVasurgard. The poor common people, who didn't know any better than to believe whatever they heard, were becoming restless. Even with the assurance of the city's lord that all those rumores were closely examined but found out to be false, the populations fear became only stronger with the passage of time.

Many of these poor men and woman who only wanted to save themselves and their family, started to look for ways to protect their life's. When they suddenly found salvation in the newly emerged church, the Ramen church. When even more rumors spread that talked about the church having only limited space to accept them in the church. Many started running to the lonely priest in the town square, wanting to be first while being scared to be last.

In the end 50 townsfolk followed the priest back through the dirt road to the Ramen church.

They were the first of many to become followers of Nei's game avatar.
