Chris VS Draco

As soon as Chris finished his statement, Professor McGonagall started the match.

Before Draco could cast a spell, Chris quickly casted his.

"Privatio Sensoria," Chris chanted.

Draco now having none of the 6 senses, dropped his wand.

"Diffindo! Diffindo!" Chris chanted with an angry tone. As Draco soon got his senses back, he realized that there were now 2 somewhat deep cuts on his chest.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed as he got on the floor and started rolling in pain.

'I didn't want to use the Sense Deprivation Hex, but for you who called Hermione and Kristine mudbloods, I think I'll take the risk,' Chris thought as he smiled seeing Draco suffering.

"What happened here?!" Professor McGonagall asked loudly as she ran to Draco. She took a look at Draco and a look at Chris. "Mr. Evergreen, you used the Severing Charm to inflict quite a nasty injury on Mr. Malfoy. Can you explain yourself,"

Everyone in the room stopped dueling and looked at Chris and Draco who was still lying down groaning in pain.

"Professor McGonagall, perhaps I can explain," Professor Flitwick said. "From what I heard, before the duel started, Mr. Malfoy has insulted Miss Granger and Miss Alder. Before, I could go to them, the match has already started and it lasted so quickly. I did not hear the exact words Mr. Malfoy used so Mr. Evergreen, would you please elaborate,"

"Yes Professor Flitwick," Chris said. "I was planning on having a good duel with Malfoy. While we did not have the best first impression, I still believe that deep down, he's a decent person. However, I do not know where he has heard this word, but he has called my two closest friends mud-. I'd rather not say the word,"

Everyone gasped at what Chris said. In the surroundings, you could hear faint whispers.

"That word? People still use that word?" Justin Finch-Fletchley asked Ernie Macmillan who he was dueling before everyone stopped.

"Well, it's not really used, but I heard that it's used by a lot of the pure bloods," Ernie said.

Everyone was whispering and Professor McGonagall's face was contorted with anger.

"Using that word here at Hogwarts?! We have long gone past the days of persecuting others for their ancestry! I say that this will be deemed an "accident" and Slytherin will lose 5 points for use of such a wretched word. A first year using that word so naturally? This is madness. What do you say professors?" Professor McGonagall said.

"I think that both people should be punished," Snape said as he knew he couldn't get Draco out of the punishment. "Even though Mr. Malfoy has taunted Mr. Evergreen, the injuries inflicted on Mr. Malfoy are a bit too much even for the use of that word,"

However, the rest of the teachers in the room agreed with Professor McGonagall. Snape humphed and turned around.

"Professor Snape, please take Mr. Malfoy to Madam Pomfrey to get his injuries sorted out," Professor McGonagall said.

Snape carried Draco and left the room. After Snape left the room, Professor McGonagall faced Chris.

"Mr. Evergreen, while we understand your anger, this was a bit too much. Those cuts could have fatal if just a little stronger. While I will not take away points this time, this will be your first and final chance. Next time, you injure someone that badly after them taunting you, Ravenclaw will lost points. Am I understood?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Yes ma'am," Chris said.

"Good," Professor McGonagall said. "For everyone else, continue your duels. We have limited time to finish this,"

The duels were passing by relatively quickly. So far, Chris has won all his matches. Hermione, Kristine, and Ron just forfeited. They all knew that they couldn't beat Chris so they decided to save their energy. However, the students from Slytherin and Hufflepuff students fought him although the duels did not last long as like Se-yeon, the combination of the Knockback Jinx and the Tickling Charm was enough to defeat them.

'I really need to learn more spells,' Chris thought. 'Winning the same way every time is extremely boring,'

It was now the final match.

Chris Evergreen (Ravenclaw) - Harry Potter (Gryffindor)

The professors were all secretly looking.

"Do you think Mr. Potter has a chance of winning?" Professor Sprout asked Professor Flitwick.

"Mr. Potter is a talented magician. However, I do not think he can defeat Mr. Evergreen currently. Perhaps if he practices more, he may catch up, but as of now, it's highly improbable," Professor Flitwick said.

Harry and Chris faced off.

"Well let's have a great duel," Harry said getting ready.

"Yes, let's have a great duel," Chris said. Right after finishing his sentence, Chris had a great idea and smiled.

Professor McGonagall started the match and Chris immediately reacted.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Chris chanted. The spell hit Harry's robe and Harry soon rose up dangling from his robe. Chris immediately started to make Harry fly around erratically. Even if it was only a couple of seconds, Chris started to sweat profusely as if he was in a hot sauna.

Harry tried to get his robe off, but he couldn't as he was continuously flying around. Soon he got dizzy and was almost ready to throw up.

"I gi-give up!" Harry said with great effort and Chris let him down. Chris immediately lied down to rest.

'I didn't think I would be this tired after lifting Harry up for 15 seconds,' Chris thought as he tried to catch his breath. 'Well I suppose it's like carrying him by his robe and running,'