Captains of the Dueling Club

Everyone's matches were now over.

"Congratulations on finishing all your matches," Professor Flitwick said. "For the first year, the captain is Mr. Evergreen who has gotten 11 wins!"

Everyone except for the Slytherins clapped.

"As for the second years, the captain is Miss Bell with 8 wins and 3 losses. Congratulations!"

Everyone including the Slytherin students clapped this time.

"The captains will stay for a bit more afterwards to talk about your duties. Now, I will tell you more about the dueling club in general and what we aim to do in more detail," Professor Flitwick said. "The Dueling Club was decided to be made by all the Professors here. The only people that know the existence of it are student members, the teachers here, Madam Pomfrey, and the Headmaster. We-"

Before Professor Flitwick could finish, an unexpected person came through the doors.

"Headmaster, I thought you were out tonight," Professor McGonagall said with a surprised tone.

"The meeting I had to go to was cancelled due to one of the important member having a case of Dragon Pox. He'll be alive, but he needs a while to recover. So I decided to come here and finish what you were going to say," Dumbledore said.

"Well thank you Headmaster for coming," Professor Flitwick said as he moved out of the way for Dumbledore.

"Good evening students. I am seeing quite a few new faces. I am glad to see each and every one of you. To continue from where Professor Flitwick was, we have realized that the education given to some of you students were not adequate. While new spells or potion recipes may be learned, there are many cases where students from Hogwarts cannot duel very well. While for now it is not necessary to learn more dueling spells as it is peaceful times, we must always be ready. The staff members will help you to be the best you can be. Use this club to make new friends from other houses that you normally would not want to talk to. Use this club to hone yourself in the art of magic. There is a lot to be learned!" Professor Dumbledore said. Everyone clapped which cued him to smile and leave the room.

"Well we haven't thanked him, but he already left the room," Professor Flitwick said which made everyone chuckle. "There is only one thing I would like to add. That is to also help your fellow students that are not in the club. It does not have to be people you do not know of course, but try to help your friends as well. That is all. Except for the two captains, you are all dismissed.

When Chris noticed everyone that was leaving, he noticed that one of the Ravenclaw student was Cho Chang.

'Didn't think she was that talented. I knew she was a fairly talented, but top 3? Well I suppose since Ron is in he- Wait no Ron's strategizing skills are top-notch so it's not too far-fetched for him to be here? But this is the dueling club... Whatever, I suppose nurturing Ron and Cho aren't the worst decisions,' Chris thought. Soon everyone left the room leaving only Katie and Chris.

"There aren't much to do as a captain," Professor McGonagall said. "Your job here is mostly to learn, but there are still some responsibilities. For example, people with simple questions about spells will go to you two. While this may take up a bit of your time, I'm sure you're fine with this. If not, we'll appoint another person,"

"I'm fine with helping. It's not much different to what I've been doing before," Chris said.

"I'm fine with it too," Katie said.

"Thank you. Well if the students are asking just to annoy you, please come to us and we'll punish them accordingly. There is also another rule that we added. For anyone that wants to be the Captain, they could challenge you during the big meetups which is Thursday for 1st and 2nd years. Of course, that means that there will be incentives to being a Captain. You can ask for one favor every week as long as it is not too much. However, each "favor" will most likely have a set of rules added. You can even ask for money if you'd like. The school will pay 5 Sickles for each favor. These favors can stack up and if you are Captain for the remainder of the year, you can ask us for 28 favors which is around 8 Galleons.. However, the favors will not be counted in the following year so you have to use it within this year. This new reward system will be introduced on Thursday when we talk about the challenging rule. For now, that is it for the responsibilities of a captain. Just help others and maintain your position for as long as you can. Are there any questions?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Chris and Katie shaked their heads.

"If so, you two are dismissed. Have a good night," Professor McGonagall said.

"Thank you Professor," Chris and Katie said together as they both left the room.

When they left, Professor McGonagall looked at Snape.

"Do you think this dueling club was the right decision?"

"At the very least, those dunderheads will be less of a burden when the Dark Lord eventually comes back. The war is not over and we already have enough people relaxing," Snape said.

"It's unfortunate, but there's no way Fudge or the Ministry would prepare since all Fudge wants is a peaceful reign," Professor McGonagall said.


The room stayed silent for a minute and all the Professors proceeded to leave the room.