New Offensive Spell!

When Chris arrived in his dorm room, he immediately sighed in relief.

'Luckily, the teachers didn't notice that I used the Sensation Deprivation Hex. If they did, this would've been a nightmare,'

When he lied down on his bed, the System gave him his reward.

[Congratulations, you have completed the quest. You have received 1 Galleon and 1 random offensive spell. With 10% additional income from the wand, Host has received an additional 1 Sickle and 8 Knuts. Host now has 8 G, 6 S, and 8 K. 1 offensive spell will now be given.]

Fulgur Pila: An advanced spell that summons a ball of lightning and shoots it towards the enemy. You may make the ball smaller or bigger, but this requires experience. Making it bigger would make it slower and will not pierce as easily (more blunt) while making it smaller will make it faster and pierce much better. The power, speed, and how much bigger/smaller you can make the ball depend on Magical Power and experience.

Original Price: 13 Galleons

'This is an extremely good spell! There's no need to make it bigger unless I'm going against a being that's large, but once I can get it small enough, I can create a lightning bullet! No wonder it's so expensive,' Chris thought. 'The problem is that even with this new spell, I can't use it in the club,'

Chris realizing the flaw of having this spell sighed and thought for a bit.

'I should buy the Disarming Charm, Full-Body Petrification Curse, and Stunning Charm to use for the club. System if I want to buy all three of them, how much would it cost?'

[As Host's level is not high enough yet, the Stunning Spell and the Disarming Charm cannot be purchased yet. Host must be at least level 95 to buy these two spells or they can be received as Quest rewards. However, the Full-Body Petrification can be bought currently for 12 Sickles. Will Host purchase this spell?]

'What?! I can't buy the two spells?! Why?'

[Host all the higher leveled spells that you have received were from quest rewards. The only spell you've ever bought was the Finding Charm which is an extremely low level spell that anyone can use. The Disarming Charm and Stunning Spell are spells that are usually taught in the fifth year.]

'I suppose it makes sense. Well getting to level 95 will take at least months so I'll have to get lucky or study it I guess. Well then, I suppose I'll have to make to do with only the curse,' Chris thought. 'Alright I'll settle for the Full-Body Petrification Curse,'

[Thank you for your purchase, Host now has 7G 11 S 8 K.]

Soon information about the Full-Body Petrification Curse entered Chris' mind. After about 20 seconds passed, everything was passed on.

'Well it's not that difficult of a spell. With my current Magical Power, I should most likely be able to cast this spell quite a bit as long as I don't control the sizes. As for Fulgur Pila, as long as I don't try to control the size of the ball, I should be able to cast it quite a bit. I really need to increase my Magical Power quickly...' Chris thought.


It was now Thursday and it was another meeting with the third years this time as well. The third years that Chris noticed were the Weasley twins, Angelina Johnson, Cedric Diggory, Roger Davies, who was extremely friendly with him due to both of them being on the Quidditch team, and a few others. Chris looked at Cedric with a bit of pity.

'Cedric Diggory really did die an unfortunate death even when he had such a bright future. When he died, a couple of my friends who were extreme fans started to cry. I won't let him die like that this time,' Chris thought.

When all the teachers came in, everyone was seated and quiet. Professor McGonagall proceeded to speak.

"Good evening students, I hope that you rested enough. This Monday, we decided on the captains. However, the captains are not going to be captains for the entire year. Every Thursday, there will be 15 minutes that will be spent on challenges. You might think that there's no point in challenging a captain, but there is an incentive. We will be giving out "favors" every week to the captains that will stack up throughout the year. These favors can be asked and as long as it isn't too excessive, we will immediately grant you the request. For some, there might be some conditions, but majority of the requests will be accepted. You can also exchange these favors for 8 Sickles each," Professor McGonagall said.

Chris noticed that the atmosphere suddenly changed. He knew how good these favors can be. With homework exceptions, money, and even permission to see restricted books, they were all extremely convenient for students.

"So we hope that everyone try their best to defeat the Captains of the Dueling Club," Professor McGonagall said. "So now, we will be spending 15 minutes to let anyone challenge their captain before moving on with the first lesson. I will explain a bit more on how lessons will be later on,"

As no lessons has occurred yet, no one challenged the captains except for one person.

"I would like to challenge my captain!" Draco said.

"Is there anyone else that would like to challenge their captain?" Professor McGonagall asked.

No one spoke up.

"Very well, the duel shall be between Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Evergreen. After this we shall start our first lesson!" Professor McGonagall said. "Please go to the center of the room and get ready,"

Draco and Chris went to the center of the room and got their wands out.

"Are you sure you want to duel me so quickly without learning any new spells? I did injure you quite a bit last time," Chris said.

"I underestimated you and was unprepared last time," Draco said. "You won't be so lucky this time Evergreen!"

"Alright then. Since I got in trouble last time for punishing you, I won't be so cruel," Chris said.

"You may now start the duel!" Professor McGonagall said.

"Flipendo!" Draco chanted. Once again, Chris fell down.

'How boring,' Chris thought. Before Draco could chant his next spell, Chris quickly stood up.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Chris chanted. As he practiced the spell a bit during his three days of practicing in the Practice Room, he upgraded this spell to level 2.

Draco immediately stiffened up and fell to the ground.

"You don't have enough practice on the Knockback Jinx," Chris said. "It didn't even make me feel dizzy at all. Before you duel me, practice a bit more,"

Everyone clapped and Snape came up and cast Reparifors on Draco.

As soon as Draco stood up and looked at Chris angrily.

"I will get you next time," Draco said and walked back to his seat. Chris shrugged and walked back to his seat.

"Alright now that the duels are over, let's start the first lesson," Professor McGonagall said.