Winner of the Match

With one of the Hufflepuff beater distracting Chris with the Bludger, Chris went back high up into the air.

'Close,' Chris thought as he continued to searching for the Golden Snitch.

"With Chris Evergreen distracted from the Golden Snitch, let's get back to the other part of the game. Hufflepuff in possession of the Quaffle. Brooke Bags zooming past the Ravenclaw defense and passes it to Dave Ash. Dave Ash looking to score and he- No! Excellent block by Keeper Grant Page,"

Chris continued to search for the Golden Snitch.

'This is a lot harder than I thought,' Chris thought. However, as he turned to his left looking at the game for a bit, he noticed a flash of gold.

'Bingo,' Chris had his eyes on the Snitch. He moved slowly towards the left continuing to keep his eyes on the Snitch. When he was far away enough from the Hufflepuff Seeker, he immediately dove to where the Golden Snitch was.

"Ravenclaw is now in the possession of the Quaffle. Ro- Chris Evergreen just now dove at incredible speed. He has found the Golden Snitch!"

The Hufflepuff Seeker immediately followed Chris. However, he was still quite a bit away from Chris. which prompted both Hufflepuff Beaters to target Chris with the Bludgers. However, this time, Chris was able to smoothly dodge the Bludgers while still having his eyes on the Golden Snitch. The Bludgers were still able to slow him down and the Hufflepuff Seeker was able to close the distance.

The Golden Snitch was now only a couple feet off the ground and desperate to shake off both Seekers. Chris was forced to dive even lower and the Hufflepuff Seeker followed. However, once it got too low, the Hufflepuff Seeker leaned back, giving up the Snitch.

Chris was extremely close to the ground. He reached his hand out to grab the Golden Snitch. He slowly got closer and closer to the Snitch and when he felt that he was close enough, he attempted to grab the Snitch. He quickly leaned back to move back high up and slowly opened his hand. The loud audience was now completely silent, curious to see whether or not Chris had caught the Golden Snitch.

Chris held up his hand to reveal the Golden Snitch.

The Ravenclaw students cheered loudly.

"Chris Evergreen has caught the Golden Snitch! The winner is Ravenclaw with the score of 190-40!"

All the players came down from the broom and the Ravenclaw students all hugged Chris.

"You did it!" Brian said. "You won us the game!"

Chris laughed and was still overjoyed to see the golden ball in his hand.

After the game, Chris met up with Hermione and Kristine, both of whom were still excited about the win.

"Chris that was a nice catch!" Hermione said.

"Yeah, I honestly thought you were going to fall off your broom!" Kristine said.

"First of all, thank you. Secondly, Kristine, I'm sad that you have no trust in me," Chris said jokingly.

"Well we're now 1 step closer on that vacation!" Hermione said.

"Yeah Chris, you better win the rest of those matches or else, you know what's going to happen" Kristine said while taking out her wand.

"I know I know!" Chris said. "Don't worry, we'll get our vacation. Well I have to win the Cup or else, my father's never going to ever spend money on brooms or anything of the sort ever again,"

"Oh yeah, Chris, you still have that diary we found at the girl's bathroom?" Kristine asked.

"Yeah I think I still do. Why? Did you figure anything out?" Chris asked.

"Well, I think I do. Can we go get it?" Kristine asked. The three went back to the dorm and Chris took out the diary. He then gave it to Kristine who opened it up to the page of the riddle.

"On the land of the free... I think that's America," Kristine said.

"Oh yes!" Chris exclaimed. "Now that I think about it, their land is called the land of the free,"

"Yeah and as for the second part, it's talking about a foreign lady holding life. It can't be talking about a person so it has to be something monumental," Kristine said.


Chris suddenly had an inspiration.

"What if life wasn't really talking about life, but about something else. If I remember correctly, there's the Statue of Liberty where a statue of a lady was built in France. Life can also represent fire so that fits as well. Finally, on top of the statue, the crown, there's a piece of hope. That piece of hope is what the diary wants us to find!" Chris said.

"Yes that makes sense," Hermione said. "But what's that piece of hope and what do we need it for?"

"I don't know," Chris said. "However, since these pieces of this "hope" are scattered across the world like how this one is in America, I'm guessing that whatever is there is much more dangerous than You-Know-Who can ever be,"

Kristine and Hermione shuddered at the thought.

"What could possibly be more dangerous than You-Know-Who? From what I know, only Grindelwald was bigger threat and even he was only a bit more dangerous," Kristine said.

"Well let's not think about it," Chris said. "The diary will give us clues. I'll ask my father if we can all go to New York where the Statue of Liberty is,"

"I really wanted to go somewhere else, but I guess New York is alright. We have to be able to tour New York," Kristine said.

"Of course," Chris said. "How much time can we really spend finding this "piece of hope". We're going to spend at least 1-2 months in New York so we have plenty of time to have fun,"

"We better," Hermione said. "I don't want to spend my vacation time only looking for this unknown 'piece of hope',"