
Now that the Quidditch match was over, Chris' days went back to normal. The only thing that made it a bit louder was that Chris finally took the test for Protego.

'I didn't want to wait almost a month for this, but it would look weird for me to take such a little time to be able to learn the spell,' Chris thought as Professor McGonagall was in front of him administering the test.

"I will shoot a simple Knockback Jinx at you. If you want to move on, you must block it," Professor McGonagall said.

"Yes Professor," Chris said. "Protego!"

Professor McGonagall seeing that he put up the Shield Charm swung her arm. There was a blue light that appeared in front of Chris. His shield was still intact.

"Congratulations, Mr. Evergreen. You are not the first student, but you are the first first year to pass the test. Please go to Professor Snape to learn your next spell," Professor McGonagall said. "After he is done teaching your next spell, please do help the first year students that are still working on the charm,"

"Yes Professor," Chris said as he moved on to Professor Snape.

"You dunderheads are taking so long with a such a basic charm. I worry for the future," Snape said with a sarcastic tone. "The spell I'm going to teach you is Impediment Jinx. It is normally used to hinder or completely stop movement, but you can use it to push away, or even make someone levitate,"

Snape proceeded to teach the ins and outs of the spell making sure that Chris got every single point down.

"That will be all. Hurry up and practice," Snape said as he moved to the Slytherin students to help them.

'He may not be the nicest teacher, but he is one of the best in teaching,' Chris thought as he started to practice. The Jinx wasn't as difficult as the Shield Charm so he was sure that as long as he spent an hour or so practicing the spell, he would get it to level 1. He then went to where the rest of the first years were so that he could assist them with the Shield Charm.


Weeks passed and it was now only a day before breaks started. In the morning, while Chris was eating, he received a letter.

"Hello Chris, it's your father. Your mother and I have gotten to know your friends' parents quite well. Mr and Mrs. Granger and Mr and Mrs. Alder are all great people. Thus, for your winter break, we have all decided to go to New York since one of your grandfather's friend, Newt Scamander said that New York was amazing when he had visited in the past. You three can decide where in New York you want to go and send me an owl as soon as possible. I'm sure you want to spend more time with your friends while all of us parents can relax. I've also heard that you won your first match. Congratulations.

Your Father"

Chris showed Hermione and Kristine the letter his father sent him.

"Wow, we can go to New York and get the 'piece of hope'. If you win the Quidditch Cup, we can go somewhere else for summer vacation," Hermione said. "

"Yeah! There's so many places that I want to go. Spain, Britain, Paris, and maybe even the Asian countries like China, Japan, and Korea!" Kristine said.

"Alright then for now, I'll tell my father that we want to go to New York Harbor," Chris said writing a letter as quickly as possible. When Chris was done writing and the two girls were finished eating, they went back to the Common Room to practice the Shield Charm.

A few hours later, it was finally time for the kids going back home to take the Hogwarts Express. The three said their goodbyes and went in the train. They went inside an empty compartment and put all their luggage away.

"So what are we going to do in New York after we're done finding the 'piece of hope'?" Hermione asked.

"Well we can eat all kinds of food, sight-see, and etc," Chris said.

'Without the internet, making specific plans is going to be a bit difficult especially since I don't know the area that well,' Chris thought. When they finally arrived at Platform 9 3/4, Chris saw his parents waiting for him.

"Hello son, I missed you!" Lorraine said while proceeding to hug him. "How was Hogwarts? Did the professors treat you well? You know I was angry that your father bought your entire Quidditch team Nimbus 2000s, but after I heard that you guys won, I completely forgave him. I even told him that every time a better broom comes out, buy your entire Quidditch team one. I was so excited that my son could potentially be a professional Quidditch player. You could take over the family after you had your fun with that. Your father still has a good 50-60 years worth of energy in him so he can be the head while you're playing,"

"Hello mother," Chris said a bit overwhelmed by her excitement.

"Oh, you two must be Hermione and Kristine. Like my husband said in his letter, we've been talking to your parents a lot and I have to say that Hermione you look just like your mother while Kristine you look just like your father," Lorraine said. "Well, I'm sure that you're tired of the train ride so we'll take you to our home. Both of your parents are there right now and we are quite excited to have guests over,"

Kristine and Hermione couldn't even get a word in before they were quickly taken to Chris' home.