
When Chris went through the flames, he felt the cold inside his body fight the flames around him. It didn't take long until he went to the other side.

In the room was Harry tied up with a rope looking at Quirrell with a shocked face.

"Wasn't Snape trying to kill me?" Harry asked.

"No you blithering fool, I was trying to kill you," Quirrell said. "To think that Snape tried so hard to save you for you to just give yourself to me. Well I do have to thank you for this wonderful gift Potter,"

"And that troll during Halloween... Was that you as well?"

"Yes, but that blasted Evergreen was there to foil my plan! I suppose I'll kill him too when I have the chance in the future. My master will most likely give me the chance to dlo so,"

Chris looked at him coldly.

'It seems that I won't bat an eye killing Quirrell them,' Chris thought. 'Funny I thought I would be more against about killing someone, but I guess when your life is being threatened, even killing isn't much,'

He took a look a Quirrell's stats.

Quirinus Quirrell

Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Magical Power: 10,000 (Extremely weakened. Original: 109,000)

'Well then, it seems that I'm only a little behind him in his weakened state,' Chris thought. 'Luckily, Voldemort made him drink all that unicorn blood and made him very weak. His will to live is going to be his downfall,'

Chris slowly went down the stairs as quietly as possible and went to a spot where he knew he could hit Quirrell. He took out his wand and started to wait.

Quirrell faced the Mirror of Erised that was behind him.

"Now enjoy the few minutes that you have left to live Potter. Life is an extremely precious thing and if I were you, I would enjoy every single bit of it to the fullest," Quirrell said as he faced the mirror.

"Strange. I see myself giving the Stone to my master, but the stone isn't appearing," Quirrell said.

"When I heard you sobbing. I thought you were being stressed out from Snape questioning you," Harry said

"Oh Potter, that was my master punishing me for my mistakes. He doesn't like failures and so when I failed getting the Stone, it was him punishing me. It is hard trying to follow one of the greatest wizard in the history of magic while you are a mere Defense Against the Dark Arts professor trying to teach amateur wizards how to cast the most basic spells in the book," Quirrell said. "Well it's almost over. My master will give me the biggest rewards once this is over. He will make me stronger. He will make me his most strongest servant. Then I will come back. I will kill that wretched Snape and drink his blood. I've already drank Unicorn blood so I don't think it makes a difference to drink some human blood especially since he's my greatest enemy,"

"You know what the funny part is," Harry said. "Snape probably sees me as his greatest enemy. He doesn't even see you in his eyes. You're so weak that he doesn't even acknowledge you as a fellow wizard. Even if you turned into a Muggle the next day, he won't notice,"

'Wow, Harry developed quite the poisonous tongue,' Chris thought as he watched with amusement. As it wasn't the right time to jump in, he stood still only able to watch the events unfold.

Quirrell twitched, but he continued to look at the mirror trying to learn the secrets of the mirror.

"Soon Potter. Soon, you will know the terror of the Dark Arts. I will show you how it feels to desire death, but be unable to get it," Quirrell said. "Master what should I do? The stone isn't in my hands,"

"Use the boy," A faint voice said.

'God I know about parasitic Voldemort, but it's still extremely freaky to hear his voice out of nowhere,' Chris thought.

Quirrell's face lit up and the ropes tying up Harry disappeared. Harry slowly walked towards him and soon was right in front of the mirror.

"Tell me what do you see Potter?" Quirrell asked.

"I see- I see Dumbledore giving me the trophy. I- I won the Quidditch Cup!" Harry said.

"What? Move out of the way!" Quirrell shouted as he pushed Harry.

Harry stood up and as he was slowly moving away,

"He lies!" Voldemort said as loud as he could.

"Come back Potter!" Quirrell shouted. "Tell me what do you see. If you lie to me again, I'll give you the worst pain you can imagine,"

"Let me speak to him," Voldemort said.


"I have enough energy," Voldemort said. "Let me speak to him,"

Quirrell started to untie his turban. Voldemort's face soon appeared in the mirror frightening Harry.

"Look at me Potter," Voldemort said. "Look at my wretched form. I'm a mere parasite, but I am fortunate to have faithful servants like Quirrell have unicorn blood to help me. However, I want a full body. I want to once again rule the Wizarding World and I'll even let you be by my side so why don't you give me the stone in your pocket Potter,"

Harry fell down and his face was full of despair.

"Ah I remember this scene. Your father had that same face. However, I applaud his bravery. Even if he was frightened, he fought till his dying breath. After I killed him, I went to your mother. She did not need to die, but she was also brave as she sacrificed herself to save you. I know you don't want your mother to die in vain Potter," Voldemort said.

"LIAR. I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU THE STONE!" Harry shouted as he stood back up and tried to run away.

"Get him!" Voldemort shouted. Quirrell snapped and the whole room was in flames. He then snapped again tying Harry up with ropes. He slowly started walking towards Harry. He went to grab Harry who seemed to be in huge pain.

"AGH!" Quirrell shouted as he let go of Harry. His hands were now extremely red.

"Master I cannot hold him,"

"Then keep you distance and kill him!"

Quirrell jumped back and was about to perform a spell, but Harry jumped to reach for Quirrell. He was able to grab onto Quirrell's arm. He was able to reach grabbing onto Quirrell's arm trying not to let go. Quirrell continued to scream in pain trying to get rid of Harry. He was finally able to kick him away, but his arm was seriously burnt. He angrily looked at Harry who fainted and was about to perform a curse.

'Now!' Chris thought.

"Fulgur Pila," Chris chanted. A small ball of lightning formed and he shot it at Quirrell whose back was turned towards him.

Quirrell quickly turned back and was shocked to see a spell. He was barely able to block it as he created a weak enough shield.

"Who?!" Quirrell shouted. However, since Chris was still invisible, all Quirrell was able to do was just panic.

"Use Revelio you blithering fool!" Voldemort shouted. "Are you a teacher or an amateur?!"

"Revelio!"Quirrell chanted.

-Notice: Revelio Charm has been used on Host while under the Invisiblity Potion.-

Chris panicked.

'Oh shit, if it works then I'm done for,' Chris thought.

-Notice: Caster is too weak to properly use the spell. You will not be revealed.-

Chris heaved a sigh of relief and regained his confidence.

Voldemort seeing that Quirrell was too weak to do anything, decided to ignore Chris.

"Get the stone first. I'll help you deal with the attacker later," Voldemort said.

Quirrell quickly ran towards where Harry was to try to get the stone.

"Privatio Sensoria," Chris chanted and Quirrell fell to the ground.

"Why did you trip? You worthless servant!" Voldemort shouted angrily.

"Reducto," Chris chanted. Quirrell's unburnt arm disappeared and there was blood spewing out.

When Quirrell came back to his senses, he screamed in pain.

"The Reductor Curse?!" Voldemort shouted. "You must not be a student. Show yourself if you dare! Who dares to fight against Lord Voldemort!"

However, Chris didn't fall for his taunt. He just watched as Quirrell continued to scream. Soon the screaming stopped and Quirrell died leaving a bloody corpse.

'I thought I was ready to kill him, but I still feel a bit nauseous,' Chris thought as he tried to control his urge to vomit.

When he looked up, he saw a black mist in front of him. Voldemort stared toward Chris' direction as if it could see him. However, he just let out an angry scream and left the room unable to even touch the stone.

'That was much easier than I thought,' Chris thought as he went towards Harry. He grabbed the stone inside Harry's pocket and left the room.