Dumbledore's Opinion

As Chris approached the door to exit, he saw Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall entering. After a bit of thinking, he decided to sit down by the wall.

"Is that Quirrell?!" Professor McGonagall asked with a surprised tone. "What is he doing here?!"

"It seems that it is and it looks like he had quite the fight. One of his arm was blown cleanly off and the other looks like it was burnt," Dumbledore said as he looked at Harry. However, he looked troubled as if nothing went according to plan.

"Was it Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked with a surprised tone.

"No..." Dumbledore said. "Well partially no. It seems that whoever blew off Quirrell's arm is different from the person that burnt his arm... The stone!"

Dumbledore took a look at the Mirror of Erised. He frowned and finally looked at Harry. He started searching through the pockets.

"It's not here," Dumbledore said. "The Stone is gone,"

"What?!" Professor McGonagall shouted. "How is it gone? You ensured that if it's You-Know-Who, he'll never be able to get it no matter how strong he is,"

"He used Potter to get it out of the mirror," Dumbledore said. "However, if Voldemort indeed took it, things would've been different. Harry wouldn't be alive and Quirrell would not be dead with two of his arms completely obliterated. My guess is that whoever killed Quirrell took the Stone,"

"But who could've done it?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"It'll take a bit more time for me to figure it out, but I just hope that whoever took it would destroy it. The world does not need the existence of the stone anymore," Dumbledore said as he looked toward Chris' direction.

'Has he spotted me?' Chris thought. 'No, the potion is extremely strong. If the System said it'll hide my presence, for someone with strength like Dumbledore, he should only feel a slight tingle if they could really feel my presence unless he uses the Revelio Charm. Either way, if he spots me, then I'm screwed. I'll try to destroy the Stone later, but first I'll have to use it for the mysterious book,'

Chris quickly left the room leaving Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to take care of Harry.

He took one of the few brooms remaining in the Winged Keys Chamber and quickly flew up to the trapdoor where Fluffy was. He quickly burst through the trap door and quickly flew out of the room while Fluffy started barking extremely loudly.

'God I hate that stupid Cerberus,' Chris thought as he hurried back to the Ravenclaw Dorm.

He quickly solved the riddle that the door had and hurried inside. He took out the remaining bottle of the potion and drank it. A couple of seconds passed and he sat down on the couch in relief.

"It was a long night wasn't it?" Chris mumbled to himself. He did not see Hermione or Kristine so he stood up and went back to his room. He noticed the System give out his reward, but couldn't care to check it out. For the first time since he got his System, he did not enter the Practice Room.


The next day both Hermione and Kristine hugged him as they were crying.

"Chris we thought..." Hermione said as she started to hiccup.

"Don't do that ever again," Kristine said. "You do that one more time and I'll-I'll-I'll do something,"

"Alright alright," Chris said as he smiled. "People are looking guys,"

Both Hermione and Kristine immediately stopped crying and looked around. The students looking at them were whispering and both girls' faces turned bright red.

"Alright let's go somewhere quiet where we can talk," Chris said.

They went to the boy's room where for now was empty. The three sat down on Chris' bed where he happily took out the Philosopher's Stone.

"You got it!" Kristine shouted. "How did you defeat Quirrell?"

"Quirrell fortunately had a very stupid master," Chris said with a smile. "If it wasn't for You-Know-Who's extremely powerful will to get a new body, Quirrell wouldn't have been so weak that even I could fight him.

"Huh, but how did you fight him?" Hermione asked. "Even if he was weak, just by his experience and the amount of spells he knew, it would have been very hard to fight him?"

"You know when I said that I only had those 3 Invisibility Potions... I kind of lied. I had a bit more," Chris said.

"What?! You lied about such an important thing?" Kristine asked. "You're giving me some more right? Right?!" Kristine asked as she glared at Chris.

"I'll give it when we need it. Those cost a lot of money," Chris said.

"You're rich anyways," Kristine said. "How much can those potions cost anyways?"

"A galleon each. And let me tell you that's a one bottle of Dragon Blood worth for each bottle. So yes we went through 4 bottles of Dragon's Blood worth of Invisibility Potions and let me tell you, my family is rich. I am not," Chris said.

'You think that easy quests come to me every single day? I wish!'

Kristine continued to glare at Chris, but did not talk about the potion anymore.

"So are we going to the statues?" Hermione asked.

"Let's wait until after the last Quidditch match," Chris said.

"Alright. Although it is really unfortunate," Kristine said. "I really wanted to see you go against Harry, but he's in the hospital wing and we don't know when he's going to wake up,"

"Yeah," Hermione said. "However, without Harry, it'll be an easy match for Ravenclaw,"

"Well we still have 6 more years to go against each other," Chris said. "And I'm sure that they'll put up some kind of fight,"

However, just like Hermione said, the Gryffindor team without Harry was like a fish on land. With Gryffindors barely able to score a couple points against the Ravenclaw team and the substitute Seeker having his confidence completely shatter by Chris, the score was an overwhelming 210-50.