
As more people came in to take away the Death Eaters, some were assigned to move Chris' parents. When they saw the condition his parents were in, the helpers' face turned pale.

"Oh my god, this is one of the worst I've seen. I would be surprised if they came out alright after this much torture. The damage to their body can be fixed but their minds..." One of the helpers said quietly as they cast a spell to lift the bodies of both Bradley and Lorraine Evergreen.

"Be quiet. This is the head of the Evergreen family and his wife. Their child is right there. If you want to talk that kind of nonsense, do it outside, not in front of the kid," The other helper said angrily. Fortunately, as both of them were quiet and the room was already loud with all the Death Eaters being taken away, Chris was unable to hear them.

Although he saw his parents getting taken away, Chris was unable to move or even react. The guilt, regret, and sadness from everything that happened took over his body. He started to get nauseous and the last thing he heard was the man who took down Lucius scream his name as his body hit the cold floor.

When Chris woke up, he wasn't in the Death Eater outfit that he was in earlier. Instead, he was wearing a white robe and lying down on a hospital bed. When he sat up, his mind immediately turned to all the horrible torture he did to both Hermione and Kristine and his parents' bodies that were on the floor half-dead. He started to gag but before he could throw up, the door opened and a woman that seems to be a healer came in. She immediately cast a spell which calmed down Chris and his stomach. However, his mind continued to go to the horrible scene which made Chris feel like he was going crazy. Tears started to form and he started to sob uncontrollably.

More people came inside the room and when Chris looked up, he saw Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon in front of the door waving at him.

"Hey guys," Chris said with a forced smile.

Harry walked towards Chris and immediately hugged him.

"Hey man, I'm not that hurt. I'm not that..." Chris said as he started to cry once more.

When Chris finished crying, he laid back down on the hospital bed and Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon got three chairs and sat next to his bed. The healer that was next to him saw that he was alright and left the room.

"I'm guessing I'm at the base's hospital right now?" Chris asked.

"We're at St. Mungo's," Harry said.

"What? How can I be here?! Does that mean you guys..."

"Yes, we were able defeat Voldemort and we're currently in the process of capturing the Death Eaters," Harry said.

"We got really lucky too," Ron said. "Harry said that since the Elder Wand technically belonged to him and not You-Know-Who's, it ended up backfiring on him. After You-Know-Who died, the rest of the Death Eaters were easily captured,"

Chris laughed at this good news.

"This is great. It's finally over..." Chris said as he closed his eyes. When he was finished digesting the news, he turned to Harry his face turning more serious.

"How are Hermione and Kristine. How are my parents?" Chris asked hoping that the stream of good news would follow.

"Hermione and Kristine are doing fine. Since the harm done to Hermione and Kristine weren't to the point of being permanent, they woke up fine with all their cut wounds healed as well. All they need is a little rest for their minds to recover. As for your parents, the healers were able to heal all the external wounds as well since none of the spells used to torture them were spells that had irreversible damage. However, since their torture was a lot harsher and longer than Hermione and Kristine's, they'll need a lot more rest and the healers here said that there will be some permanent damage to the mind that they can't fix,"

Chris sighed in relief.

"As long as they're fine it's alright. As long as they're fine..." Chris said. He felt that he was lucky especially with his parents' situation. He expected the worst since when he last saw them, they were half-dead.

As the four were talking, Chris noticed another person enter the room. It was the man who took down Lucius. He got another chair and sat down next to Harry.

"I'm sorry Mr. Potter. Is it alright if you three could leave the room for a minute? I have some things I need to talk to with Mr. Evergreen," The man asked with a smile.

Harry nodded and the three left the room leaving only Chris and the man.

"Hello Chris," The man said. "Do you know me?"

Chris shook his head.

"Fair enough. Even though we were both in the resistance, it is kind of difficult to know everyone since the resistance was quite large. I'm Drake Goldhorn. You can call me Drake, Mr. Goldhorn, or Mr. Drake, whatever you wish. Did you hear the news?" Drake asked.

Chris nodded.

"Well that's good. Then I'm sure that you know the conditions of your friends and parents as well. I'm just going to specify a little bit more. Is that fine with you?" Drake asked.

Chris nodded once more and Drake started to explain.

"As for your friends, they are in good shape. I'm sure you know that they only need a little rest for to fully recover. However, there's a problem. It seems that they now have a trauma associated with you. While they know that you were under the Imperius Curse, it seems that your friendship is going to be a bit difficult to recover. Even if it does recover, there's a huge chance that it won't be the same again,"

"I deserve it," Chris said as he looked away from Drake. He knew that if he snapped out of it faster, he would've been able to save both Hermione and Kristine.

"No. No one deserves a damaged friendship because they were under the Imperius Curse." Drake said calmly. He waited for a minute to talk again. "As for your parents, I'm sure Mr. Potter told you that while the external wounds have been healed, some of the damage in their minds will not be fixed so there will be some changes. They'll be easily irritable at times and they can also get panic attacks from getting pointed at by wands. They're mainly from the damages caused by the trauma of being excessively tortured both physically and mentally,"

"It could've been much worse," Chris said once again feeling lucky that his parents didn't pass away.

"Yes. It really could have been much worse but it seems that fortune was in their favor," Drake said while nodding. "I have one final news that might shock you,"

Chris looked at Drake with a confused look.

"You have been given the power to determine the fate of the Malfoy Family,"
