Judge of the Malfoy Family

"Did I hear that correctly? I was given the power to determine the fate of the Malfoy family?" Chris asked shocked by what he had just heard.

"Specifically, you've been given the power to judge Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy," Drake said calmly.

"How does that even work? Am I going to sit in the center of the Wizengamot trial and give out the verdict without any need for witnesses or even a fair trial?" Chris asked.

"The process is similar. You shall meet with the Malfoy family in a private room with one Wizengamot member. You will declare your verdict and afterwards, there will be an official trial where the Wizengamot members will give them the punishment that you have decreed. Well the only limitation is the punishment itself since the only punishment you can really give is time in Azkaban. Of course, you can tell all three of them to rot in there forever and give them life sentences," Drake said.

"So they will be in control by Dementors?" Chris asked.

"No, the Ministry of Magic decided to lock away the Dementors after they assisted the Dark Lord. Since all they really care about is sating their hunger, if someone like the Dark Lord appears again, who know what the Dementors will do. Aurors will guard prisoners of Azkaban from here on out," Drake said.

"So why me?" Chris asked. "This is extremely unfair for people that have lost families and friends to the hands of Death Eaters. There is Neville Longbottom whose parents were tortured by Death Eaters. There is Harry who lost his godfather, parents, and teacher to Death Eaters and the Dark Lord. There is Ron who lost his brother to Death Eaters. His family especially Fred is still mourning and I doubt that George will ever be the same again,"

(Author's Note: I know it's Fred who died but since things are different in my story, I put George's death.)

"You know exactly why Chris," Drake said. "You know why you were given special privileges that others would kill for. It's quite obvious. It's your family. Ignoring your wealth, your family's power in the Ministry of Magic alone is probably enough to get this benefit. Do you know why Lucius Malfoy had a lot of say in what happened in the Wizarding World? It's because he had money and power. If it wasn't for the Evergreen Family suppressing him, he would've really controlled everything in the shadows,"

Chris stayed silent.

"It may seem unfair now but let me also say this," Drake said. "Your benefits are not really all that big anyways. Death Eaters were going to be given heavy sentences anyways. I'm sure you know that Bellatrix Lestrange was given a life sentence in the past for torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom. The only real benefit you have is the power to not allow the Malfoys to escape their punishment with money and the power to get justice personally. All they did was to make justice taste a bit better,"

Chris nodded which made Drake crack a smile.

"Well now that you understand, I'll tell you when your little meeting with the Malfoy family is. Of course, the Wizengamot will give you time to recover from your mental state. From what I saw earlier, I'm sure that you need more time to heal," Drake said. He stood up and left the room.

When Drake left, Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon entered the room. They looked at Chris who was blankly staring at the wall as if he was staring at an invisible creature that only he could see.

"So what did you guys talk about?" Se-yeon asked as the three sat down on the chairs they set up earlier.

"Well the conditions of my parents, Hermione, and Kristine. He just got a little bit more specific. At this point, I'm just glad that they're not dead after being captured," Chris said. "I was also told that the Wizengamot gave me the power to determine what happens to the Malfoy Family,"

"They let you do what?!" Ron asked loudly as he stood up from his chair.

"Yeah I was surprised too," Chris said with a chuckle. "They're giving me the power to deal with the Malfoys personally. Even if the Malfoys decide to use their entire fortune to try to escape, as long as I say life in Azkaban, they can never escape,"

"Well I think it's better this way," Se-yeon said. "From what I know, the Malfoys escaped punishment at the end of the first war by saying that they were under the Imperius Curse but I'm sure their money were able to influence the judges a lot more than their statement. Since they tried and succeeded once, they'll definitely try again. However, if the heir of the Evergreen Family personally laid down judgement then no bribe would be enough for the judges to let the Malfoys go especially because the Malfoys were in the wrong,"

"Well that makes sense," Ron said. "So it seems that the Malfoys are definitely done for this time,"

"Yes," Chris said. "Perhaps with this I can at least redeem myself a little bit for Hermione and Kristine,"

"Don't say that," Harry said. "Hermione and Kristine understand what you went through. They just need a little more time to heal up,"

"Agreed and by the time, you're out of bed, I'm sure that the two of them will go to you with a smile and we can all have some Butterbeer together after going back to school," Ron said.

"I hope so," Chris said with a smile.