Chapter 54 sometimes it is better to just kill an enemy rather than mindfuck them

The hybrid leader, Hougan, tensed up at the sudden actions of these humans.

"fucking hell! I just wanted some directions!"

An arrow came flying towards his head, but a green fist from his orcish companion smashed the projectile.

The half-orc, Duke, placed a hand on his leader's shoulder before moving to the front.

"Leave it to me, leader... there is nothing I'd love more than to trample these bastards!"

As he alone, within the group, loathed humans of the other kingdoms more than the frigid cold of the mountains that claimed the thousands of lives of his people.

His grandparents often told stories of the lands that were originally theirs.

The other kingdoms raided their lands due to greed for resources, and demons joined in to satisfy their bloodlust and hunger!

Unlike the others in the group, his hatred was finally let loose at this very moment as his green orcish skin stretched and his body bulked up in size as steam slipped out from the gaps of his gnashing teeth.

It soon turned red due to the specific type of orc that was grafted into his being.

The type of orc lineage he had received...

...Was an Orc berserker!

Their vitality surpassed that of ordinary orcs, and like a certain GREEN superhero, their overall abilities grew with their anger until they turned into mindless monsters for a certain amount of time with the only way to stop them was by killing the source of their anger or from exhaustion or upon getting killed or the aftereffects of using their abilities beyond what their body could handle.

The sound of his flesh and bones crackling was disturbing, to say the least, but the next scene was even scarier!

Duke was roughly about 3 meters tall and still growing as he leaned forward in a particular position that runners were familiar with.

His opposition had faith in their protective dome. Thus they unleashed what they could in a second.

"Prepare to be cleansed, demon spawn! Crescent SLASH!"

One of the armored men released an Artes skill towards the berserker that had no problem bypassing the dome of aura since it was made from the same Artes style.

With the armored attacker, others called forth various Artes that could maim or ruin the bodies of those it struck, well, the weaker bodied at least.

"Everyone scatter!"

Hougan relayed his order as his men all took action.

All of the hybrids dodged the attack one way or another while their spearhead did the unthinkable for the attacking group!

The berserker moved around the attack that drove faster than a speeding bullet before crashing into the dome!

His fingers caused the dome to loudly screech as they pushed forward, the noise their collision made only grew louder as multiple Artes struck the hybrid's frame!

While it managed to stop him, Duke released a bestial snarl as his whole body shook with the dome that started to flicker in and out of existence.


Then with one last angry howl that was nearly deafening to those who heard it, The orc berserker's body grew another meter while his bloodied and ruined fingers ripped through the human's defense against their squad!

Within a split second, the berserker's strength had momentarily surpassed the power of the dome that shattered away like broken glass.

But of course, there was a price to pay, His role was that of being a shock trooper, shield breaker, or anything else that would give his allies an edge over the opposition, which usually resulted in his strength overwhelming what his body could handle!

Duke's bodily limit was that of a 6th tier, but the sudden output had reached at least two tiers higher, so the berserker was already on the ground on all fours as his skin had ruptured in multiple areas as blood squirted out because of that!

Duke immediately passed out from blood loss and the intense pain his body was going through.

But he did his job well, as the others took their formation around him as Hougan spat out some acidic spit enveloped in aura to maximize its damage.

"Corrosive bolt!"

The others also made their moves as the troll hybrid threw a few rocks at struck at breakneck speeds Puncturing through one of the armored men's skulls that failed to block it with his shield in time!

His Artes allowed him to make anything he threw into a deadly projectile!

These Hybrids were part of the elite soldiers under the command of the empress if the nukes and lightning strikes didn't hit them before all of this, they'd still have their gear and would've made quick work of these opponents.

This was especially true for the berserker, his gear was crafted specifically for his traits and gifts, to reduce his burdens as well as any damage that his body will receive from his OWN actions!


At this moment, Mikhail was simply enjoying the show.

He floated in the air while being invisible.

Sure the psychic wanted to let loose, but something else was bugging him.

Unlike the usual riffraff, this feeling felt dangerous a kind of feeling that had made him struggle A LOT in the past.

The leader of the scouts grunted as her head shook about unnaturally fast, then her body straightened up while facing the sky with wide yet bloody eyes.

It was just that her head had turned 180 degrees with a disturbing smile plastered on her face before facing the sky.

She said one sentence but each word that left her lips had made everyone who heard it shiver from the overwhelming pressure the scout now emitted.

"H̴̨̝̱͙͇̮͛̓̑̆̏͒̌̊̕͝ȩ̶͓̤͙͈͈̾̑̿̒̔l̵͙̾̽͒̃̈́̈́̂̉̕̚ͅl̶̲̹͇͇̰̯̮̱̰͉̾̔o̵̧̡̠͉̠̩͔̪̹̹͌̍̀͝͝ ̵̨̬̦͍̦̜̇p̴͙̄̊̓̊̂̾̇͝͝ṡ̴̤͓̃̏̊͘ÿ̵̮̤̤́͌̏͊̕c̸̙̙̫͛̇̎̂͝͝h̷̢̧̻̮͚̰̹̽̎̐̅͘ͅi̴̭̳͑c̶̢̺̥̜͓͋͌͒͗͘̕,̸̣̭͍̔̂̀̚ ̵̬́́̌i̴̮͓̦͛̿̐̃̀͌͝ ̴̱̦̣͙̬͚̳̱̼̖̔ṭ̷̢͖͉͔͖̉̌̑̉͒͐̑͘r̸͎͓̯͎̐̈́̈́̔̾͝͝u̷̧̗͓̞̗̲̝̣̬͗͆̎͋̂͛̕͝͠l̶̫͙͆̐y̷̡̘̩̪̫̖͉̪̅̑̿͐͆ ̶͈̗͇̭͐̀̐̒͗̽̚͠m̴̘̉̏̑͗̐̈́͋͋i̸͈̦̺̊̈̎̈́͆s̶̲̒͐̓̎̚͝ͅs̴̥̩̼̳̦͙̝͆̍̎͋́̓͝e̴̡̨̨͔̤̬̪̍̐͜d̴̲̙͕̝͔́͝ ̷̺͓̪͍̹̾̿̾̈́͂̌́y̵̛̦͖̩̹̜̗̳̜͊͌̔̀͊ͅǫ̶̧͓͕̮̩̩̗̐u̵̡̱̞̱̖̳͖̩͛̀͜͝~̸͉͇̝͈̭̗͈̦̻̑̈́͆̓́̂̐̽̕͠"

The tone of the scout leader was laced with multiple things, such as yearning, affection, and the like, but it also carries obsession and possessiveness.

The voice belonged to an individual that made Mikhail's skin crawl for a different reason, much worse than the simple trauma of getting tortured for years.

It was the particularly genderless higher being that got mindfucked by him during that time.

He was limited in what could be done with his abilities, but that also brought a disturbing change to the said higher being.

Idyll absolutely loathed Mikhail to the point that he tried to burn the man's soul despite the heavy price that needed to be paid for doing such an action afterward.

In the psychic's desperation, he rewired Idyll's mind to hold the opposite feeling before killing that incarnation in that opening it had provided him since it left the goddess confused as her emotions were flipped.

His psychic ability had shattered Idyll's mind and caused the remaining emotions to scatter but as it did the 'adoration' the effects got amplified because Idyll had never experienced such emotions since her birth.

What the psychic realized later was that he had changed that 'god' from one of his worst enemies to a damned yandere, this was one of the most annoying things about higher beings, while you can kill one of the incarnations, thousands more will come after you...

...But if you mindfucked one of the higher beings with countless incarnations, there was a chance of it passing on to the others!

So with that in mind, Idyll's current incarnation smiled widely towards him, while it was full of affection, Mikhail wanted nothing to do with it!

"What's wrong, Yuri? Cat caught your tongue after I went as far as to possess a woman's body this time? or would you prefer a male instead?"

Idyll's voice was more harmless now, but the higher being was pretty serious with the question!