Chapter 55 Discovered by the Psychotic goddess

Mikhail's face cramped as his skin crawled from hearing Idyll's voice.

But this Psycho wasn't done.

"I want to taste you!"

Before you say anything, Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Idyll's words meant something completely different.

"I will make you bleed and drink your blood!"


Since this goddess had no idea of what her emotions were, and it was getting past a regular yandere.

If given a chance, Idyll would even eat his flesh!

But The psychic needed some time to make preparations against something that he could barely handle even with his current avatar.

Mikhail was already mentally cursing.

'Fuck, If I knew that this would happen, I would've controlled my 11th avatar instead, even if it sucked at stealth!'

Still, Mikhail needed to prevent this incarnation from making sudden movements that could make this worse than it already is. Even now, she was blatantly moving toward him despite how 'subtle' she was trying to be.

"Hrm, It had been quite some time, huh? Idyll?"

Idyll's eyes widened as she froze upon hearing his reply before shivering when Mikhail mentioned her name.

After panting a bit, There was a crack in her voice as Idyll barely kept herself in place.

"Ha~ Ha~ Ha~, I was right! You do make me feel this strange emotion... Come to me now, or I'll catch you even if I have to go to the ends of this world!"

A gleam flashed from her eyes as Idyll, with a flushed face, was already preparing to jump at him.

Mikhail mainly was done with his preparations against this incarnation of the goddess that sought to destroy his soul entirely during one of his travels in another world, and He was already starting to regret to bother inversing Idyll's loathing of him.

However, there was little of what could be said and done, he lacked the power to destroy her at the time entirely, and if he didn't do something, it would've been the end for him.

No use crying over spilled milk, the sudden spike of Aura returned the psychic from his thoughts, as the two groups were still battling it out away from Mikhail and his psychotic adversary.

He REALLY didn't want to have anything to do with her, but now that she had her sights on him, this world's difficulty had reached modified brutal as Idyll had drawn a bow while aiming an arrow at him.

"Please come down. I just want to have a LONG chat with you~!"

The mixed emotions were plaguing her mind again.

Her surface thoughts were going haywire as she was literally arguing with herself, one wanted to explore this new emotion, yet the other just wanted to know the taste of his sweat?

How sweet his blood could be?

How would filling his flesh be?

Regardless of what it was, the rest of her thoughts got reduced to garbled nonsense at this point.

One of the living scouts looked at this scene in disbelief, then again, who wouldn't?

The idyll was known for being neutral and cold according to the old texts, hell, when she first arrived, this little group was ecstatic from learning of her arrival making them have no regard for their own safety as they lost a few more people in turn managing to cripple one of their foes...

...Yet their beloved goddess who had used the scout leader as an incarnation was acting rather intimate with a heretic!

Thus while looking at the floating psychic with hatred, it was also in question, to which Mikhail simply shrugged in defeat unsure as to how to proceed with this.

Gods were tricky to deal with, especially when one lacked the power to handle them.

But that mere second of exchange caused a specific goddess to go ballistic from jealousy.

"You should only look at me!"

An arrow was let loose, but the messed up thing was, that arrow didn't head for him but rather the unlucky scout that hoped to help his goddess.

The poor lad wasn't even given a warning as his head exploded from the attack.

A single arrow filled with divinity was too much for human flesh to resist!

"You should only talk to me! You will be mine alone!"

The psychic shook his head before making a gun gesture with both hands.

This would get messy, and Mikhail mentally wished the unlucky group from earlier good luck before muttering.


Idyll rolled away from where she stood before that spot suddenly had two larger holes than a fist.

She returned the favor by firing an arrow toward Mikhail that quickly split into ten as they homed into his location!

Within seconds, both sides had exchanged multiple shots at each other.

Their stray shots left trees and the ground around them looking like beehives, while the other group stopped fighting and one side tried to escape the area.

The other knelt down and started praying because their Goddess had finally descended!

The weather started to worsen as the newly formed rainclouds had begun their downpour at this very moment.

Both parties were getting drenched.

One was already preparing to make his escape while the other licked her lips thoroughly, enjoying the sight of Mikhail's clothes sticking to his body.

"Sorry, But I'll need to cut this 'reunion' short!"

The Psychic had both hands aimed at Idyll before the goddess finally realized that she couldn't move.

Veins bulged out of Mikhail's temples and forehead.

He was doing multiple things simultaneously, hoping to prevent her from pulling the same stunt that made him suffer quite a bit during one of his transitions.

Flashes of light brightened the area up quite a bit as lightning struck down around them.

"You do realize that this is merely delaying the inevitable, right?"

Despite the restrictions, Idyll's body shook heavily as the strain began causing the body to break apart.

She still managed to smile and say her piece.

"True, but at least it'll leave me with fewer problems to deal with until then!"

The Psychic replied with a smile of his own before raising both hands to the air as Idyll got sent flying into the clouds while resolving to take a particular action that would hurt some of his future plans.

A barrage of lightning bolts slammed into Idyll, who maintained an eerie smile.

Manipulating the weather was hard for this body, but that bought him enough time to take a few necessary steps to help a few possible allies who received a telepathic message return to their kingdom before they could get killed.

When fighting a higher being, destroying one of their bodies was easy.

However, when there are multiple incarnations at once, that was when things get troublesome.

The other fanatics of Idyll's church, who were still kneeling in prayer, suddenly froze in place before their bodies shook at an alarming rate like they were getting electrocuted.

Then, they looked toward Mikhail with the same crazed look as Idyll's incarnation.

The goddess had taken control over their bodies and quickly joined in on attacking him.

They moved like wild beasts as their attacks were just as ferocious as one.

Idyll had thrown away all of her self-control.

The psychic sighed in regret as he really liked this body.

Being a former weak and disabled man made him reluctant to escape and give up his body simply.

Thus, He might as well make the best of it.

To fully experience what it is like to fight to the death, this was his first time fully immersing himself in it since he believed all of those other times to be dreams.

A moment of selfishness.

A single attempt to honestly try to live his life without worry.

It's not very often that he'll get such a chance, so Mikhail will milk it for what it's worth~.


Mikhail's whole body reddened as tested a lesser version of the ritual that hammer fist had used, since he was going to lose this avatar anyway, might as well get some nice test results!