Chu Ye sat on the sofa listlessly, his things weren't here yet so he had nothing to do. What does he do usually you ask? Well, Chu Ye was your typical shut-in, he sat around on his arse all day playing video games and watching anime, with a bit of music practice in between, not that he needed it, it was more of a passion. But since Ruoxi was a workaholic, there was nothing fun to do in the house, especially since he forgot to ask the wifi password. Ask Wang Ma you say? Well here's how that conversation went.
"Wang Ma, can I have the wifi password?"
Ruoxi wouldn't answer his texts either.
He could watch television, but all he could see were rows and rows of Korean drama, and he won't be going down that road anytime soon.
"Well drastic times call for drastic measures." He said as he stood up.
Walking towards the door that leads to the underground garage, he shouted towards the kitchen.
"Wang Ma, I'm going to bring Ruoxi some lunch."
And without waiting for a reply he was out the door, Wang Ma could be seen in the kitchen smiling brightly.
"What a caring Young Master."
Chu Ye was currently standing in front of rows of luxurious cars, he could see all different types and brands, from sports to comfort, Lamborghini's to Mercedes. He had a hard time choosing, he knew little about cars thanks to his time "away", though put a few flying swords in front of him and he'd even hand you the maker's address.
In the end, he chose the one that he found the most pleasing to the eye, a beautiful black Nissan GT-R, he knew it had to be the newest model since whoever gave this to Ruoxi wouldn't shame himself with an older model, though the R32 was still a beast.
Chu Ye opened the car's door and was impressed with the interior, the seat felt comfortable as he sat in it, though not as comfortable as his Pewdiepie edition gaming chair, well can't have it all, he thought. With that, he pushed start and stepped on the gas.... a few seconds later Chu Ye was staring at the wreckage of what was once a pristine GT-R, there wasn't even a scratch on him though.
"Time for an Uber," he muttered as he walked out of the garage, not once did he turn his head back.
Lin Ruoxi had a bad feeling, an omen of sorts. She could tell that it had nothing to do with her business as all was fine there, as fine as a billion-dollar company could be at least. No, this was house related. Lin Ruoxi always trusted her gut, that's why she was such a fine businesswoman, that and her above-level intelligence, so she powered on her phone and seeing her latest texts, she was so angry that she nearly threw her phone.
Chu Ye: Ruoxi, I'm coming to visit.
P.S. I may have crashed a car.
P.S. I definitely did.
She was angry at the last two texts but panicked at the first one. She hastily checked the time it was sent and lost all hope when she saw that it was 30 minutes ago. But she still dialed Chu Ye's number, who knows, traffic might be hectic, the phone dialed for a few seconds until she heard a familiar voice.
"Ruoxi just in time, tell Madam Wu here that it's ok to let me in."
"Chu Ye, go home right now."
"Ruoxi, although I would like to, you seem to have forgotten your lunch at home..."
There was a pause on the phone.
Lin Ruoxi's heart froze, she didn't want the marriage exposed to everyone at such an early point, her employees and the whole of Zhong Hai saw her as an ice-cold beauty, an unreachable existence, if it suddenly got out that she was married, her whole image would go down the drain in a matter of minutes.
"And as your cousin, it's my duty to make sure you don't work on an empty stomach."
And like the Antarctic, the ice around her heart melted, though she couldn't help but gnash her teeth as she spoke through the phone.
"You did that on purpose didn't you?"
"Why Ruoxi, Whatever do you mean?"
"Just give the phone to Wu Yue."
After a few seconds, Ruoxi tiredly put the phone down and rubbed her forehead. She knew Chu Ye was hard to control, but this was only the first day, and he was already coming to bother her at work, what would the next 3 years be like? She could only lament her decision in silence.
Lin Ruoxi seemed to have been lost in her thoughts, as she suddenly felt a soft touch on the sides of her temple, and a gentle stream flow into her, she hastily got up and turned around,
She was met with the concerned face of Chu Ye, who seemed to have let himself in.
"What did you do just now?" She questioned him warily.
"Don't you feel better?" He evaded her question.
She nodded. She did, a few seconds ago she was tired and nursing a minor headache, now she suddenly felt spirited, and her thoughts seem to be clearer than before.
"Then it doesn't matter."
Saying that he smiled, and sat himself down on the other side of the desk. Ruoxi didn't question him anymore, she had 3 years, she would dig out his secrets sooner or later. She sat herself down and glared at Chu Ye,
"Which car did you crash?"
"I'm fine Ruoxi, thank you for asking, you're such a good wife." His sarcasm was stinging.
Ruoxi was slightly embarrassed, sure she didn't love him as a wife should, but wasn't it common courtesy to at least check the well being of the victim first? Though his next sentence blew her embarrassment out of the window.
"The GT-R, I left it there in the garage."
"You crashed it in the garage and left it there? Are you insane! What if it blows up!" Her face was flushed at how angry she was.
"Please Ruoxi, things only blow up in the movies."