Chapter 11

Percy POV

You know when I went to bed I thought maybe just maybe the fates would give me a break and let me sleep in peace, wrong. Somehow I knew it was one of my past memories but for some reason I was seeing it from a third person point of view. I was in the woods early morning, the area I was in seemed extremely familiar but I couldn't remember why.

About 30 feet from where I was a woman in a simple brown cloak holding something in a bundle of blankets, judging from the sounds it was a baby. "Who's that?" I said to myself.

"Which one are you talking about?" a voice to my left said making me jump.

I turned to see a guy that looked a lot like my father in his late 20's standing with his arms crossed "Who the heck are you and how did you get here?" I blurted.

"Technically speaking I'm you, well the you that lived our past life. And in case you're wondering the baby there is us." I was about to ask one of the dozens of questions I had about my old life but he held up a hand a motioned for me to watch.

The lady had stopped walking and was looking around "Here should be good." she said aloud before looking down at me with disdain. "Now I can finally be rid of you, you are my greatest mistake and your very existence will bring me shame. Your half sister may have forced me to promise her that I won't kill you but that doesn't mean I have to nurture you. My only wish for you is that when the wolves come for you that your death will be quick.". she said setting me in a pile of leaves and walking away. After barely five steps she broke into a huge coughing fit but she never stopped walking.

I felt like someone had just kicked me in the gut, here was my own mother calling me a mistake and leaving me to die in the woods "Why did she do this?" I asked the other me.

"For the very reason she just said?" he said "She was a very well respected woman and more importantly married. We were the product of an affair and as such would have caused a lot of problems for her. This was her solution disown us and leave us to die but in the end the price was too much for her.".

"What price?" I asked.

"In layman's terms both of our parents were immortal and even though she could disown us we would have been a living testament to her unfaithfulness. So she made a deal with the Fates, we became mortal and she was forced to bear a curse, in the end that same curse forced her to fade".

To be honest I wasn't sure how I felt about this and the other me seemed to notice my struggle "Don't worry things get better, 16 years from now our father's wife officially adopts us as her own. By the time were 20 we had 7 beautiful kids and we'd found our sister that tried to protect us at birth. What's more the love of our life had already agreed to marry us." he finished smiling.

"Ok so why do you look like me" I asked.

The other me laughed "Looks like we still have problems with ADD." He said "But to answer your question this is how I looked, we just happened to be born with similar features so in a way it was just dumb luck. Also before you ask I can't just tell you all about the life I lived you need to remember it yourself otherwise we might have some... complications. I will however try to help speed things along." he snapped his fingers and suddenly it was night time.

"Now watch." he said. Me... or...I mean the baby me in the memory was still crying, slowly two wolves walked in the little clearing.

I knew they could hear the crying but they weren't going straight for me 'probably trying to see if it's a trap' I thought. They apparently decided there was no danger and rushed over excited for their little 'snack' but just as the first was about take a bite a nymph stepped out of a tree and smacked the wolf aside with a wooden staff.

Both wolves turned their attention away from me to the nymph. I was sure she was about to die but several more nymphs came out of the trees and one from a lake I hadn't even noticed was there. The wolves realising they were outnumbered ran off. "I can't believe that vile woman!" the first nymph said...Caprica I remember her name was Caprica…"To leave your own child here to die.".

Another nymph bent down and picked me up "I agree but what should we do now?" she asked.

"We could take him to the village and let the people take care of him." one of them offered.

"No!" the lake nymph Carol shouted.

"Those people are horrible and he is an innocent child untainted by the world, if we give him to villagers he'll become just like them.".

"Then what do you suggest?" the other nymph shot back.

"I say we raise him." Carol said calmly "There's an abandoned house not to far away where he would be safe from the weather and we could make sure to raise him right".

"He'll be a child of the forest" Caprica agreed. The dream started to dissolve "Until next time." the other me said. I didn't just wake up instead it was like I was laying on the bottom of a lake slowly drifting upwards and the whole time I floated up memories were coming back. By the time I broke the surface and woke up I could remember everything up to the age of ten. Tears were streaming down my face, some were because of what I had learned about my birth mother but most were because of the memories I had of growing up with the nymphs. I never really thought of any of them as my mother, to me they were more like Aunts which I loved very deeply.

Athena POV

I was sitting in my throne trying to find the motivation to leave after our most recent council meeting while Dionysus sat in his trying to get as much time as he could away from camp. Hermes flashed in soaking wet. "Athena…I need you…to come with me." he said before noticing Dionysus "You need to come to.".

"What do you need us for?" I asked.

"There's a giant storm over Greece and Aeolus can't stop or even slow it down so father sent me in to find the source".

"And you couldn't find the source?" I guessed.

"Oh no I found it, it's just…" he started to say.

"It's just what?" I asked apprehensively.

"It's the guy that beat up Hercules." he said.

"Then why don't you just go tell father?" I asked.

"Because he's already scared and this would send him into a full on panic mode, however if we could talk to this guy. Maybe get a little something to help cool dad off and maybe prove he's not a threat we might get him back to a level head, well level for him".

"Ok so I get why you need me but why Dionysus?" I asked.

"Hey!" Dionysus said indignantly.

"Just figured an extra Olympian wouldn't hurt." he said.

"Touche" I said "lets go.".

Bianca POV

You know despite me having died fairly young I thought I had seen it all, but a primordial named Pontus coming and to the underworld and offering me a new life, I have to admit that's a new one.

Me and five others accepted his offer and appeared in the house of Hades in Greece, the other five included Charles Beckendorf a son of Hephaestus, Silena Beauregard a daughter of Aphrodite, Surria a hunter of Artemis and a daughter Ares, Ethan Nakamura a son of Nemesis, and finally Luke Castellan son of Hermes.

We all had our own reasons for coming back Me and Surria wanted to go back to our family's, Charles and Silena wanted to get married and have a family, and Luke and Ethan wanted to make up for something the had done in their past lives.

That was three weeks ago and to be honest it had been a lot of fun. Sure most of the time we had been in life or death situations but hey for a demigod that's life. At the moment we were in a fight with one monster that I had hoped I would never see again, the Nemean lion.

"Get it to open its mouth!" I shouted remembering how Percy killed it at the museum, it's fur was smoking from getting hit with lightning several times courtesy of the storm over head.

Apparently the lion recognized my voice because as soon I said that it snapped it's head towards me and charged. I tried to run but tripped over my own feet and fell. By the the time I managed to turn around to see it the Lion already mid jump. I was dead…again, I knew it so I braced myself for the end when something shot but me with a giant whoosh. Standing in front of me was a guy a in a silver cloak with a wicked looking emerald sword stabbed into the lion's mouth. The lion convulsed a few times like it was choking before it disintegrated. "Are you ok?" he asked, I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded.

"Who are you?" Ethan demanded with obvious distrust.

"Relax Ethan he's a friend." Luke said.

"Hello Luke." the man said in a deep voice "I am your father." nobody seemed to know what to make of that but I started cracking up. It was a stupid joke but the stress somehow made it hilarious.

"Well at least one of you has a sense of humor." he said.

"Why are you here boy?" Surria spat. Noticing her from the first time the guy turned to face her

"Surria is that you" He said with evident surprise in his voice.

"Do I know you?" Surria asked.

Fumbling with his hood he pulled it down and took off his sunglasses revealing startling Silver eyes just like Artemis' eyes.

"Silver!" Surria shouted tackling him in a hug.

"You know him?" I asked picking myself off the ground.

"Yeah" she said turning around wiping tears of joy from her eyes "he's my little brother. I thought he died during the first titan war. Speaking of which…" Surria said looking back at Silver and punching him in the arm

"Where have you been, you're supposed to have faded yet here you are alive and well. Why didn't you ever come back? Mom didn't leave her tent for weeks after you and dad died!".

"I'm sorry sis I promise I'll explain everything but at the moment I have things I need to do." Silver said before pointing back the way he came. "If you head that way you'll run into a friend of mine named Daniel. Here take this it will prove I sent you." he said taking off a necklace of some sort. "I will see you in the morning ok?" Surria nodded and hugged him again before we all headed off.