Are you interested in him?

Chapter 11 Are you interested in him?

I'm psyched to meet you,

So does that mean you have to compete with us? If I win and get chosen, can I presume it is you I'm going with? You're killing me with anticipation.

I called my mom today. She said to do my best in the school festival. Don Bosco is such a legendary mafia leader that even my mom is such a fan of his. She said she might sneak in the competition just so she could win the prize with me. My dad on the other hand wasn't so supportive (he's obviously just jealous). Seeing my mom so hyped up makes me want to do my best. I hope you are doing well.

I can't wait to finally meet you,



Sav wasn't sure if she should shamelessly ask Zayden if he likes Brielle but she did so anyway. Her curiosity might really get her killed someday.

"I noticed something yesterday," she began at the smirking Zayden before her. "You were—"

"Wait, is this a confession?" He asked, looking smug.

"No, not at all." Sav shook her head.

He sighed, "Good because—never mind."

Sav didn't think too much of what he meant by that. "Anyway, do you like Brielle? You were looking at her despite the wonderful fireworks in front of you."

"Hmmmm. I don't really know. She just looks so familiar but I can't remember. I was trying to figure it out." He scratched his chin. "And she has boobs so…"

Sav wanted to smack his head right there and then. "You perve."

"I've been called worse," he said, winking. "Also my friends call me Z."

"Are you implying that we are?"

"Of course, any of Leo's friends are mine as well," he chuckled. "And you're cute." He shuffled the top of her head.

"I've been called better," Sav retorted but she gave a small smile.

"I would but then you would call me an asshole," he said cheekily.

"You dog!" Sav punched his shoulder lightly as he laughed.

"I'll see you by the fireworks Sav." He waved by the door.

"Sure Z."

When he left through the door, the wind barged in and Sav welcomed the breeze. Then something made her stop enjoying the sensation; a familiar scent lingered in her nostrils.

No it can't be.

Yet it was. Sav quickly plucked one of the death threats in her bag and smelled it. There it was again, the smell of musk and frankincense—the same scent of Zayden Brooks.


Sav needed to clear her head at once. She couldn't believe her stalker was Zayden. He just didn't fit the type and why would he want her out of the academy? What was it for him? Sav didn't think he would do such a horrifying prank. The guy was as horny as a dog but he was just all flirt and an honest pervert.

Sighing, she opened the door that lead to the rooftop. Her eyes widened at the sight of Leo, all dressed up in an Armani suit.

"Hey," he greeted upon seeing her.

"Hi," she replied back as she ogled his form.

"Done staring?" He asked then faced the sunset. "You should see yourself in the mirror. What a reaction."

"Hey, this is the first time I've seen you so—umm, what's the word---suave."


They stood still for a minute until Sav couldn't take it anymore.

"Is Zayden your best friend?" She asked, crossing her fingers.

"Yes. We've gone through a lot and he's the only one who stuck to me like glue," Leo said with a tinge of annoyance but more than that, there was warmth. With that, Sav understood that these two are brothers who would not hesitate to kill for each other.

"Does he do a lot of pranks?" Sav prayed that he does and very bad ones.

"Yes, once in a while he would throw in a stink bomb just to get on my nerves."

"SO he doesn't send threatening letters to people just to spook them out?" Sav asked, sounding hopeful.

That made Leo turn to look at her. "That's very unlikely. Z hates writing. What's this about Savannah?"

"Nothing, really---"

"Are you interested in him?"

"You could say that, I mean---"

He held up his hand cutting her off. "It's okay, I don't need to hear it."

"Okay." She shut her mouth before she could spew more details. Besides, Leo has a ton on his plates to worry more about. It would be a burden for him if she told him the truth.

"I'll be leaving for a while. I don't know when I'll be back." He glanced at her one last time then turned his back to leave.

Sav frowned, not wanting their conversation to end like this. She reached towards him, about to grab his arm but she stopped herself. After all, she wasn't that important in his world. How could she be so shameless?

"Leo?" She called nonetheless.

"Yes?" He stopped his tracks but didn't look back.

Come back safely. Tell me when you're back as soon as you get here. I would want to see you.

"Nothing, never mind. Have a safe flight." Sav bit her lower lip hard.
