A Fresh Start

Currently, Lin Xiaoxiao was really wishing she never left the house today. First she went through six hours of painful rehabilitation, second she molested a hot guy when she had no intention to in the first place, and third she was pushed down the mall hallway so fast that no one was willing to help stop her and to top it all off they all watched as she crashed into a water fountain which in turn launched her out of the wheelchair and into the water.

"I swear if I ever see that fucking asshole again I will kick his ass. What kind of person does something like this to someone whos stuck in a wheelchair! If I don't get even with that demon my name is not Xiaoxiao!" Since Lin Xiaoxiao was unable to actually move by herself she could only throw a fit in the water splashing it all over the place.

Her hair was soaked, her clothes as well. This was probably the only time Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy to be flat-chested. She really could not believe that such a person existed in the world but the more she thought about it, there are also people like this bodies parents the Xi's who force their legitimate daughter into forced labor and abused her.

Not too long after Little Bo had finally caught up she had tears in her eyes as she hurriedly jumped into the fountain. "Xiaoxiao I'm so sorry! Wuwuwu... It was all my fault! Wuwuwu... Please don't hate me! Wuwuwu..."

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Little Bo who was crying her heart out and a soft smile appeared on her face. This girl was more afraid of me hating her than anything else. "Ruru your my sister how could I ever hate you? The person who needs to be hated is that bastard who started all of this!"

"You really won't hate me? I know I'm not smart and that I'm really slow… I-I didn't mean to let go of the wheelchair! Wuwuwu..." Lin Xiaoxiao reached up and put her arms around Little Bo. Since Little Bo was standing she could only reach her waist. Lin Xiaoxiao squeezed her tight and said: "I really would never hate my sister Ruru. Calm down and stop crying and help me out of the water. Otherwise, you will have to take care of me when I get sick!"

Lin Xiaoxiao really got a sense of warmth from Little Bo. They had not known each other long, only two days to be exact. But they bonded together like real blood sisters instantly. Lin Xioaxiao decided when she finally started making money she would make sure to bring Little Bo with her so that Little Bo could finally have a good life without needing to worry money all the time.

After getting Lin Xiaoxiao back into her wheelchair, the two went off to a clothing store to get some new clothes and other necessities. On the way, many people were staring at the soaked to the bone Lin Xiaoxiao but she just ignored them. Because Little Bo also got her clothes wet too, one of the sets of clothes went to her so that she would have something dry to wear. Lin Xiaoxiao also bought two pairs of shoes as well. This way Little Bo would not need to suffer walking around with wet feet.

Night came and everyone was back at the house except Qin Mei. Lin Xiaoxiao was getting kind of worried since Qin Mei said she would be dropping by tonight and it was already eight at night. It was not until it was almost nine when Qin Mei finally showed up. She was still wearing her work clothes when she stormed into the house, seemingly in a panic. "Xiaoxiao they know your missing. I was late because they held a meeting saying that a patient had run away without being discharged. They also said not to mention anything about this. So it seems your family is trying to sweep it under the rug. You might be okay without these but just in case I bought them for you to wear when you go out."

The bag that Qin Mei handed her had face masks, sunglasses, and a baseball cap. Lin Xiaoxiao nodded her head and gave Qin Mei her thanks. In her past life, she had worn these almost every day of her life so this was not something new. She also knew that her family would most likely not even recognize her even if she stood in front of them.

Time went on and it had now been six months. Lin Xiaoxiao could walk, run and dance freely now. She had been cleared by Han Da to do as she pleased. She had even stopped covering her face after three months. It seemed the Xi's did not care to even search for Lin Xiaoxiao. There was never any report of a missing child. But that did not matter anymore since as of today Lin Xiaoxiao was now eighteen years old. As an adult, she was finally free of worry when it came to the Xi family.

During the past six months, Qin Mei used some of her connections and got Lin Xiaoxiao a new identity. Qin Mei's friend thought that Xiaoxiao was a cute name so they wanted to complement it. So now Lin Xiaoxiao was known as Lily Xiaoxiao. Once everyone heard her new name they all started calling her Lily instead of Xiaoxiao.

But today was a day that Lin Xiaoxiao was going out for the first time to a hotspot for talent agents. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Little Bo had been busy lately doing oddball jobs trying to help her mother with house expenses. Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to help out too but was thoroughly denied by Little Bo. But at least this way now Lin Xiaoxiao can try to get scouted.

Lin Xiaoxiao's body had filled out a lot since six months ago. Her natural beauty was plain for all to see. She was tall with long legs and long black hair. Her beautiful eyes could cause people to get lost in them. Little Bo was one who would always end up staring at Lin Xiaoxiao in a daze when their eyes would meet. The only downside was that she was still flat-chested. But Lin Xiaoxiao was not sad about this, but more excited since it had been only six months and her breast had grown to the size of an A-cup. This was mainly due to her eating properly.

Lin Xiaoxiao was able to get Han Da to give her a ride downtown. She had him drop her off at the entrance of a park in D City. Han Da looked at the park and was a bit confused so he could not help but ask: "Lily darling~ are you sure this is the place you want to go?"

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled at Han Da and said: "Un. This is the place. There is a lot of talent agencies that send people out to hunt for talents here. There are many places to perform music, plays and other arts."

"Ok, then darling~. Here some money for a cab so you can get back. Be careful. Don't follow anyone that tries to give you candy." Lin Xiaoxiao could only laugh at Han Da's words. Han Da has been very good to her these past few months. She took the money and waved goodbye to Han Da before walking through the entrance of the park.