Second Meeting

Lin Xiaoxiao walked into the park and a smile appeared on her face. She did not know if today was her lucky day or what. But so far her birthday was going great. On a sign right in front of her was a notice of an open audition for Empire Entertainment. The rival company to the company she had worked for in her past life, XT Talents.

Empire Entertainment was somewhat of a mystery since the company president had never revealed their face to the public. There have been many who tried to dig for information on who the mystery president was but all investigations came up empty. Some think the president is female and others think they are male. But these thoughts are only speculations since no one actually knows the truth.

The sign that Lin Xiaoxiao was standing in front of from Empire Entertainment read: "Ever have a dream of being a star? Ever wish you could be like your favorite actor or singer? Now is your chance! Empire Entertainment is now recruiting new talents. If you think you got what it takes head on over to stage six and sign up!"

"Stage six it is then. Time for me to take the first step!" Lin Xiaoxiao smiled she was very excited to get back to where she belonged. With her past life as the top actress, she would have the skills needed to quickly rise. There would be no one who could hold her back!

There were seven stages in total. The first five stages were reserved for concerts while the sixth stage was reserved for company promotions and the last stage the seventh stage was for public performances. The stage Lin Xiaoxiao was heading to was the sixth stage for company promotions. The park size was quite a few kilometers giving plenty of distance between each stage to not really bother each other during their respective performances. There were plenty of trees in between to naturally block out the sounds from each stage. Because of the distance between the stages, there was a small taxi cart station set up at the entrance of the park and at the entrance of each stage. there were set up to help shuttle people back and forth between stages. These taxi carts were set up on rails and had no need for a human driver. They were also able to accommodate six people at a time.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy about this taxi cart system since she did not want to have to walk all the way to the sixth stage by foot. It was just that there seemed to be someone somewhat familiar-looking on the taxi car that she was on. Lin Xiaoxiao could not put her finger on who this person was and where she had seen him before but the young man in front of her who had his eye's closed looked vaguely familiar to her. His refined facial structure and perfect body could not be hidden by the business suit he was wearing. He was so good looking in fact that the other girls on this taxi had already fainted with flush red faces from looking at him. But for Lin Xiaoxiao she had this sudden urge to just rip this man to shreds and she did not know why! All she knew was this young man, made her very angry!

While Lin Xiaoxiao was trying to remember who this young man was. The young man in question slightly opened his eyes and locked on to Lin Xiaoxiao. Upon seeing her a faint smile appeared for half a second. Almost as if it was just a twitch of his lips. He could tell Lin Xiaoxiao was lost in thought. The young man closed his eyes again as he thought to himself 'We meet again little beauty... I wonder if you will be beating me up anytime soon...'

As the cart stopped at stage six, Lin Xiaoxiao took one more look at the young man before getting off the taxi cart and heading towards the registration booth. The young man opened his eyes to see Lin Xiaoxiao's departing back and said to the man next to him: "Fang De follow that girl. Find out her name and if she signs up for the recruitment with my Empire Entertainment, make sure she passes no matter what. And if she does not sign up recruit her anyway. Also, make sure the staff all treat her with respect..."

Fang De was a bit confused he had never thought that his boss would ever take notice to any female. But now he specifically pointed out a girl he had yet to talk to and wanted her to join the company no matter what! He even asked to find out the girls name and to make sure she was treated with respect! It was well known that his boss could not remember a single one of his female stars names! Nor did he ever care to know them. He had never even been seen with another female. He had thought his boss was on the swing for the wrong party. But now he was proven wrong! Fang De decided he would treat this girl that the boss was interested in with extra care just in case she becomes the new madame!

"Yes, boss I'll take care of it right away." After finishing his words Fang De ran off to follow after Lin Xiaoxiao.

As of now, Lin Xiaoxiao who was currently waiting in line to sign up for Empire Entertainments recruitment drive. Had no idea that she was already recruited to Empire Entertainment all because of one handsome young man's words. She was currently thinking about who that young man was and was wondering why just looking at him made her so angry. It was not until it was almost her turn to sign up when she remembered!

"It was that wheelchair pushing bastard!" Lin Xiaoxiao yelled out causing everyone around her to turn their heads and look at her.

Lin Xiaoxiao blushed at her outburst and quickly bowed her head in apology. But now she remembered who that young man was she couldn't wait to see him again! She had sworn she would beat him up the next time she saw him!

"Miss are you signing up or not?" the man sitting at the booth asked as he looked at Lin Xiaoxiao who was just standing there in a daze. There was a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Huh? Oh... Yeah! Sorry I was lost in thought." Lin Xiaoxiao was feeling even more embarrassed now first her sudden outburst and now she was lost in thought because of that bastard. Lin Xiaoxiao could not understand why she could not get that young man out of her head. It was driving her crazy. She felt like she had to meet him one more time just so she could let out all her pent up anger from that day out on him.

It was at this time that Fang De appeared behind the man who was sitting at the signup booth and leaned over and whispered something in his ear. The man at the booth eyes widen and he looked at Lin Xiaoxiao with a bit of fear. He quickly straightened up his back and got rid of his earlier haughtiness and put on a smile on his face as Lin Xiaoxiao stepped forward. Of course, Lin Xiaoxiao did not notice any change in his behavior since she was too lost in thought thinking of how she was going to punish that bastard who had pushed her that day to even notice his earlier attitude.

After signing up she was handed a number and directed to the waiting area. After she left Fang De took down her name and the number she was given before leaving to go report to his boss. The man at the signup booth finally let out a sigh of relief that he did not give that girl to much of a hard time otherwise he would have lost his job altogether!