Bitten By A Dog!

Lin Xiaoxiao placed her number badge on her chest as she entered the waiting area. There were many people here to many to count. But Lin Xiaoxiao could roughly guess around almost a thousand at least. It seemed Empire Entertainment did not go all out to promote this event. Which lead Lin Xiaoxiao to believe this was just an annual event for them. But even still, to have this many people show up for an event that was not really promoted, showed just good of a company Empire Entertainment was.

As time went on numbers were called for people to go on stage to showcase their talents. Lin Xiaoxiao's number was four hundred and sixty-two and three hundred and twenty-seven have already been called up. Given how long each person had a good amount of time to showcase their talents, Lin Xiaoxiao figured it would be at least two more hours before it was her turn.

There was no set seating in the waiting area it was just a large grassy lawn that stretched out from the stage. The only seating area was where the people from Empire Entertainment were sitting right in front of the stage itself. Lin Xiaoxiao had found a nice spot under a tree to sit back and relax while she waited for her turn. Unlike the others who were pacing back and forth trying to remember their lines, practicing the songs that they chose to sing, or other talents that they decided to showcase. Lin Xiaoxiao was fully relaxed.

She was completely confident that she would be chosen no matter what. So she decided to lean back against the tree and close her eyes and just enjoy the warm sun that was shining down on her skin from overhead.

Well, this relaxed state only lasted for a little while when Lin Xiaoxiao heard a cold melodic voice float into her ears. "Oh… Someone seems confident to be relaxing like this..."

Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes and was almost blinded by the handsome face that entered her field of vision. It was the same young man she saw on the taxi cart. The same exact young man who pushed her wheelchair that day at the mini-mall! Seeing such a handsome face up close Lin Xiaoxiao could not help but faintly blush. She had to curse this person for being so good looking!

Lin Xiaoxiao's anger won over her admiration for beauty as she stood up and pointed her finger at the handsome young man saying: "You bastard! If you don't apologize to this great aunt for what you did to me, I will kick your ass!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's voice was not low and it attracted the attention of nearby participants. The bastard in question let out a laugh as he looked at Lin Xiaoxiao who was seething in anger. He could not help but think that this little beauty was just too interesting. Not many would have the guts to yell at him, nor would they have the guts to threaten to kick his ass. An idea came to his mind as he slowly stepped forward and pressed Lin Xiaoxiao's back up against the tree. He gripped her chin with his hand and looked deep into her eyes.

"Wha-What are you do- muwaph!!!" Before she could finish her sentence she felt something soft against her lips! This bastard kissed her! He really kissed her! Lin Xiaoxiao's mind went blank. In her two lives, this was her first kiss and it was a forced kiss at that!

While Lin Xiaoxiao mind was running back and forth trying to figure out what was going on, the young man bit her lip making her open her mouth slightly as she gasped out in pain. Taking this opportunity he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Lin Xiaoxiao felt his tongue swirl around hers which made her mind fog over more! She slowly started to reciprocate the kiss as she actually let out a soft moan! Before she knew it her arms were wrapped around the young man's neck pulling his head towards her to deepen the kiss even more!

It wasn't until someone screamed out did Lin Xiaoxiao come back to her senses and push the young man away! Her face was beat red, she could not believe what she was doing and in public at that!

The young man looked at her red swollen lips and a smile appeared on his face as he said: "Does this count as an apology?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes widen as she looked at the young man in front of her who had a sly smile on his face. She pointed her finger at him as she said: "You… You..." She said "You" a few times and could not get any other words out of her mouth.

The young man seeing her reactions let out a laugh. He then stepped in close to her again and leaned his head next to her ear and blew into it softly before saying: "My name is not You, it's Shen Xing. Since you took my first kiss you have to take responsibility. So from now on, you belong to me."

Hearing these words Lin Xiaoxiao anger rose up again she pushed Shen Xing away from her and crossed her arms in front of her chest as she yelled: "You bastard who belongs to you!" Lin Xiaoxiao's face all the way to the tips of her ears was beat red. She had never been so embarrassed in her two lives! Of course, if Lin Xiaoxiao had taken the time to see how she actually died in her previous life, she would know this was far from the most embarrassing thing that had happened to her within her two lives.

Shen Xing let out another laugh. He kept finding this girl more and more interesting. After the mall incident, he could not help but think about the girl in the wheelchair who was screaming at him in a fit of anger after being pushed by him. So today when he saw her again he was instantly put into a good mood. He even heard her curse him again when she finally remembered who he was. And now that he got to steal her lips there was no way he was going to let her go.

"Four hundred and sixty-two! Participant four hundred and sixty-two please come up to the stage!" One of the event staff yelled out.

"Seems you will not have time to kick my ass today. Let's just hope your acting is better than your kissing!" Lin Xiaoxiao gnashed her teeth as she looked at Shen Xing. She balled her fist up and with a "Humph", she walked away. But after taking a few steps she stopped turned her head back and said confidently: "Just watch and see. I will show you what real talent is!" Before turning back and started walking towards the stage.

"Good! Don't disappoint me now. As my woman, you need to to make sure not to embarrass me!" Shen Xing's words almost made Lin Xiaoxiao trip over her own feet. But she quickly caught herself and decided to ignore the dog that kept barking and treat today's incident as if she was bitten by a dog. With a deep breath to relax her nerves, she stepped up on to the stage…