Xi Yanfen Loses Her Home

Xi Yanfen looked at her Xi Shen who face was turning purple from the rage welling up inside him."Father, what's wrong?"

"Yanfen you little slut you were selling your body out on the street!? How can a daughter of I, Xi Shen be so unscrupulous!? Do you know what you have done to my Xi Family!?" The veins in Xi Shen's head were popping out as his whole head went from purple to green.

"Father what are you talking about I have never sold my...."


Before Xi Yanfen could finish her words Xi Shen's had already come down with his hand slapping her with his full strength. This knocked Xi Yanfen to floor as her left cheek started to swell up and a trickle of blood ran down the side of her mouth. She instantly started crying. She had no idea why Xi Shen had slapped her. In all her life he had never laid a hand on her until today.

"From this day forward you are no longer part of my Xi family. I did not spend money to raise a prostitute!" Xi Yanfen face paled. She had no idea what was going on or why her own father was calling her a prostitute!

"Father I don't understand!" Tears ran down Xi Yanfens face as she got on her knees.

Xi Shen saw that the dress was rising up to her waist as she knelt down completely exposing the panties that she wore underneath! His eyes twitched as his rage skyrocketed more! He walked over to his desk grabbed the document that he had been reading and threw it at Xi Yanfen.

"Read it and tell me you still don't understand!" Xi Shen "Humphed" as he went back to his desk and sat down in his chair.

Xi Yafen picked up the document on the floor and started to read it. The more she read the more scared she got. Her hand started to tremble as the tears started to increasingly roll down her face. She really could not understand! She had no idea when she met with the president of Empire Group and tried to sell herself. It even described the dress she was currently wearing! Xi Yanfen's mind went blank she knew with Empire Group pulling out of the business deals they had with her Xi family, she now knew why her father was so mad and with this document alone no matter what she said Xi Shen would never believe her.

"Mom! I have to talk to mom! I have to talk to her right now!" Xi Yanfen muttered. But unfortunately, she was heard by Xi Shen.

"Your mother can't help you! It was already decided between the two of us. You have ten minutes to leave the house, otherwise, I will have security throw you out!" After speaking he no longer paid attention to Xi Yafen. Xi Yanfen could only slowly pull herself up off the floor and dejectedly walk out of the office.

Xi Yanfen never thought a day like this would happen to her. When she thought about that smile on Lin Xiaoxiao's face when she ran into her today, Xi Yanfen started to get angry! "It's all that sluts fault I don't know what she did, but it must have been her!" Xi Yanfen yelled out as she stomped her way out of the Xi family estate.


Currently, Lin Xiaoxiao and Shen Xing had just finished dinner and were heading to their bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind Shen Xing, Lin Xiaoxiao jumped on him pressing her lips onto his. "Mmm~, Xing come shower with me!" Lin Xiaoxiao blinked her pretty eyes as she looked up at Shen Xing before taking his hand and leading him into the bathroom. Shen Xing said nothing as Lin Xiaoxiao slowly removed his clothes for him. For every piece of clothing she removed off of him she would trail kisses over that section of his body.

Lin Xiaoxiao knelt on the floor to remove the last article of clothing from Shen Xing's body. Once the last piece of clothing was removed Shen Xing's… sprang up in front of Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes. A seductive smile appeared on her face as she reached her hand up and gently stroked his… Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the pleased expression on Shen Xing's face and her smile broadened. Leaning her head forward Lin Xiaoxiao slowly trailed kisses on the underside of his…

Once she reached the tip she gave it one final kiss before taking it into her mouth as she swirled her tongue around the tip. Inch by inch she slid his… into her mouth until her lips reached the base. The tip of his… reached the back of her throat every time she bobbed her head up and down. She made sure to press her tongue hard up against the underside of his… to stimulate Shen Xing even more. A few minutes later she felt his… twitch as Shen Xing groaned in pleasure as he released his milk into her mouth. Lin Xiaoxiao sucked it up greedily making sure not to waste a drop as she swallowed it down. After making sure nothing was left Lin Xiaoxiao pulled his... out of her mouth and said: "How was it?" He seductive smile made Shen Xing's… twitch once again as it started to grow larger for the second time.

"Very good!" After saying his words Shen Xing Quickly stripped Lin Xiaoxiao of her clothes before propping her up onto the counter near the sink and pressing his lips against hers. He slipped his tongue into her mouth making sure to taste every inch of it. Once he was done he broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her body until he reached her Secret garden where he flicked her little rosebud with the tip of his tongue. This caused Lin Xiaoxiao to moan in pleasure as her body jolted as his tongue traced down the valley of her secret garden. As his tongue went up and down it would flick her little rosebud with every pass. It was not long before she couldn't take anymore as the pleasure built up to its max as she arched her back, she grabbed Shen Xing's head and pushed it against her secret garden as her sweet nectar flowed out into his mouth.

Shen Xing knew she had finished once her hand fell from her head as she sat on the counter exhausted. Using the same words she did, Shen Xing asked: "How was it?"

"Mmm~! Very good! But now I'm tired, so I'll need you to wash me..." Lin Xiaoxiao eyes were dropping down as she tried to stay awake. Shen Xing seeing his baby girl like this could only chuckle. He picked her up and brought her into the shower and like a good little wife slave he washed every inch of her body before washing himself. When he was done he shut the shower off took a towel and gently patted Lin Xiaoxiao's body dry before putting a bathrobe on her. Only then did he dry himself off.

Opening the bathroom door he brought the now sleeping Lin Xiaoxiao to bed, removed her bathrobe and then gently placed her on to the bed before pulling the covers up over her. While he did all this he made sure not to wake her up. After getting himself ready for bed he got under the covers and slid up next to Lin Xiaoxiao pulled her into his embrace and kissed her on the forehead and said: "Goodnight my little princess..."