Becoming A Family

The next day Lin Xiaoxiao woke up later than normal, it was now almost eleven in the morning. As she stretched her arms she looked over at the vacant side of the bed and sighed. She knew Shen Xing had to go to work eventually but she still felt a sense of loneliness without him around. She never thought she would feel so strongly for someone after just meeting them. Even though their first meeting was not the best. She couldn't deny the feelings that she had now for him.

As she slowly got out of bed, Lin Xiaoxiao shuffled her two little feet as she made her way to the bathroom to clean up before getting dressed. When all was said and done she left the bedroom and walked towards the kitchen to get something to eat. She walked through the main inner hall towards the outer hall to were the kitchen was only to see a familiar figure standing there gazing up at the ceiling.

"Ruru why are you here?" Lin Xiaoxiao was a little confused since Little Bo can't enter this floor on her own and it was not yet time for her to start working as her assistant. Well, so she thought anyway.

"Good morning Lily, brother in law had me come up to start my first day on the job." Little Bo said excitedly. Lin Xiaoxiao knew that Shen Xing called Little Bo up like this so she wouldn't be by herself all day. She felt a stream of warmth in her heart as she thought this.

"Since it's your first day as my assistant then you need to come eat brunch with me!" Before Little Bo could answer Lin Xiaoxiao was already pulling her along towards the kitchen.


While they were eating Little Bo couldn't help but ask: "Lily what exactly am I supposed to do as your assistant?"

"Umm, for now, you just follow me around and hang out with me. Later on, when we are on set you will just need to keep me up to date on what is going on around us as well as hold my things. Later on, when you get a little more use to stuff in the entertainment industry, I will have you do other tasks as well. But for now, you don't have much to do. We are still waiting on Mei as well. She has to settle a few things and then she will officially be my manager and our neighbor!" After giving Little Bo a small smile Lin Xiaoxiao shoved another bite of food in her mouth.

"Wait, wait! Miss Qin is going to be your manager and also moving in here!?" Little Bo was shocked she had no idea this had happened.

Seeing Little Bo's shocked expression made Lin Xiaoxiao giggle as she said: "Un! Xing and I met with her yesterday. Also, Ruru, Mei told you to call her Aunt Mei so many times now when are you going to stop calling her Miss Qin? "

Little Bo's cheeks turned a little pink as she said: "It's not that easy to change how you call someone. But I will get used to it more since we will be working together now as well as being neighbors. I am surprised you got her to leave her job to be your manager though."

"Un, me too! It was not easy at all! It was all thanks to Xing. He really helped out with this by agreeing with her demands. " Lin Xiaoxiao then went on to explain everything that happened to Little Bo.

Little Bo nodded her head as she said: "That sounds like Mis… Ahem... Aunty Mei. Ever since she met you she has been very overprotective of you. I can tell she loves you very much. Even though you two are not related by blood she does make a great older sister or mother."

"Mhm… I owe her a lot just the same as I owe you and aunty. She has always done her best to support me since I got out of the hospital. Wonder if I should call her something more intimate like Big Sister Mei or even Mama Mei." A trace of a smile formed on Lin Xiaoxiao's lips when she thought about what accord yesterday. The caring, love and protectiveness Qin Mei showed to her was the same as a parent protecting their child. Lin Xiaoxiao could tell that Qin Mei was someone who would most likely stand in front of her even if a bullet was coming towards her.

"Let's find out then!" Little Bo quickly pulled out her cell phone and tapped Qin Mei's name in her contacts before hitting the call button.

"Wai..." Lin Xiaoxiao was red face because Little Bo was always impulsive. Lin Xiaoxiao was not quite ready to bring up such a thing with Qin Mei!

"Hello? Little Bo? What's wrong?" The phone only rang once before Qin Mei had picked up which cut off Lin Xiaoxiao's attempt to stop Little Bo. Little Bo immediately put the call on speaker.

"Aunty Mei, Me and Lily are trying to decide whether or not she should change the way she calls you. We wanted to know if Big Sister Mei or Mama Mei worked?" Little Bo happily explained everything to Qin Mei while Lin Xiaoxiao's face got redder and redder.

"Neither I don't like any of them." Qin Mei immediately shot down there idea.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt a little sad that Qin Mei rejected the idea she unconsciously blurted out: "Then what if I just call you mom..." It was only after she had said it that she realized what she said. But what she heard after made tears flow from her eyes.

"Un, That's fine..." After the phone call was disconnected. Lin Xiaoxiao's tears rolled down her cheek. These were not sad tears but happy tears.

Little Bo seeing Lin Xiaoxiao crying quickly got up and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug as she said: "See I knew it. You two were destined to be mother and daughter. Just like you and I were destined to be sisters."

Tears flowed faster as Lin Xiaoxiao listened to Little Bo's words. Under her muffled cries Lin Xiaoxiao whispered: "Ruru thank you..."


In a hospital cafeteria Qin Mei put down her cell phone as tears rolled down her cheeks as a smile blossomed on her face. Qin Mei whispered to herself "Thank you, Little Bo." Qin Mei knew this was all Little Bo's handy work.

Since Little Bo had been watching at the side these past few months, Qin Mei knew Little Bo could tell that the two of them act more as a mother and daughter than anything else. Just hearing the words mom being directed at her from Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth made Qin Mei's heart melt. Ever since she saw Lin Xiaoxiao's body being mistreated in the hospital by her biological family. She had a sense of motherly instinct towards the poor little girl. She risked getting fired every day to do her best to keep the girl alive just in case she ever came out of her coma. After a while she found she cherished the little girl as if she has her own daughter. That day when the little girl opened her eyes and asked for help she did not even need to hesitate on the issue. Whether she got fired, arrested, or thrown into prison she did not care. As long as the little girl could have a better life that's all that mattered to her. Now it seemed her hard work and love did not go unnoticed!

This day marked the day that both Qin Mei and Lin Xiaoxiao realized that blood meant nothing when it came to being a family. It also marked the day that they would officially recognize themselves as mother and daughter. The tears that they cried today were tears of happiness.