It Slipped In!

That afternoon Lin Xiaoxiao found herself alone sitting in the living room watching tv with a laptop sitting in her lap. She finally decided to see how exactly how she had died. It had been a little over half a year since she had taken over this body, but she had yet to look up how she had died. "Let's see here… Lin... Xiao...xiao… death" Typing these words into the search bar and hitting enter Lin Xiaoxiao almost fainted when she saw the headlines for the websites.

'Top Actress Wears Mellow Kitty Underwear That Only Kids Would Wear.'

'Mellow Kitty Underwear Sales Skyrocket After Top Actress Exposes All On Her Death.'

'Mellow Kitty Starts A Meow Meow Fund For Top Actress.'

'New Trend Of Wearing Mellow Kitty Underwear On Your Head Comes Into Style.'

"Wha-What-What the hell is this!? They don't even say anything about me it's nothing but Mellow Kitty ads!" Only a few articles mentioned Lin Xiaoxiao's name the rest of the articles were just interviews with people from Mellow Kitty.

This was a shocking blow to Lin Xiaoxiao since she had been a sought after top actress in her previous life where she couldn't even walk down the streets without needing to disguise herself. But when she died it was like she did not even exist at all. Mellow Kitty had used her death as a damn advertisement campaign!

Disgruntled Lin Xiaoxiao quickly shut the laptop off and set it aside. As she mumbled to herself: "Damn people I will show you!"

"Who are you showing what to?" A low melodic voice entered Lin Xiaoxiao's ear.

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly turned around to see the man she had been waiting all day to see. She got up off the couch and ran to Shen Xing before wrapping her arms around him as she rested her head on his chest.

Shen Xing Smiled as he looked down at Lin Xiaoxiao before saying: "Did my baby girl miss me?"

"Un! I did." Lin Xiaoxiao said as she rubbed her head back and forth on Shen Xing's chest.

Shen Xing's lips curved upwards when he heard Lin Xiaoxiao's answer. "Miss Qin called today and said she settled her matters."

"So Quick!?" Lin Xiaoxiao was very surprised she had thought it would take Qin Mei at least another day or two to settle everything but Qin Mei had done it all within a day!

"Yeah, she said it was best to get to her daughter's side as soon as possible so she basically walked out of the hospital when she quit. Tomorrow morning, I will prepare a car for you and Little Bo to head over to Qin Mei's place to help her pack and get moved. I already called a moving company." Lin Xiaoxiao's heart felt warmth in it. She could not hide the smile that crept up on her face.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao had a family in her past life. She did not have a sense of belonging in that family. She had been dragged into acting and pushed to learn all sorts of things. She had never felt the actual warmth of a caring family. To her family in her past life, she was more of a tool to earn them money. The caring and love she was getting in this life was something she would never give up and she would protect it at all cost. From the man she loved to the mother who did everything for her. Even the loving sister who confided in her. She would not let any of them suffer and she would strive to make sure they all had meaningful lives.

"Xing, Thank you!" Lin Xiaoxiao jumped up and wrapped her arms around Shen Xing's neck as she pressed her lips against his.

Shen Xing, of course, was not going to let this opportunity go so he quickly slid his hand under Lin Xiaoxiao's shirt as he massaged the two small mounds on her chest. Feeling the hot touch of Shen Xing's hands made Lin Xiaoxiao softly moan. As their tongues intertwined Shen Xing continued to knead Lin Xiaoxiao's breast. After no time at all Lin Xiaoxiao could feel the wetness starting to form in her secret garden. Her switch had been fully flipped. She pulled herself up on to Shen Xing's body and wrapped her legs around Shen Xing's waist as she softly whispered into his ear: "Let's go to the bedroom."

Not wasting any time at all he immediately did as she asked and brought her straight to the bedroom before slamming the door behind them. With Shen Xing's help, Lin Xiaoxiao was completely naked before she even reached the bed. Shen Xing Laid her gently down as he stripped his own clothes.

Lin Xiaoxiao bit her lip as she watched in anticipation as Shen Xing removed each layer of clothing. As soon as Shen Xing got on to the bed she quickly pushed him down before straddling him. She reached down with her hand gently wrapping her hand around his already hard… before stroking it a few times and then pressing it against his abdomen. She then lowered her secret garden on top of it as her valley parted to allow her sweet nectar to glaze the underside of his…

Soon Lin Xiaoxiao was moving her hips back and forth as she pushed her secret garden down hard against Shen Xing's… With each passing motion, she would use the tip of his… to flick her little rosebud which caused her to let out soft moans. The motion of her hips started to speed up as she started to lose herself in the pleasure. Shen Xing made sure to grind his own hip up against hers matching her motions perfectly.

Lin Xiaoxiao was now completely lost in the pleasure as her moans grew louder and louder. She was almost about to reach her limit when all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her secret garden! "Ow!"

The sudden shout brought Shen Xing back to his senses. "Xiaoxiao what happen!?" But he did not have to wait for an answer as he felt his… wrapped in something warm and when he looked down he saw a red flower bloom at the point of Lin Xiaoxiao's secret garden.

"It slipped in! Oh damn, that hurts! What the hell!" Lin Xiaoxiao never expected it to hurt so much when someone lost their virginity!

"I'll pull..." before he could finish what he was saying Lin Xiaoxiao cut him off saying: "Don't move! Just stay still for a few minutes." Lin Xiaoxiao laid her body down on to Shen XIng's chest. Shen Xing who was bewildered by what was going on froze not daring to move an inch. He was afraid to cause his baby girl any more pain!

Even though a few minutes had passed Shen Xing's... still did not go down instead it seemed to grow larger as Lin Xiaoxiao's secret garden seemed to be massaging his… as it adjusted to having something within it. A few more minutes passed and Lin Xiaoxiao finally sat back up. She looked at Shen Xing who was looking at her with a worried expression and smiled at him.

"Since what's done is done lets just enjoy it." After saying that Lin Xiaoxiao raised her hips before allowing Shen XIng's… to slide halfway out of her secret garden before slowly sliding it back down.

A new pleasurable sensation filled Lin Xiaoxiao's body. The pain from before was no longer there. All she could feel now was Shen Xing's hard… throbbing inside her with each motion of her hips. She continued grinding slowly until the pleasure started to build up more and eventually her pace quickened. It was not long before she could feel the pleasure building up to its breaking point. She arched her back and curled her toes as she screamed. The walls of her secret garden that had Shen Xing's… wrapped with in it tightened around it causing him to not be able to hold on any longer as he released his milk into the deepest part of Lin xiaoxiao's secret garden. Feeling something warm streaming deep inside her Lin Xiaoxiao's body ended up convulsing again as she had another ball of pleasure burst out within her.

Exhausted she rested her head on Shen Xing's chest a satisfied smile appeared on her face as she said: "Well, so much for waiting till we are married…"