A Quiet Evening

After dinner, everyone said goodbye to Minmin and headed home. At this moment Lin Xiaoxiao was curled up on the couch in a bathrobe with her head resting on Shen Xing's shoulder. The day for her was long and tiring both physically and mentally. She did not expect to have met the Xi Sisters at the restaurant. She couldn't help but giggle inwardly when she thought of what Minmin had done.  

As Lin Xiaoxiao rested with her eyes closed, she couldn't help but think that she was blessed right now. She had so many people around her that showered her with love and care. People who are willing to stand in front of her and protect her. Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes and looked up at the side view of the handsome man in front of her. She stretched her neck and kissed his cheek. "Xing… Thank you for being with me..." 

"Hmm? Where is this coming from all of a sudden?" Shen Xing questioningly looked down at the girl in his arms. 

"I just feel blessed is all. You, mom, Ruru, and now Minmin. I got so many people that care about me. My heart feels warm knowing I got loved ones I can rely on and that I'm not all alone anymore." Even in her past life, she was alone. She never had anyone to rely on except for herself. Combined with the memories from her body that once belonged to the real Xi Xiaoxiao. That feeling of loneliness was very strong. But now she was not alone anymore. That warm feeling was something that she did not want to ever give up.

"I am just as blessed as you. I now have a wonderful and beautiful fiancee by my side that I will be marrying in a few years. " Shen Xing dragged Lin Xiaoxiao's small body onto his lap so that she was now straddling him. Before leaning his head forward and gently kissing her soft lips.

Lin Xiaoxiao closed her eyes as she felt Shen Xing's lips touch hers. She slightly opened her mouth in order to give his tongue access, giving him full reign inside her mouth. Their tongues intertwined as the kiss became more passionate. Shen Xing's hands found his way inside Lin Xiaxoaio's bathrobe. He gently squeezed Lin Xiaoxiao's little mounds on her chest causing her to let out a soft moan. 

Feeling the bulge under her butt, Lin Xiaoxiao reached down between her legs and into Shen Xing's robe pulling his hard… out.  She pressed it up against her now wet secret garden as she moved her hips back and forth on it. Soft moans escaped her lips each time the tip of Shen Xing's... touched her little rosebud. She quickly untied her robe letting it fall to the floor exposing her white porcelain skin. 

Lin Xiaoxiao raised her hips slightly before pausing for a second and softly asking "Where are the condoms?" 

"In the drawer next to the bed..." Shen Xing whispered back with a bitter smile.

"Fuck it then…" Not caring whether they were protected or not she slipped Shen Xing's… in to her secret garden as her body shivered in ecstasy from the feeling of his… reaching her deepest parts. 

She slowly moved her hips back and forth in a circle while clenching her secret garden on his… Trying her best to maximize the pleasure she was giving him. She looked at his handsome face that had its eyes closed seemingly lost in the feeling she was giving him. She bit her lower lip as she raised her hips and slid his... halfway out before she pushed it back in until it touched her inner sanctum. Over and over again she repeated the process as she felt his... swell and his hips pushed forward as he released his milk into her innermost parts. The feeling of his milk pouring into her made her reach her boiling point as the ball of pleasure in her lower abdomen exploded causing her to arch her back and curl her toes as the pleasure shot through her body like an electrical shock. Her body convulsed a few more times before finally settling down. 

She laid her body down on top of his as she nuzzled her head into his neck. "Xing that was really good..." 

"Mmm, it was." Shen Xing caressed Lin Xiaoxiao's back gently with his hands. 

"I'm probably gonna end up pregnant." Lin Xiaoxiao knew she should be using protection but once she was in the moment she could care less about the consequences.

"We will handle that when the time comes. Either way I'm here for you no matter what." Shen Xing hugged Lin Xiaoxiao close softly kissing her neck.

"Un… I know… If I do end up pregnant mom will be mad but either way, I would never get rid of it just for my career. So if it does come down to me being pregnant at some point in the future, I will just plan everything around it." Lin Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, the thought of being a mother was a scary thing but at the same time, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little expectant. Having a child of her own that she could care for and love was something she did want. Whether it came sooner or later she did not care. 

"Well, for now see the doc in the morning and get a morning-after pill. You also took a birth control pill today as well. I am not against having a baby early but I want to see you get your career off the ground first." Shen Xing softly whispered into her ear. 

"Un... I will do as you say then. But even if we do these things and I end up with a baby in my belly I will still be happy." Lin Xiaoxiao said as she lifted her head and kissed Shen Xing on the lips.

"Un... I'll be happy to." Shen Xing smiled. He would not mind being a dad so soon but he really wanted his baby girl to have a foundation in show business before that happened. But if it did happen early, he would make sure to take care of both his baby girl and the baby with everything he had.