Sudden Proposal

Days passed and Lin Xiaoxiao had been very busy with her role in "The Princess's Knight". Even Minmin under Lin Xiaoxiao's strict teachings was now able to finish her scenes in a few takes. Minmin no longer caused a scene on the set now that she and Lin Xiaoxiao were best friends. Once you put aside Minmin's weird behavior towards Lin Xiaoxiao you would find she was very loyal when it came to being Lin Xiaoxiao's friend. Although she still liked to hang on to Lin Xiaoxiao every chance she got which would get her kicked to the side. Even with her hectic schedule Lin Xiaoxiao found her days to be very peaceful and for filling.

The only exception was that Shen Xing seemed to be hiding something from her. She would see him talking on the phone but as soon as she came near him he would quickly hang the phone up and act as if nothing was going on. Lin Xiaoxiao was curious as to what was going on but she decided to just trust  Shen Xing and just ignored his secretive behavior. 

It was seven in the evening when Lin Xiaoxiao had just stepped out of the elevator. Her body froze as she looked at the scene in front of her. The lights were all off except for a row of pink lights that were placed on either side of the path in front of her. The path leading into the house was covered in red roses. Combined with the pink lights it made for a spectacular scene. But what really caught Lin Xiaoxiao's eye was the man standing under the moon gate wearing a white suit. He had a single white rose in his hand as he leaned against the moon gate looking over at her with a smile that would make any girl fall in love with him. 

Lin Xiaoxiao stared blankly at the man as he slowly walked over to her until he was standing right in front of her. She lifted her head to look at his handsome face as she blinked a few times still trying to figure out what was going on. She slightly parted her red lips as she said: "Xing?"

"Mhm… Do you like it?" Shen Xing smiled at Lin Xiaoxiao as he handed the white flower to her. 

Taking the flower into her hand she tilted her head down to smell it as she blushed a little."Un! It's beautiful, but what's the occasion?"

"You will find out follow me." Taking Lin Xiaoxiao's hand he led her into the house where she saw a few of the live-in help waiting for them. 

Pushing Lin Xiaoxiao forward Shen Xing said: "Take her to get ready." Lin Xiaoxiao was still confused as to what was going on so when the maid took her hand and pulled her along she followed without a second thought.

 Lin Xiaoxiao was led into another room where three people were waiting for her. She knew these people very well since they were the costume designer, hairdresser and makeup artist that assisted her every day on the set. It was only today that she had different people helping her on the set. She had not found this to be out of the ordinary since it was normal to switch makeup artists and the like during filming. 

Before she knew it, she was already wearing a white one-piece dress and had her hair and makeup done. When she looked in the mirror Lin Xiaoxiao could not help but smile. She was not one to say she was beautiful or not but this body that she had taken over, the original Xi Xiaoxiao was very beautiful. Even though this white one-piece dress as very simple it matched Lin Xiaoxiao's looks perfect. Her long black hair styled up into a simple bun exposing her white jade-like neck accentuated her beauty by manyfold. The white rose that Shen Xing handed her was used to adorn her hair. If one were to look at Lin Xiaoxiao now they could only describe Lin Xiaoxiao by using Minmin's words "Fairy Lily". Because at this moment she really did look like a fairy.

Once Lin Xiaoxiao was ready she was led by the maid that had brought her here, to the main hall where a small table was placed in the center of the hall with a few lit candles resting on top of it. She saw Shen Xing standing next to the table waiting for her. Shen Xing's eyes were wide when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao walk in. Her beauty really took his breath away. Snapping out of his daze he walked over to Lin Xiaoxiao who had her head down and was blushing. She wanted to punch Shen Xing for this because this was all beyond her expectations. She had no idea he was planning to do something like this at all! 

Shen Xing took her hand and led Lin Xiaoxiao to her seat. Before pulling the chair out so that she could sit down. He then walked towards a tall man who was standing off to the side. This person was Fang De, Shen Xing's assistant. Fang De passed something over to Shen Xing, Shen Xing nodded and walked back over to Lin Xiaoxiao standing to the side of her. 

Lin XiaoXiao shifted her body and looked at Shen Xing seemingly very confused. She was about to say something when Shen Xing placed his finger on her lips to stop her from talking.

"Let me speak first." Shen Xing said softly. Lin Xiaoxiao nodded her head in response. She was starting to get nervous about all that had been going on. But she couldn't help but keep her expectations up.

"Xiaoxiao we have only known each other for a little over a week now. Needless to say that we have rushed more than just one thing so far in our relationship. But to me, none of this seems wrong. When I am with you it is like I have known you for years. Like you have been a part of my life since long ago. I cherish every waking moment I have with you. I even curse the fact that we both have jobs that make us spend time apart. You are apart of my life now and I can not see myself with anyone else besides you." Shen Xing bent down to one knee in front of Lin Xiaoxiao. 

Seeing Shen Xing's actions caused tears to well up in her eyes. She knew that their relationship had spun out of control since they first got together. But she really did love this man in front of her. Now seeing him do such an action she could not help but start crying. 

"Xiaoxiao I love you. I want to take care of you for the rest of my life. You are the only person who can complete me in this lifetime and into the next. Although we already considered ourselves engaged. I still had yet to officially ask you." Taking the object out that Fang De passed to him, Shen Xing opened the box to expose an exquisitely crafted diamond ring. It was not bulky in any way. It was made to not get in the way when Lin Xiaoxiao did things with her hands. There were many engravings on the ring that was adorned with princess cut diamonds. 

Shen Xing reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's little hand as he took the ring in his other hand as he asked: "Qin Lily Xiaoxiao will you marry me?" He gently slid the ring on to her finger. 

Lin Xiaoxiao had tears rolling down her cheek as she looked at the ring on her finger before nodding her head and softly saying "Yes!"