Little Bo’s First Official Date

Days passed and it was now Friday night. Lin Xiaoxiao was busying herself helping Little Bo get ready for her first official date with Shen Li. Lin Xiaoxiao pulled out all the stops. She had called her makeup artist and hairstylist over as well as buying a bunch of sets of clothes for Little Bo that were all top brands. She would not let Little Bo walk out of this house unless she looked better than any girl alive! 

Qin Mei was standing at the side as she watched the two girls going to and fro. A smile formed on her face as she watched the scene. To her, these two girls were sisters bound by fate. They never argued and always treated each other with the utmost care. Qin Mei smiled but as she looked down at herself she let out a small frown. The girls she watched are growing up and are now all grown with their own lives and are starting to form their own families. But She was still the same. 

Lin Xiaoxiao caught Qin Mei's expression out of the corner of her eye. She placed the dress she was looking at down and walked over to Qin Mei interlocking her arms with Qin Mei's. "Mom…" Lin Xiaoxiao rested her head on  Qin Mei's shoulder. "You should try to find someone to settle down with and if you don't you should move in with me..." 

Qin Mei was taken aback for a few seconds but then gave Lin Xiaoxiao a smile. "Xiaoxiao I'm fine, you do not need to worry about your mother right now. Worry about your babies in your belly and work on keeping that man of yours straight." 

After a long grueling four day Little Bo was finally finished and was now heading downstairs to meet with Shen Li. Shen Li had already arrived but Lin Xiaoxiao made him wait a little longer to do final touches.  Shen Li could only sigh and wait. But upon seeing Little Bo exit the elevator in her dress he stood there speechless. The girl walking towards him was stunning! She looked like an angel that fell from heaven in her white dress. With her cute features, white skin and a tinge of red in her cheeks with the way she tried to hide her embarrassment as she lowered her head a little, Shen Li felt his heart beating crazy fast! If he was not aware of Little Bo's anxiety issues he would run over to her scoop her up and run away with her! The white dress had little frills on the ends and went down just past her knees it matched her pure innocent look to such an extent that it seemed that she had been sent from heaven just for him!

When she finally arrived in front of him, Shen Li recollected himself and reached out to take her hand. This caused Little Bo to blush more because her hands were clammy from being nervous but she still allowed him to do so. Seeing how nervous she was Shen Li smiled inwardly as he couldn't help but pull Little Bo into a hug as he said: "Ru'er, you look absolutely stunning tonight."

Little Bo was given a start at the sudden closeness but she did not panic when she fell into his arms. She was surprised to see that she felt more relaxed. She let him hug her as she took in his scent with a blushing face. It was then that the images from her research flashed through her mind which caused her to blush more! But the more she thought about the pictures she started to muster up a bit of courage and wrapped her arms around Shen Li and nestled her head into his chest. 

Shen Li was surprised at her actions, he never thought she would actually hug him back so her doing this really made him happy. The two stood there for a few minutes in each other's arms before Shen Li broke the embrace saying: "We should get going to the restaurant."

"Okay..." Little Bo said nodding her head allowing Shen Li to pull her to the car. 

The two got into the back seat and Shen Li pulled Little Bo close to him as he put one arm around her. Little Bo did not reject and actually leaned into his embrace and closed her eyes as Shen Li's driver started the car. 

Little Bo found that she liked being held in Shen Li's arms. His masculine smell entered her nose and for some reason calmed her nerves down. The longer she stayed in his embrace the less tense her body became. Before she knew it she had wrapped an arm around Shen Li and fell sound asleep in his arms. She had a long day since Lin Xiaoxiao had woken her up early that morning to get everything ready for her date. Because she was so nervous that night she barely got any sleep. So now that she finally relaxed her tiredness took over sending her into a deep slumber.

Shen Li heard soft low breathing sounds. He looked down at the beauty in his arms to see that she was sound asleep while being held in his embrace. Shen Li gave a gentle smile as he looked at her. He rolled the partition down to the front seat and said softly: "Change of plans go to the shore and find a quiet spot to park." 

The driver was confused at first but when he saw the sleeping girl in his young master's embrace he understood and nodded his head. It took twenty minutes to the waterfront. The driver parked in a secluded location and stepped out of the car to stretch his legs. Shen Li looked down at the girl in his arms and reached over to move the loose hair that fell down on her face back behind her ear. He lightly stroked the girl's cheek before leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Shen Li never had such a peaceful night. Normally he was always busy working or doing this or that. Getting only a few hours of sleep here and there. But now with the girl in his arms, he felt at peace. Soon his own tiredness took over and he himself was fast asleep.

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