New Troubles Brewing

Dawn rose as the sun's light peeked over the horizon. Sounds of birds could be heard in the air. A young girl in a white dress's eyes fluttered as she slowly woke from her deep slumber. She looked a bit confused as she saw that she was not in her room. She looked around a bit and realized she was in someone's embrace! Her face turned bright red as she realized that she was actually hugging someone. Not just hugging but basically straddling him! She had one arm across his chest and one leg across his legs!  Seeing this situation caused the girl to blush even more. A little panicked the girl looked up to see who she was with but when she saw the man's face she slowly relaxed and remembered what had happened. 

She was so tired from lack of sleep she fell asleep on the way to the restaurant. This girl was none other than Little Bo. Little Bo felt a little embarrassed to have fallen asleep on her first real date with Shen Li. But she also felt a sense of warmth well up within her heart. Little Bo gazed softly at the man. The man was so considerate of her that he even allowed her to sleep peacefully the entire night.

Little Bo sat there a few minutes just gazing at the handsome sleeping face in front of her. She actually liked waking up and seeing his sleeping face. After gazing for a while Little Bo nuzzled her head into the She Li's chest finding a comfortable spot to rest. She never did move from her original position so her leg and arm were still on top of Shen Li. She felt a little reluctant to move them so she figured she would stay this way until he woke up. She did, however, take this opportunity to feel Shen Li's stomach. She gently rubbed her hand over his shirt feeling his hard abs underneath. As if in a trance she ended up sliding her hand up under his shirt to make direct contact. It took a minute to realize what she was doing and quickly pulled her hand out. 

All the while she was doing these things the certain object of her curiosity was wide awake. Shen Li did not know if he should say something or not or if it would cause the girl in his arms to panic so all he could do was fake that he was still asleep! And so he did! The only issue was that he had never had contact with girls in such an intimate manner. So his little brother was out of his control.

Of course, this did not go unnoticed by Little Bo. She felt something poking her leg and instantly knew what it was. The images from her computer floated through her mind which caused her to blush even more! Although she was extremely shy she was still curious about such things. She looked up and peaked at Shen Li to see him still asleep. She bit her lower lip deciding whether or not she should touch it. After making a firm decision she slid her leg up a little to see the tent in Shen Li's pants and reached down and… Touched it! Yep touched it. When she touched it… It twitched… The twitch gave Little Bo a start and she quickly retracted her hand as she looked up at Shen Li. She let out a sigh of relief and waited a few minutes before reaching down once again!

All the while Shen Li was doing his best not to move!  Every so often he would sneak a peek at Little Bo as she curiously touched his little brother. He never expected that this girl who was so nervous just being near him would take advantage of him while he was asleep! But he did not say a word. He did not want to frighten Little Bo. If she wanted to touch his little brother than she could touch all she wanted! He will keep pretending to be asleep! But just as he thought this she stopped touching his little brother and nestled back down into his embrace. Shen Li felt a little sad but he would never do anything to force the girl to do what she did not want to. He was just happy that she was curious about these kinds of things.

Later that morning Little Bo once again got interrogated as to why she did not come home the night before and Shen Li got another thumbs up from Lin Xiaoxiao which made him wonder if he should laugh or cry. The day moved on and Lin Xiaoxiao, Little Bo and Qin Mei made it to the set. As the three were happily chatting away one of her bodyguards knocked on the door.

"Young Miss a package came for you." Lin Xiaoxiao was confused because she had not ordered anything so she had Mo Yan go and bring the package in.

"Young Miss… Something seems weird about this package." Mo Yan said as she brought the package in. 

Mo Yu's eyes opened wide and quickly shouted out. "Sis! Toss that down and get out now!" Not even waiting for her sister to react she pulled Lin Xiaoxiao, Little Bo and Qin Mei out the back door of the trailer!

Mo Yan was startled by her sisters words and quickly did as her sister said tossing the package down to the floor. As the package hit the ground there was a clicking sound and then a loud explosion!

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