Shocking Result

Aerion did as much as he could in the limited amount of time available, which was enough to see some excellent results. She had grasped the basics in a single day! Jun Xilei was a swift learner, indeed, but she still had much to learn.

In the next day, only the Losers group fought. The two battles were Shui Yingyue vs Jun Xilei and Robb vs Luo Changsheng. Many already predicted that Jun Xilei and Luo Changsheng would proceed as they were Divine Kings. Jun Xilei effortlessly dispatched Shui Yingyue while Luo Changsheng ran into some trouble when facing Robb.

"Don't accidentally kill another genius this time," Aerion stated.

"I'll try my best." Robb smiled. "But, even if I do, you'll just bring them back, right?"

"I might not."

"Ah, then I'm doomed. I won't use that profound skill in a tournament battle again so you don't need to worry about it. Something so deadly should only belong in the battlefield, after all."

"It's good that you understand."


A few minutes later, Robb was on his last legs. Luo Changsheng had kindly provided him with a severe beating, fully displaying the difference between a Divine King Realm cultivator and someone whose strength only reached the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm.

"You are extremely strong for someone who is only in the Divine Tribulation Realm, I'll give you that, but your strength is still lacking when compared to a Divine King like myself. Why don't you just concede and get this over with?"

"Admitting defeat is harder than you think."

"So you won't concede? You might come to regret that decision."

"I don't believe that's the case." Robb chuckled. "The longer we fight, the greater my chances of victory."

"Hmph, we will see about that."

Luo Changsheng continued to beat him down but he saw no progress as Robb was regenerating his wounds at an absurd rate. Something that seemed so simple as throwing him out of bounds or just knocking him unconscious was proving to be extremely difficult. However, it wasn't just his regeneration which shocked Luo Changsheng, it was his relentless determination and ever-growing strength.

"How... how is this possible?! Not only do you keep surviving my attacks, but you also emerge stronger than before... every single time!"

"Are you scared of losing to me, Luo Changsheng? Hmm, if that's the case, I suggest you bring out that Dragon Compassion Blade. Maybe the Heart Burning Lightning on top of that?"

"Hahahahaha... I, Luo Changsheng, don't need to use either of those to defeat you!"

Robb smiled. "A shame, I could've benefitted greatly from that experience, but I suppose a swift victory is pleasant as well."

The golden aura around him started to form an incomplete lion as his strength rose once more. The aura was unstable and all over the place but the lion's might could not be denied.

"This aura... it's stronger than my own?"

"Yes, although it's slightly shaky, this should be enough to wipe you off the face of the Conferred God Stage!" Robb confidently announced.

"Why you... heh, very well, let's see how long this strength of yours lasts!"


Luo Changsheng decided to use the Heart Burning Lightning and the Dragon Compassion Blade to match Robb's new strength. A heavy sword against a spear... Robb observed that his greatest strength and advantage in this battle would be speed so he utilised the Flying Wind God's Art as much as he could.

Slash, slash, slash.

Damn, this Luo Changsheng is fast...

Keeping Luo Changsheng in the perfect range turned out to be slightly more difficult than he expected. Robb had to use another strategy.


Luo Changsheng looked rather surprised. Did this man just drop his spear in the middle of a battle?

Robb got out of the way of the Dragon Compassion Blade and kicked Luo Changsheng in the babymaker. Robb was making the most out of the Heavenly Fire Demon's sacred teachings, after all those years, he did pick up a few tips and tricks. It looked like his learning had paid off well.

"I got you!"


"You didn't expect that, did you?"

Luo Changsheng took a couple of steps back, groaning in pain. "You... you devil!"

"Hehe, it's only effective once but since I got you, it's already over. If I had missed, then you would have kept your guard up and such an opportunity would not have appeared ever again!"

"Gah... I'll still defeat you..."

"Keep dreaming since an injury like that will limit you greatly for quite some time." Robb retrieved his spear and started to combat the dazed Luo Changsheng. Eventually, Robb managed to throw him out of bounds and win the battle.

"Robb will proceed to the seventh round of the Losers Group while Luo Changsheng has been eliminated permanently."


Conferred Gods Group Round Four:

Aerion Targaryen vs Izanami Uchiha

Losers Group Round Seven:

Jun Xilei vs Robb

~Next day~

"The first and final battle of the Conferred Gods Group fourth round, Aerion Targaryen and Izanami Uchiha, both from the Snow Song Realm, you may step onto the Conferred God Stage."

Izanami said she'll concede so this should be a simple victory.

"Hmph, you must be thinking this battle is going to a breeze, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Aerion inquired.

"I trust that you've been faithful these past few days... so I won't completely embarrass you."

"Huh?" Aerion scratched his hair. "What did I do?"

"The Sword Sovereign's disciple... hmm, I believe I saw her visiting you once in a while. Do you not remember?"

"Oh... right. There's nothing serious happening there, I'm just teaching her my sword art for a favour."

"A favour? Interesting, indeed."


Aerion chuckled. "Fine, we can fight, but you will lose anyway."

"As confident as ever," Izanami remarked, smiling mischievously.

I have a bad feeling about this...

"Aerion Targaryen, Izanami Uchiha, may the battle begin!"

She instantly activated her Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and he did the same. After a few moments of silence, Aerion spoke out.

"Aren't you going to strike?"

Izanami smiled as some blood fell from both of her eyes.

"I've already struck you."


I... can't move?

Instantly, the world around him changed. He didn't stand on the Conferred God Stage any longer, at least in his view. It was a white and (mostly) empty world, the only thing which stood out was the red moon looking down at him. The moon started to glow brighter and, from the heavenly white sky, red shards started flying towards him. Once they reached him, the shards extended in length and wrapped themselves around him.

He was chained and these chains could not be broken by sheer force.

This has to be an illusion... but it's different from the last one she used on me. Ah, that was during the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, where I almost lost. Anyways, this one is much stronger.

Much stronger is cutting it loosely, Aerion struggled as best as he could, but it was still no use. Even Izanagi was proven to be worthless in this situation. In actuality, Izanagi was scared and Aerion couldn't use him!

Seriously, you let me down during such an important moment?

"Hahahaha, it looks like you're going to lose to your beloved wife!" Rotias mocked Aerion. "It looks like the little dragon's conquests have backfired on him, how embarrassing."

Whose side are you on, anyway?

"I can't help you here... it's all up to you."

Meanwhile, Izanami walked closer to Aerion, who was standing still with a confused face. She caressed his hair for a few seconds. "My poor Emperor... don't worry, all of this will end soon."

Grabbing his hand, she started to walk him out of bounds. Once she reached the end, one push was just about enough to send him out of bounds and win the battle. Everyone watching the match did not expect such a unique 'battle'.

"Why isn't he doing anything? It's like his soul has been snatched away!"

"I thought this was going to be an easy battle."

"Man, I bet a fortune on Aerion Targaryen and he's just going to let me down like that? So much for my savings."

"Hehehe, lucky me, I knew she was special ever since that Meng Duaxi lost instantly."

"Those eyes are truly frightening."


It's no use... I'm a complete novice in this field!

In this realm, his power was non-existent. Izanami was its goddess while he was nothing more than a hopeless victim.

This illusion is something I must break with something other than just cultivation strength. Ever since I've been trapped, it has been so. I must combat it with my eyes but they're proving to be useless in this instance.

Hmph, I suppose Izanagi just isn't the one for this job.

The Emperor!

Suddenly, the red shackles weakened and he used this opportunity to break free. That was when more shards flew down to chain him once more.

The moon seems to be the source. I believe destroying it should end the illusion. Hmph, this should be simple even if I can't open my gates.

Crimson Demon Wave.

The Crimson Demon Wave struck the crimson moon but did no visible damage.

I suppose it's not so simple, after all.

After a few seconds of careful thought, he had an idea.

All those Divine Souls... is it possible to make use of them?

"Maybe," Rotias remarked. "But dragging them here might prove to be difficult."

Aerion smiled.

I get it now.

"Out of bounds, you go."

That was when the crimson moon shattered and the world around him returned to normal. He realised the depressing truth. The fact that he had lost just when he thought of a plan to thoroughly destroy the illusion was devastating.

Qu Hui was confused the entire battle but he managed to compose himself for the announcement. "Aerion Targaryen is out of bounds and so, he has lost the battle! Izanami Uchiha will proceed to the next round of the Conferred Gods Group while Aerion Targaryen will fall to the Losers Group."

I... lost.

Entering the Losers Group and in such an embarrassing manner on top of that. I didn't even put up a fight!

"Hmph, you did better than I expected but it was not enough, unfortunately." Izanami walked off.

Next time... there will be a next time, Izanami, and that will be when I shatter that illusion.

Aerion stood up and smiled. "Thank you, Izanami. I've learned something important because of this battle."

"Oh? I see... then I look forward to the next one." She smiled.

I'll beat you at your own game.

"Unbelievable, Aerion Targaryen lost..."

"Aerion Targaryen and 'fall to the Losers Group', I thought those things would never go together. I've been proved long, it seems."