General POV
Ishizu glanced suspiciously at the liquid the old turtle gave him. Unlike clear water, this liquid had a light bluish tint on it, and when he reached to smell it smelled like... chicken? What? Why chicken? Eh, never mind.
"Are you sure this liquid will split my soul with no harm done to me? If you give me time I could try to make a seal.... nah that would take too much time and I don't have the right resources to make something like that. Tsk, I really have to drink this?"
There was no answer coming since Ishizu was alone in a room. His mind was split. One part told him to not do it. The soul was a holy thing and should be treated with respect. The other part told him to go on. For one only improves by looking into the unknown.
"Ah, fuck it," Ishizu said, before gulping the liquid down his throat.
It was cold as it passed through his esophagus and entered his stomach. A minute passed, then two, and Ishizu just sat in a meditative pose and waited for something to happen.
Then there was a thud he felt from inside his body, as if something or someone were trying to escape. Then came the dyspnea and Ishizu couldn't sit anymore and had to lie on his back with his eyes wide open.
"Argh, I knew this would turn out somehow like that."
His body began to vibrate, and he saw yellow string-like energy appearing above him before it entered his body around the areas of the heart. The vibration increased and then Ishizu felt a sensation as if his body was being split.
And he was right. The golden energy that entered his body glowed brightly in the middle of his body before it separated, but instead of ripping his body in half, two halves of Ishizu appeared, and then the golden light formed the other half.
The same thing happened again and again before 4 Ishizu's were in the room.
Ishizu POV
Unbelievable! It actually worked. And I knew that because I could feel my consciousness was connected to the other 3 bodies.
Normally a human can't feel their soul since it is right the moment a baby is born or maybe even earlier, but now I could feel it inside the other bodies, too.
"Are you like Wood Clones?" I called out.
"Good question. I don't feel like I am made of wood," Ishizu #2 said.
"Yeah, I too can feel the connection we have but I feel like a Blood Clone but without the strength debuff," Ishizu #3.
"Abubu bagaga."
All 3 turned towards the fourth member to see what was wrong. Ishizu thought his fourth doppelgänger turned into a toddler, but the last one was just smirking at the jock.
"Ha, you should have seen your faces."
After getting over the fact that part of my soul was a comedian, we stood up and walked outside where Oogway was waiting for me, or rather us.
"Good, it has worked. How are you all feeling?"
"Can't complain. We feel our connection and we should be at the same level, unlike blood clones."
Oogway signaled me or us to follow him into a training ground where the others were.
"You will fight them. Simple as that," Oogway pointed out and each of us stood in front of a Furious Five or Four member.
I or #1 Ishizu or original, whatever I call myself now, had to fight Monkey with #2 fighting Viper, #3 fighting Crane, and #4 Mantis.
Monkey's weapon was a long red stick one knew Goku from DB used in his earlier years. Maybe all monkey-related people use them?
When the fight started, I engaged Monkey in a close combat fight. I said, engaged, but it wasn't easy to get close to him. His ability to use the red pole was extraordinary as he kept me one or two meters away while swinging his stick around like a master.
Seeing no way to progress the fight, I felt my chakra and was surprised that it wasn't such a mess as when I had just gotten here. What changed?
Sure, it was still too chaotic to form any ninjutsu, but I had enough control to channel enough chakra to my eyes to activate my Rinnegan.
And so I did it and was promptly greeted by 3 other opponents.
"Po explained to me the abilities of those eyes. Since you are connected to the other 3, naturally they too will be using them," explained Oogway, seeing all four of me wince.
"That's no problem. I have learned to use clones to not get sick," I called out before I saw Viper hitting my other self in the chest with her tail and every Ishizu took a step back and winced in pain.
"What was that!?" I shouted, feeling the pain from the other Ishizu.
"One soul connects the bodies. Naturally, the pain you experience from one body is transmitted equally to the others."
"That's bullshit!" I shouted out before another attack hit me.
"Hey, don't dream off," Monkey called out.
"Argh, don't look down on me!"
I made a chakra receiver and smashed it against Monkey's staff. No, I thought it would just clash but to my surprise, golden energy enveloped his weapon and like butter, it destroyed my weapon and I got pounded in my face, making me fly away. Déjà vu.
Since my clones were connected to me, they too felt the same pain and were quickly subdued.
The pain was enough to make me stay on the ground.
"I think that is enough for today. Get some rest, Ishizu," Oogway said before I was helped up.
Half an hour later.
General POV
All four Ishizus were lying in their new beds while thinking of a way to fight the furious four tomorrow. What bothered #1 the most was that last attack Monkey used.
Why did the chakra received got destroyed so easily? It was similar to when Shifu pointed at him.
What did Monkey use when I fought him? What did they all have that he didn't? Closing his eyes, Ishizu thought before jumping up.
"That's it! Chi!"
Chi, the energy that flows through all living beings. It is the spiritual energy that flows inside the living beings of Kung Fu Panda.
He had chakra. A combination of spiritual and physical energy. Was Chi something different and if so, how could he use it for himself?
"Why not use those beautiful eyes of yours, Ishizu-chan?" a seductive voice spoke and before Ishizu could see who it was, Yamai came out from his body.
"Yamai? You are still in my body?"
Even if Ishizu couldn't see her, he could picture how a devilish smile formed on her face.
"Of course, silly boy. Where should I be? You are the person who is obsessed with my sister. I have no other place I want to stay, but where my future brother-in-law won't be able to escape me."
Ishizu got strong vibes that she wanted something from him, and he didn't like that.
"Wait, what do you mean with my eyes? The Rinnegan?"
"Which else? While I was inside your body, I snooped through your memories... which were very amazing, I found one memory that may help you with your problem."
Golden energy flew out of Yamai's hand.
"Chi. Those that were born in the Elemental Nations, as you call your world, can't learn it, but you are an exception."
"How is my Rinnegan related to this ability?"
"Hmm, how should I answer this? Oh, it is similar to one of your memories about this Madara Uchiha and his Limbo Clones."
That's when it hit Ishizu. Yes, he remembered the feeling when Yugito was almost killed by Hidan.
His Rinnegan did something which gave him a massive headache. So this was his unique ability? The question was: What did it do?
Ishizu thought back to the fight with Hidan and Kakuzu. He shouldn't have made it in time. Hidan was confused, but why?
It was like he forgot how to do his ability. But that was impossible. One can't just forget how to do something they did for years.
No, that's not true. Ishizu lived a second life in a world he watched through a computer. People could breathe fire, go into their minds and summon meteors.
He could somehow make someone forget how to do something. Wow, broken.
"Ah, I see you realized what power you have, but you don't see further. Let me explain to you this ability. It functions similarly to what those you call Yamanaka's do.
Without needing eye contact, you penetrate the brain with your gaze and rip out a small piece of information. In this case, it was Hidan's ability to do his Jutsu.
Now, it only worked for a moment, but you downloaded that memory you stole into your brain and your body adapted to it."
"So technically I could now do the same as Hidan?" Ishizu asked, realizing where she was going.
"Indeed. Not that you need, but think, Ishizu-kun. You adapted to this new ability. What would happen if you took the knowledge of using Chi from one of your helpers?"
Ishizu froze as he stared at Yamai. He understood her meaning. With this, he could learn Chi! Now before Ishizu, like most, would storm off to see if fit work, Ishizu calmed down and thought about it.
Last time he got a massive headache from it. Well, of course, he got it. He just forcefully put knowledge into his brain. It acts similar to the Shadow Clone Jutsu.
And Hidan's Jutsu was most likely connected to chakra.
What would happen if he took knowledge from somebody about a new type of energy, not from his world? Yes, in theory, he would get said energy, but under what circumstances?
Would Chi and Chakra coexist, or would he explode from the mixture? Ishizu knew a lot, but even he wasn't omniscient.
So, what do you do if you can't do it alone? Why ask for help? And who better to ask than Oogway?