The Uzumaki Couple

General POV

Ishizu had crouched down to meet Yuka's eyes as he opened the wooden door. They say that the eyes are the doors to one's soul. The girl didn't avert her eyes like many would and instead stared right into Ishizu's red ones. Her cheeks were round as she pouted.


"You can't make me stay here. I want to see something new outside of the moon and those ruins you are going… I want to meet new people. Those you know."

Ishizu was still skeptical about the adult Otsutsuki inside the younger Otsutsuki girl. He was a paranoid individual and now Kaguya's sister had a body.

Yamai was a dangerous individual who Ishizu had no knowledge about.

As long as she was bound to him he could somehow control her but now that she was inhabiting Yuka through her Kama. The meta-knowledge that he relied on in his years proved useless and that scared Ishizu.

"If you are who you claim to be then there isn't much to talk about. What I want to or rather who I want to talk about is Yamai. Until she speaks with me and I am sure she has no evil plan to kill or enslave me I will not let you out of this place. Get her out and we'll talk like adults"

The girl nodded and soon her body changed. The Kama seal enveloped part of her body with pink marks and her small horns matured.

She grew a few centimeters and a familiar aura surrounded the individual in front of him.

It looked kind of cool to Ishizu but when he saw the eyes he could tell this wasn't the small girl seeking adventures. Instead, it was a pureblood Otsutsuki. A powerful chakra alien that could kill him if he wasn't careful enough.

"You are quite the enigma to an Otsutsuki, Sasaki-san. All that power you have and you still humble yourself; being paranoid over everything."

Ishizu would have laughed if she was someone else.

"It is a matter of situation and life in general. Unlike your kind who are blessed by power from birth, we humans fight each other for power and survival as we can die quite easily. I just had a gift of foreknowledge making me aware that I am nothing special even now. There are times when I may play with my enemies if I have a good grasp of their power but anyone that escapes my scope is a potential threat to my life. Someone like you."

"Like me, huh? So the question is: How can I show you that I am not after your life?"

Here Ishizu hit Yamai on her head resulting in a cry of pain.

"By not betraying the little trust I have in you."

"How dare…" she paused as she saw his eyes staring right through her.

Ishizu was done with plays. He wanted the truth. And he wanted it now.

"I am sorry. Ok! I was impatient. She just looked so perfect but now I don't want her body."

Ishizu raised an eyebrow and Yamai averted her eyes as she blushed. He didn't expect that last part to come out of her mouth. This was something to work through so he put pressure on that particular sentence.

"Why don't you want her body?"


"Come again?"

"I said she grew on me, damit! We Otsutsuki rarely if ever conceive children. She is so… pure, like a child. I don't know how to explain it to you in words. It's a feeling."

Now, this surprised the man. Ishizu would never imagine an Otsutsuki like Yamai to look so flustered. Her emotions were all over the place and it was hard to mask them around Ishizu.

To think that Yuka has grown on her and she knew it but couldn't do anything about it. The all-powerful Otsutsuki losing to a child.

Yes, children had that kind of effect and people. He sighed and shook his head.


"What did you say?" asked Yamai as she stared at Ishizu.

"I said I forgive you. You, as well as I, make mistakes. Not to forget that I promised to give you a body so I expect a promise from you to follow me and not go out of my sight. Is that ok?"

"That's ok. Yuka will be happy to go to this Uzu. I will relax and let her take over, ok?"

Ishizu nodded and Yuka was back with her smile.

"See? Now we are friends again! Let's go exploring."

Ishizu sighed as he grabbed her and placed the girl on his shoulders.

"Let's go."


Ishizu POV

I was mildly impressed since during the whole time Yuka just watched the world around her as I jumped from tree to tree. Anything from a tree to a bird would draw the little Otsutsuki's attention.

2 hours I had to endure answering questions of basic things until I reached the ruins of Uzu.

"I placed a tracking seal on your skin but I will let you explore the ruins as a sign of trust I have in you both to be alone and not be under watchful eyes all the time. Don't screw up bad and don't destroy anything; am I clear?"

With a nod and a grin, the girl stormed off to who knows where leaving dust behind her trail.

I took the seal out of my pouch and infused chakra into it. The seal exploded and 9 containers dropped to the ground.

Everything was ready and even if there were… let's say 'small' obstacles along the way they only made me stronger and I had everything like I wanted it to be.

It was time to stop meddling from the shadows and enter the light.

Seeing the destroyed city I imagined it to be filled with life before turning right and walking through more ruins.

"Kenji, Konoko, if one of you can hear me that come out! I have a deal I want to make with you!" I was walking around when I saw two ghosts waiting for me.

"We have felt your and that child's presence the moment you entered. Speak, what kind of deal do you expect us ghosts to take?" asked Konoka as she eyes me from head to toe.

I was in a good mood being alone with no problems so I returned a smile.

"I know what every ghost that is in this world wants. I will give you the ability to walk around the nations ones more as living, breathing, human beings. To feel the air and touch each other again. To see with real eyes and smell with a nose. How does that sound?"

Kenji and Konoko looked at each other and laughed.

"You expect us to believe that you found a way to revive somebody who was been dead for decades? And don't even think about that soul-stealing forbidden Jutsu you call Edo Tensei. Our souls are on Earth and we do not want to be imprisoned in a dead body. So how in the world would you bring us people back to life?" asked Konoko sharply with her eyes narrowed.

Kenji was silent the whole time but he agreed with his wife. She was the one who ruled their relationship.

In response, I activated my Rinnegan.

"No, this technique brings you back. There will be no need to use the Edo Tensei. I will simply grab your souls and push them into solid bodies."

I naturally left out how I would get those bodies. One didn't have to say the whole truth after all.

Kenji was the one who laughed first.

"No need to do something so complex. If you want you can just use our original bodies that lie in the library. We preserved them with Fuinjutsu. We can give you access to the catacombs."

"As Kenji said, but before we do everything else we want to hear the reason what is in for you. Surely you wouldn't just give a second chance at life to anyone. Everything in life has its price. The question is: What does it cost?"

I took out the containers. Their eyes widened as they felt the chakra boiling inside.

Konoka was the first to surround the containers. A small fire was seen in her eyes as she inspected every single one. She must have been amazed by my craftsmanship going by the small saliva train near her mouth.

"Marvelous craftsmanship! A 10 out of 10. I can see the little seals all over them making this possible. If you presented me with such things back in my days I would have made you a master on the spot. To have not only collected but contained the chakra of every Tailed Beast... what are you going to do with them?" Konoka asked curiously as she turned to me.

While Konoka was amazed at the containers Kenji looked further than that since he knew more about the past.

"9 Tailed Beasts. Created by the Sage who split them from a creature of massive power. Don't tell me you are trying to revive that same monster featured in the legends? Why would you do it?"

Before Konoka could reply to her husband's false accusations I stopped them.

"It is not the monster I try to summon, it is the person sealed inside of it. I made a promise to her that I will bring her back and make her my wife. I will fulfill my promise."

Konoka had hearts in her eyes. "Oooh, are you doing it for love? Say no more, I will help you. Go to the catacombs."

Kenji looked at his wife as if he was betrayed since she didn't even question further. When he tried he just got a look from his wife and he dropped whatever he wanted to say and just shook his head.

Once his wife's mind was made up his voice was like the wind hitting a brick wall.

Without further questioning, both showed me the catacombs. Inside I could see a similar seal to the Chronostasis used on Jiraiya.

Breaking the seal I found a male and a female redhead peacefully laying on a table. Their bodies were cold but they looked as if they just had died.

Using my Rinnegan I grabbed the two souls and pushed them inside the bodies.

I honestly didn't have to resurrect them but it would help me in controlling the Ten-Tails. I had enough chakra to create the Ten-Tails but with two more Uzumaki's I didn't doubt I would have it under control.

Konoka POV

When I opened my eyes I could SEE. Oh, I could see when I was a ghost but seeing colors so radiant could only be achieved with real eyes.

"My back! Urgh, maybe I shouldn't have accepted the damm deal," my dear husband complained as always. Still the same even after so long.

He looked as charming as I remembered him so as his wife I gave him a hand by sneaking behind him, grabbing his back, and giving it a good squeeze.


"Arghh… oh yes that feels good. You know me very well. Thank you, my love."

"I'll always help you when you are in need, honey."

I grabbed him by his clothes and smashed my lips onto his.

General POV

Ishizu rolled his eyes when the two embraced in a long, deep kiss. He should have expected it. Two ghost lovers together in mind but not in body.

They were sexually repressed and couldn't live out their carnal desires in phantom form, but in no way would Ishizu allow it to go further than kissing and hugging. He needed them and they could do all they wanted after the war was over and maybe behind closed doors or outside. Whatever excited them most.

"Alright. Enough of this lovely-dovey stuff."

Konoka stopped kissing her husband as she have Ishizu a glance with a tick mark on her face before she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Ladies and Gentleman, a Fuinjutsu grandmaster. Quickly set up a sealing array and connect it to a seal on you. When you need us just flare your chakra and we'll come. Why do I have to tell you that?"

Just as quick as she spoke she returned to make out with her husband.

Ishizu's mouth was open for a moment. Sometimes it was closing and opening to form words but nothing came out.

Muttering something about disrespecting the young, Ishizu quickly set up the teleportation seal; a thought passed him of tempting with it so they could too experience the horror of a malfunctioning teleportation device but he needed them in good mood so he left it.

With everything set and done Ishizu casually strolled outside. His clone would be there before him and it would give him enough knowledge about what is happening.

"All of this…"

Ishizu turned around to see Konoka standing before him.

"We know you are doing all of this for a woman but this goes deeper right?" she asked but a small smirk was on her face as if she was asking a rhetorical question.

"Care to explain your observation."

"I've got you. It was obvious to see on your face when I was embracing my husband to the fullest. Tell me, Ishizu-kun, are you a virgin?"

Ishizu tsk'ed and averted his eyes from the woman. Not giving the woman an answer but the silence was an answer on its own.

"My god! You are!"

Blushing wasn't something Ishizu did ever but some old Uzumaki managed it.

"How is that possible? My god, you are a Shinobi. There have to be moments where your body just needs the opposite gender to relieve yourself of the stress you experience during life. I certainly wouldn't survive without my husband for a week. So, how did you do it?"

Ishizu cringed when her question triggered a memory he quickly shook away.

"What about a kiss? You are doing this for a woman so let's say your plan bears fruits you'll have to kiss her. A bad kiss can change many things."

This time Ishizu gave Konoka a matching grin.

"Don't you worry about me. I had the best teacher for this situation."

A weird explosion resonated near them and Ishizu watched the little Otsutsuki flying through the air. Ishizu wondered where the little rascal had been. Thankfully he didn't have to search for her as she came perfectly flying to him.

Yuka's face was covered in dirt and there were very few bruises on her white skin. Inside Yuka, Yamai was rolling her eyes at the uncivilized actions of the young Otsutsuki but she didn't voice out her seeing the large grin on the girl's face.

"I guess you had fun?" Ishizu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh-huh," Yuka nodded.

Crouching down, Yuka go on Ishziu's shoulders and without further words, Ishizu turned around and leaped out.

'The war has started and people are dying but don't you worry at all. I am coming to end this once and for all.'