"Day D"

The day dawns in Liogres, the ancestral realm of the two-headed lion, one of the 3 ancient mystical beasts, the one that gave men elemental skills and who built the first civilization that the Chaos tried to destroy together with the centipede although it took many years after the war who sealed the dragon in his stone circle, has never seen anything of the magnitude that is about to happen.

-then this is the new capital of Liogres? - someone in a carriage comments.

- apparently they have made a major renovation. - a female voice.

-the new queen has my congratulations, she managed to rebuild an entire city of this size in almost 5 months. - a man with long hair and smooth peach skin looked out the carriage window.

Almost 5 months have passed since the invasion in Liogres, 5 long months of mistrust, uncertainty and preparation for the great day ahead, the day that will decide the theft of the 4 kingdoms.

Aizawa: -Queen, we have information that trains are approaching the city as planned. - Aizawa looked deferential, his body was more manly, his hair was less long and his clothes were adapted to his combat style.

Laynala: -How great, we are on time then. - looking at Aizawa. -and by the way don't call me that Aizawa, after all we are brothers. - Laylana with her long, opaque blue hair, wore a long dress of the same color, her body was more mature, and her face confident with all that.

Aizawa: -Sorry, strength of the abito. - apologizing for his way of acting.

Beseke: -Don't be boring Aizawa. - speaking aside.

Aizawa: -Beseke ... - looking back and see Beseke at the meeting room door.

Beseke: -finally it is not. - Beseke had a much stronger and more defined body, his hair was now shorter, his clothes showed that physique well by leaving openings for better locomotion.

Aizawa: -Yes ... - looking at a paper on the table.

Laylana: -tomorrow we can finally respect our father's honor. - looking out of your living room window.

Laylana watches the movement from the outside, William Vanish was organizing the troop of knights, showing what each sector will be responsible for during the coming battle.

Vanish: -see it, we can't go wrong. - pointing to a 3D map created from holographic crystals. - Troop A1 was responsible for the front line.

Callisto: -Vanish is working hard on. - eating something that looked like a fruit.

Sakura: -he has his reasons, after all he was one of the ones who suffered the most with all this history of mysteries and empire. - eating the same fruit.

Eros: - tomorrow ... - sitting on a wall.

Hermes: -it's tomorrow. - leaning on that same wall while Eros took the fruit from his hand.

Inside the castle but specifically in the equipment sector, Ezek is putting together something that has been working for 3 months, a project that will revolutionize the world they know.

Madoka: -are you sure about that? - Madoka wearing her flower print dress talks to Ezek, she had made her hair shorter and cut it so as to preserve the left half of her face with a bang.

Ezek: -Yes, we will need all possible help. - cleaning oil from your hands. -I'm not as pessimistic as kings, you, like me, have seen their power more than once. - Ezek remained the same as always, but his clothes had a lot more tools than before.

Madoka: -I miss them ... - remember the members of the exo guild.

Ezek: -I still have faith that they are out there. - entering your machine. -somewhere. - looking at the horizon when opening a door through which you will pass.

Madoka: -for someone who just said he was not a pessimist. - smile.

Ezek: -it's my time, wish me luck Madoka. - putting on your travel glasses.

Madoka: -Have a good trip, I hope to see you early tomorrow. - waving at him.

Ezek: -Me too. - connecting his newest compact airship, a machine so sophisticated that it would be the first of a new generation of flying machines.

Tatsune: -Ezek! - runs to the place but she was not alone.

Guma: -see if you don't crash into this machine. - Guma was taller and stronger physically, his hair was now white with black stripes when before it was gray with very weak stripes.

Kyouka: -Don't get lost! - Kyouka had a bigger body with sharp curves, her hair was denser and her claws bigger.

Mimi: -Good trip! - Mimi was more radiant and wore a blouse that covered only her breasts showing her belly, her skirt was bigger and wearing pantyhose, her hair was much more homogeneous.

Nicelle: - come back soon I still haven't forgotten what you owe me. - Nicelle had a very dark blue color, her tail was bigger like her bust, her body was full of very fine hair and the bandages on her arms were almost imperceptible besides a charming smile.

Yudi and Yuri wave to Ezek who is getting ready to leave. - they were taller and with a well-defined coloring, in their clothes they had the symbols of yin yang in the shape of wolves, their hair was in the coloring of their nekotype.

Tatsune: -We are counting on you! - Tatsune wore armor that defined his body well, his hair was very long and tied in the shape of a bow, on his face a mark of the long training he has recently undergone.

Ezek: - your bunch of useless brats! - hiding your emotion when taking off towards your destination.

Madoka: -You made good friends, Ezek. - happy to learn that the old dwarf had made friends even outside the builders.

And so the airship disappears on the horizon towards the black forest, what will it do the day before something as important as what is about to arrive? Well, we'll know when the time is right.

Meanwhile, on the southern road, a huge mass of dust appears in the sky, as well as on the roads coming from the west and east, the earth shook with the crash created by that wave of dust that appeared.

Fujikata: -it looks like things are going to start. - observing from the top of a tower built after the invasion of the capital. -open the gates! He shouts at the knights below him.

Two horsemen awaiting Fujikata's order begin to spin the gears that control the city gates, the gates were made of a tree from Bennevide, their wood was strong and light at the same time, on its surface a two-headed lion that represents Liogres was encrusted.

Laylana: - they arrived ... - already waiting anxiously for that moment to see the movement that happened at the entrance of the city from their window.

Beseke: -we are going to receive our guests. - smiling.

In the midst of all that excitement at the entrance of the city, 3 war convoys appear from the other kingdoms, Jack Laws "the shredder", led the convoy from Cevat, the kingdom of heroes, right next to was Julius "ephemeral hands", leading the train from Yessol, the kingdom of the warriors and Ganzai "the golden one" led the train from Prismet, the kingdom of wild men.

Jack laws: -first to arrive, hahaha! - Jack had a well-made goatee, a banana on his head and Mongolian warrior-style hair.

Julius: -This was not a Laws dispute. - rebuking the Cevat king.

Jack: -but I arrived. - making force gestures with the arm.

Ganzai: -Does everything have to be a challenge for you? Uhuhu. - his coat was orange with white tips much more defined, on his head a golden ribbon and on his back the staff he always carries.

Jack: - Is there a problem with the way my kingdom deals with things? - looking at Ganzai very closely.

Laylana: -mally arrived and are already fighting? - approaching them together with Aizawa and Beseke.

Jack: -Laylana ... - looking like she is different since the last time they saw each other up close.

Laylana: - welcome back to the royal capital of Liogres. - smiling.

Julius: -How are the preparations? - with his hands inside the very long sleeves of his red to gold cloak, his hair was still long and his skin is still clear.

Aizawa: -We are early. - looking at a device that Ezek called a pocket watch.

Ganzai: -Very good, uhuhu. - comments after Aizawa's speech.

Beseke: -we will align our troops and review our plan, let your troops settle at the points indicated by their coats of arms. - pointing to places where the soldiers of each troop can stay.

Laylana: - come with me! - going in the direction of the royal castle.

Upon arriving at the castle, each king sat at the table with 5 more members of his army, the room was different from Yamoto's, this was surrounded by a magic portal that analyzed all the bodily mana of those who were there, so only members of the council they could enter the site, preventing impostors from attempting an invasion again.

Laylana: -Very well, this is our first personal meeting in months, as was agreed between the kingdoms, only 24 people could be part of this final meeting, 5 members from each kingdom plus the 4 kings. - standing. -as it is known by all, we have had people infiltrated in the kingdoms for years, how the investigations are going and ways to prevent this will be reported at this time by each one.

Julius: -We use genetic code and so we don't detect any change in our strengths.

Ganzai: -in my kingdom a parasite was used that collected blood from everyone so we were able to detect zero interference with the help of Julius.

Jack: -We collected the samples and used the test created by Julius and we didn't detect anything even though I thought there should have been a fight and see who was walking away.

Laylana: -we use Julius's method and aligning with the mana method we don't detect anything.

Aizawa: -so we got the following result, the empire was totally hidden from everyone's eyes, they have what they need and will not be exposed until tomorrow as we predicted.

Laylana: - So let's go to the "D-day" schedule. - looking at the holographic crystals on the walls. - today at 18:00 sharp we will leave the capital towards the sheets, together with 4 war convoys formed by our best soldiers from the 4 kingdoms, so we should arrive at the place at 11:00 am where we will set up our base waiting in enemy, as we know the eclipse must start between 12:00 and 13:00 hours and we have to prevent at all costs that the empire from entering the ruins of that place in order to resurrect the Chaos dragon, did you understand?

Julius: -Yes.

Jack: -Yes.

Ganzai: -Yes.

Laylana: -now as scheduled, we will present our 5 generals who guided each kingdom in its role of contingency and annihilation of the empire. - looking straight ahead. -Aizawa leader of the strategic team, Beseke leader of the queen's personal protection team, William Vanish leader of combat troops, Madoka Guren, leader of the kingdom's medical team and Tatsune leader of the reconnaissance and communications troop.

Jack laws: -Linkhall leader of combat troops, Aquamarine leader of communication troops, Uzimaki leader of intelligence troops, Temari leader of medical troops and my son Sakuno Laws with the king's personal protection troop.

Linkhall the cowboy was wearing his hat and a new bandana, his spiers were wearing a bigger barrel, Aquamarine was wearing new colors, from almost white to baby blue, Uzimaki is an old man with a bald and experienced head , he wears a monocle and clothes a military uniform, Temari a woman with beautiful curves and a strong body, short hair wearing tight-fitting clothes and gloves that went up to the elbow, Sakuno son of Jack was like his father, wearing suits that covered only deadly parts and he carried a huge spear with him, his gaze was challenging in addition to having neither a worn skin.

Julius: -Shiba leader of the king's personal forces, Dohko leader of the reconnaissance and communication forces, Mei leader of the medical forces, Fuiiki leader of the strategic forces and Hiraki leader of the combat troops.

Shiba the samurai was wearing shiny silver armor, Dohko carrying his eagle he wore the same clothes he always wore, Mei was a lady who wore a long and orange dress full of white waves, her hair was tied like a tail. horse, and because he wore glasses that gave more charm to his beauty, Fuiiki is a young man with a youthful appearance, with a face of injured and with hair covering his eyes, his body was thin, his clothes were basically a blouse and pants in colors brown, Hiraki a sturdy man who wears golden gloves with diamonds embedded in each finger, he wore chest armor and a warrior skirt.

Ganzai: -Zau leader of the combat forces, Hana leader of the air and communication forces, Darui leader of the royal protection forces of the king, Shuno leader of the medical forces and Tessa leader of the intelligence and strategy forces.

Zau was a gray wolf that now had chains all over his arms, Hana the harpy was colored white instead of red as before, Darui was a black panther with very calm yellow eyes different from Zau, Shuno a gazelle with several potions in his waist and finally Tessa a fox of red colors with lilac that wears very striking clothes because of his dazzling glass.

Laylana: - our presentation ended, we ended this meeting, the royal alliance is finally united. - feeling your heart warm after the first phase has worked.

So all 4 kingdoms were presented and as planned the trains left the city at 18:00 in magical transportation beasts and traveled for 16 hours to the location indicated in the message found by Aizawa, Ezek and Beseke in the ruins, they were one hour away ahead and start preparing for the confrontation by installing troops in line for attack and defense.

Laylana: -all as planned. - looking back and seeing half of the sheets called an oasis.

Beseke: -Yes. - close to your sister.

Julius: -now we can only wait ... - sitting on a throne on top of the transport beast.

Jack: -I want those bastards to show up soon. - restless over the transport beast.

Ganzai: -... - grieving someone who likes it so much.

Fujikata: -Stay alert! - talking to soldiers who cast in the middle of the lines.

Aizawa: -It's almost time. - looking up towards the sun.

-there's something coming to the northwest! - one of Ganzai's warriors sees something approaching from above.

Everyone present on the trains stops talking, and all attention turns to the horizon where something begins to appear and each time it becomes more evident what it is about.

Aizawa: -Hana?

Hana: -The brand of the empire has been spotted! - responds to Aizawa.

Aizawa: -... - taking a deep breath. - enemies confirmed! - shouts for everyone to hear your voice.

Laylana: -it's starting. - clenching his fist.

Growmel: -The big day has arrived. - smiling as his troops are sighted by the alliance.