On the twilight of the sea of ​​the dead

The scorching sun of the desert of the lost valleys was extremely dangerous, in that place someone could easily get lost in high temperatures and scarce water, but still there was life there, like the horned lizards, common in arid and protected places in the outside world, different from the place where the other part of the sheets is, which is full of life and water in abundance, the result of the flow of rain through the desert where they are forming an oasis, so the sheets can be divided into two parts as we can see, submerged sheets and sand sheets.

Darui: -it's not that the bastards really showed up. - evaluating the size of the troop through binoculars created by Ezek.

Zau: -do you still have any questions? - salivating.

Ganzai: - Attentive. - speaking to his knights.

The troops of the empire were marching quickly towards the entrance to the ancient sanctuary of Chaos, but even so the distance was quite great and they could make a surprise attack from a long distance if they wished but the same was true for the enemy.

Laylana: -How many? - looking at the side that raised an endless dust.

Aizawa: - in the previous analysis we counted at least the equivalent of 4 war convoys. - reporting to Laylana.

Jack: -This is how I like it! - thrilled to learn that.

Julius: -they come with everything to fight. - moving your hands.

Ganzai: -they were waiting for this. - scratching his goatee.

Laylana: -as we predicted ... - clenching his fist.

Vanish: -Queen? - looking at Laylana waiting for an order to attack.

Laylana: -Very well, alliance get ready for the direct confrontation! - alerting the warriors that are part of the front line.

The more than 400 soldiers divided into 4 front lines commanded by each of the 4 combat generals of the kingdoms, the brave soldiers hold their weapons in hand, some anxious and nervous others very satisfied with the approaching combat, typical of the heroes of Cevat.

Vanish: -Knights of Liogres! - raising his sword with the coat of arms of Liogres.

Linkhall: -Heroes of Cevat! - raising his pistols high.

Hikari: -Yessol warriors! - raising a long sword.

Zau: -Beast men of Prismet! - raising his paw high.

-attack! - the 4 give the order after seeing that clerics of the empire that appear attacking in the middle of the desert sand by surprise.

The great war begins, the enemy had taken his first step, now there was no turning back, it was all or nothing, and everyone had to be surgical in their attacks in order to avoid loss of morale and unnecessary deaths.

-Damn it! - cutting off a jumping cleric's leg.

- fierce cut! - splitting one that came towards you.

The greatest number of soldiers in relation to the clergy begins to battle hard in the arid camp of that place, leaving no room for error or casualties at that time.

Vanish: -this! Move forward without mercy! - with his sword in hand pointing forward while he was on top of his horse affectionately called "perse".

The empire convoy continued to approach but those clerics from the first charge were eliminated without any problems.

-We did it! - vibrating when finished killing the last standing cleric.

-Aeeeee! Shout the others.

Hikari: -Don't rush, that was just the first wave. - looking for more clerics to start running towards them. -the second charge comes now!

The 400 or so soldiers begin to eliminate the second charge, but unlike the first one, there were more warriors on the imperial side, but as in the first they manage to eliminate them without much effort again, causing the ego of many to inflate.

- we can do it. - a little breathless.

LinkHall: -the third charge is on its way!

-long live to the king! - Cevat's heroes begin to slaughter clerics.

Zau: -attack! - sending your chains up.

The 400 or so soldiers continue to advance towards the oncoming convoy and, like the second, the third had many more clerics and this is starting to make things more difficult, however they are almost unharmed from the third wave of attacks.

-with ... we continue. - panting while sitting on the floor.

Hiraki: -The fourth wave is already coming! - screams loudly. -we don't have time to rest!

-Already? - looking at his companions.

-damn it! - wiping sweat off your face.

The soldiers enter the battle against twice as many clerics as they do and that starts to leave casualties in the alliance, at the end of that wave of the 400 only 388 were standing ready for the 5 wave that followed right after and the sixth leaving only 300 foot.

Madoka: -fast get the wounded out of the field! - trying to staunch a knight's injury.

Shuno: -This is terrible, we will have to amputate his leg. - immobilizing one of the beast men.

Linkhall: -The seventh wave is coming! - watching his tired troop.

The soldiers begin the battle for the seventh time, but this time something goes wrong and more soldiers are killed by the clerics who use a powerful line of attack.

Mei: -if it continues like this we won't have men on the front line. - using your portions to heal minor injuries to deeper ones.

Temari: -We need reinforcement now! - looking at the second line.

Sakura: -second line of attack, move forward! - drawing his sword.

Fujikata: - attack without mercy! - creating voids around your hands.

Eros: -avoid casualties! - holding the sword that has so much affection.

The knights begin to help the soldiers in the fight against the low-ranking clerics who were in greater numbers and rested.

Jack: -this is already annoying me! Why don't you see them all at once ?! - holding the throne tightly.

Aizawa: -there's something wrong here ... - thoughtful.

Laylana: -Aizawa? - looking at him.

Aizawa: -They are keeping us busy for some reason. - rationing.

Julius: -but why? Would they do that? we are here in front of them. - looking at Aizawa.

Beseke: -look at the sky. - pointing upwards after seeing darkness appear.

Ganzai: -the sun is being covered very quickly. - worried about that.

Jack: -I thought it should only happen in half an hour. - rising from the throne he was on.

Shiba: -Why is this happening? - looking at those responsible for the strategy.

Aizawa: -Our method was not an exact science. - looking up. -we must have miscalculated.

Sakuno: -What are you saying? They missed the time to start their idiots. - going in the direction of Aizawa.

Tatsune stands in front of them to prevent an attack from Jack's son.

Julius: -we keep calm, Laylana said there could be a difference. - looking at Jack.

Jack: -but i thought it would be 1 minute or two, but not that much.

Ganzai: -this is not the time to discuss this, they know something we don't know and are using it to their advantage, look! - pointing in the direction of the troops of the empire.

Jack: -they ... - not understanding what to see.

Laylana: -Are you stopping? - watching the movement.

The empire's army for its advance about 1 km before the place where they are allied, but the dust produced by them continues to cover the total extent of what they bring.

Jack: -What does that mean? If they plan something, let's go with everything first! - punching the throne.

Julius: -Don't talk nonsense Laws, didn't the capital teach you anything? - looking at Laws.

Ganzai: -Laylana? - expecting something from the person behind that project.

Laylana: -... - without understanding that.

While the kings try to situate themselves in what happened there, what that acceleration of the eclipse means, and the reason why the troops of the empire stopped their advance, the clerics of the begin to accelerate the attacks and attacks against the front line that is already being helped by knights of Liogres now they needed to have the strength to withstand the next wave that they see next.

Vanish: -they are standing still ... - cutting off the head of one of the clergy who attacked him.

Linkhall: -Are they scared? - realizing that empire had stopped.

Darui: -Stay alert! - yells at everyone. -do not leave your positions.

Sakura: -The eclipse started ... - realizing that the day is turning into night.

Eros: -but that should only be half an hour from now. - looking up.

Fujikata: -Aizawa ... - looking at Aizawa who talks to Laylana.

Fuiiki: get ready to erase it! - seeing that the sun was about to hide.

So the sun is completely taken by the eclipse leaving the day totally dark and the last ray of light shines in the sky, clarifying in a red tone everything that touches, the skies become red, as well as the desert sand.

Guma: -What is that? - hearing the sound of bones breaking.

Mimi: -my God ... - feeling a dread with those sounds

Nicelle: -that sounds horrible. - something like guts being chewed.

The twilight ray reveals something on the empire side after the blackout that lasted only a few seconds, the sound of bodies dragging and bone swaying gave way to something terrible.

Zau: -what? - surprised by what his eyes see.

Darui: -muck ... - as soon as the twilight light beam appears.

At the front of the empire line there were about 25 beings wielding shiny weapons, they were the exoteric ones, figures who appeared during the invasion of the Liogres kingdom but it was not they who gaped, it was the army of horrendous creatures that was rising.

-Get up and propose, my specters! - a voice echoes through the desert.

The scene that followed was terrifying, a battle that played easy gave way to a bloody battle, pieces of bodies were pulled out and thrown away in a matter of seconds, everything seemed rum in the midst of pain and despair, screams that begin more out of nowhere they ended, sounds of broken bones and sharp teeth slicing through meat with blades of blades almost wireless at that point, everything was dyed red under a sky stained with incomprehension because all that was seen was a sea of ​​the dead.

-aaaar! - having your lung punctured.

Temari: -fast heal them! - ordering their forces to try to save those who were still repeating.

-oooh! - being chewed alive.

Shuno: - get out, get out! - asking the wounded horsemen to leave the area before they were killed.

-hur! - with part of his head cut in half.

Guren: -this will be a massacre if it continues like this. - using its petals to take wounded soldiers.

Vanish: -...! - recover from the last war that was. -Don't stand still, fight back! - William realizes that his men are being obliterated while he was lost in thought.

-help! Cries one of the knights of Liogres.

"Stand up and propose, my specters!" these words started something never before experienced by the warriors of the alliance, it was a terrible thing to imagine and suddenly those things start to creep, walk and then run towards the knights who, at first impressed, do not know what to do until it's too late.

Sakura: -What are these things? - using his sword to cut off one of the creatures that insisted on standing still after receiving deadly blows on the body.

Callisto: -I don't know but they stink a lot. - with your hand on your nose after cutting one in half.

Eros: -these things appeared out of nowhere. - right after he kicks one of the creatures that was approaching.

The creatures have their bodies covered with black skin with white symbols, their arms and legs were longer and thinner, their faces disfigured and almost twisted in addition to an insatiable thirst for blood.

Beseke: -Laylana ... - looking up while guarding her defense post from the queen.

On top of the transporting beasts the kings incredulous with the events are at the mercy of the enemy.

Jack laws: -What are these things? - seeing that the battle accelerates more and more as the front line is slaughtered by the creatures.

Julius: -there are spectra ...

Ganzai: -Specters ... How? - looking at Julius who looks worried.

Laylana: -they must have some necromancer in their midst. - breathless.

Julius: If this fact is confirmed, we will be in trouble, an endless army will beat us without hesitation now that our warriors are tired after the great wave of attacks by those clerics.

Laylana: -That's why they attack from afar, they were hoping to weaken us with the first wave of attacks and now they are able to decimate our forces by tiredness.

Jack: - treacherous bastards, that's cheating! - rises from his throne under one of the transport beasts.

Ganzai: -Do you really think that in a war they would fight clean? - looking at Jack.

Laylana: -Tatsune! - Laylana shouts from above.

Tatsune: -centre in freeing space for the medical company to save those that can be recovered. - raising his sword upwards when receiving the order.

Guma: -Our time has come. - running towards the action using your sword to cut various spectra.

Kyouka: -we were going to bust this ugly face! - using your speed and sharp claws to make your way through the enemy.

Nicelle: -these things sound disgusting - using your wire to pull the limbs from the enemies running towards you.

Mimi: -Be careful! - using his scepter to separate the cups from the soldiers who were still alive close to the specters.

Yudi and Yuri start to run in front of Mimi protecting her from attacks, but are prevented by beings already known.

F66: -where do you think you are going? - a being in red armor with weapons that shine like fire.

Y99: - they didn't pass! - holding your ax.

Tatsune: -...!

K9: -you don't stand a chance! - one of the exoterics appears over the formation and attacks using his chain that shone like fire.

Fujikata: -Vacuum pits! - hit some creatures trying to get through the frontline of the alliance and launching them against the K9 current.

Linkhall: -Link trigger! - firing from your weapon, projectiles of energy towards the exoteric who carries the symbol k9 in his armor.

L22: - overpowering spear! - an exoteric with a female voice appears in the middle of the battle protecting k9 by turning the gun he carries with him, a spear that like the k9 chain shines like fire.

Zau: -What the hell is this? They were not that strong in the capital. - fighting an exoteric with the N33 symbol.

Hana: - Apparently they were hiding their true strength that day. - fighting an exoteric with the symbol R44.

Dimitri: - Heavenly execution! - an ario of golden light destroyed several bodies of specters coming towards them.

Dohko: -I just wanted a day of rest. - shooting at the specters that tried to pass through the defense line.

Uzimaki: - stop complaining, Dohko! - the old man appears making his way among the specters using his fists on fire.

Jack: -this way we will have to change our tactics. - hitting the throne. -we can't let them go through the second line.

Exoterics hinder second-line soldiers who are beginning to get injured and worn out with such force.

Guma: - Damn ... - with a broken left arm.

Nicelle: -Faster and stronger ...

Kyouka: -my claws cannot pierce their armor.

Mimi: -Guma ... - running up to him.

Yudi: -What will we do?

Yudi: -they are many.

Tatsune: -Don't let your morale drop, we have to make it or we all die here.

Fujikata: -are you okay? - looking at them.

Tatsune: -Will we stay, any news?

Fujikata: -the novelty is not to be beaten for it .. - watching the movement of the exoterics to get away from there. -han?

Guma: -they're running away? - with his sister healing his arm.

Aizawa: - King Laws is right, if we change the way we fight now we will be annihilated in the midst of this strong mass of enemies that have no human limits. - looking at Lauylana. -we will have to give up the current formation and attack with everything we have.

Laylana: -if you think Aizawa. - looking ahead. -all right ... ent - Laylana's eyes widen when she sees something moving next to her train, it was huge but she couldn't distinguish what it was about until a strong clear took her field of view, being fired in the direction of Kings.

Then: -...!

Give: -...!

Shiba: -...!

Sakuno: -...!

The impact of the flash was enormous, the troops were thrown to all sides as if they were nothing, amid cries of pain and despair a crater was seen on the ground where there were 4 kings and their troops, the battle was lost after such an abatement as that, and so the way would be clear.

At least that was what was going on in Growmel's head when he sent that fiery torch to be fired from one of his fire lizards, but the explosion and light that was seen there was different now, something had come in front of the blow in the dark of evil imbuing in the darkness of the twilight that was in the air in the midst of the eclipse, it was strong and bright white light that was hovering in the air revealing all the vast environment and the true forces of the enemy.

"Lumos" that was the word spoken just before the loud bang took place, such a word was able to change the fate of the forces of the royal alliance that was now behind a wall of ice and lines of fire that left everyone silent even Growmel.

Growmel: -...!

So everyone turned to something angelic descending from heaven, a being with long blond hair tied in the shape of a ponytail and wings of light that emerged from her back, she wore a white dress with golden details, in her hand a long sword with a yellow stone in the center, her eyes were closed and when she reached the ground she opened them thus discharging all that energy she held using only a cube of light that hatches being thrown against the lizard that was annihilated releasing a strong flash and winds that they are stopped by the defense of ice vines that collapsed right after the manifestation of power of the enemy attack hitting something.

Julius: -who are they? - looking at those beings.

Jack: -A angel?

Ganzai: -No ...

Laylana: -they are the ... - recognizing those in question.

Tatsune: -... it can't be ... - putting your hand over your mouth when you can see after the glare and dissipate those who arrived.